Terra Dragon

"Yumi, we must let Titania know, it's been 16 years. Just like he said."

"I know, but we can't right now, we must watch and wait. He isn't strong enough to even come in contact with her and Titania has more important things to worry about."

*Sigh* "No she doesn't."

"Rose open the portal and Emily get everything ready. I'll let Genji know of the situation."

"We must be prepared."



As I ran through the door away from that horrifying creature I questioned what he said. I couldn't understand what he meant by "Oh Great One." There was something going on here, something beyond my current understanding of my current situation.

Actually, this entire situation is beyond my understanding.

Before I knew it I arrived at the red desert I had seen in the room with The Entity. It was incredibly hot right when I came in contact with the sand I was drenched in sweat. The sun seemed to be way bigger than the one on earth almost covering the entire sky and the blood-red sand was shimmering on the ground while the sandstone pillars towered over my head like skyscrapers. The desert seemed as though it covered the whole world, maybe the heat was already getting to me, but it was evident that there were no towns or villages nearby.

First I needed to figure out if there was some sort of stats menu. The Entity never mentioned anything about a stats menu but there had to be something.



"STATISTICS MENU." I kept yelling at the top of my lungs hoping something would pop up.

"Well this is annoying, there has to be a way to open the menu." I thought.


"Wait what seriously."

The stats menu instantly popped up in my face, I am assuming that just thinking "menu" opens it. But why is it just called menu, it's kind of irritating.


Level 12

Race: ???



Stamina: 10x3

Strength: 19x3

Intelligence: 40x3

Charisma: 52

Defence: 17

Agility: 8x3

Luck: 12

Magic Power: 0


"Hmm I am guessing the stats that are multiplied by 3 relate to the "Perfect Being", my stamina and agility are really low, luckily they are increased by 3 fold but it still isn't enough. I really need to so something about all this fat, but then again who would have thought I would be in the wacky situation. I also noticed my insanely large mana pool. Well at least I think this is large, according to game logic 1 spell cost around 120 mana. So I am hoping the same logic applies to this case.

I also noticed that to the left of my stats there were two other tabs, abilities and chat. To switch between them I just have to think about switching and it does it for me.

I switched to the chat out of curiosity.



"HA if you weren't so fat your stats would be higher dumbass."

"Wait is this real guys, like this is seriously happening right now."

"Your so lucky Oliver, how did a fatass like you get chosen for this shit."

"Did anyone else hear how crazy the governments of the world are going, HA its mad."


"Okay, then I am definitely not looking there for a while." I thought as I wandered around analysing my stats.

"Wait what is this." I noticed something peculiar, I was already level 12. That made no sense. I haven't seen or touched a single monster or even touched any minerals. Do you get experience from just walking and wandering around?

As I was deep in thought I heard a slight rumble from below me. Instinctively, I close my menu and carefully listened to the rumbling, usually, if there is rumbling below a soft surface it signifies a giant worm or some sort of earth creature.

The rumbling stopped.

Right as I thought I was in the clear, the ground breaks beside me. I grab onto one of the rocks beside me and barely pull myself out of the newly made hole. As the ground fell a figure arose from the ditch, that's when I realized this was no worm.

This was something way bigger.

Out of the hole came a huge snake-like creature. What should have been its face was just a huge circular mouth opened at all times with almost a dozen layers of 1,000 teeth inside. The almost 12 layers of teeth rotated in circles and made a horribly grinding noise as the monster faced me.

I wanted to know what this was, I thought I could use the true sight on it to see what it was. Right as I thought that text appeared above the beast. Just as I thought, if I think of the ability I want to use it activates. Above the beast it said Level: 75, Race: Terra Dragon, Elements: Earth.

"A terra dragon huh, that's pretty cool." I said with confidence even though I was trembling in fear.

I have to remember this is no game, I can get hurt, I can die, even though I was scared out of my mind.

I couldn't help but smile.

I thought of using mana punch but it didn't activate. I thought about it again and it didn't work.

"Uh oh."

The terra dragon screeched as it started slithering towards me. I could hear the grinding of its teeth as it approached me at an insane speed.

"What the hell is going on, why won't my ability activate."

I dodged the dragons head-on attack quite easily thanks to the perfect being passive. It made it a lot easier to move around, but it wasn't going to be enough, I had already begun to feel tired after that one simple dodge.

The Terra Dragon slammed into a sandstone pillar I had been resting against, this would give me time to get as far as possible, I turned around to check on the status of the dragon, but it wasn't there.

I stopped running to see where the dragon went, it was nowhere to be seen. I know I didn't kill it, there was no way I could have. I started to panic before I noticed I was just walking in circles.

Then I felt the rumbling again.

I knew where it was going to appear, it seems to appear right in front of its target before resurfacing. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't higher level than this dragon so I couldn't tame it, I can't use the one offensive ability I was given because it won't activate.

Am I going to die?

The rumbling stopped, the ground around me broke like glass as the dragon rose from the ground as if it was flying. It looked at me, its teeth grinding faster than before. It let out a screech so massive I lost all hearing. The dragon started to charge towards me, then I thought. The Entity said certain amounts of mana can be used to increase or decrease the strength of the mana punch. Does that mean I need to think of the mana usage when I wanna use mana punch?

Right as the dragon was going to swallow me whole my fist lit up with a blue-like magic and I punched the dragon as hard as I could. A shockwave was created behind me as the dragon was sent flying metres away from where I punched it. I used 400 mana for that punch. After seeing what it did to that dragon and the ground around me I couldn't help but think what kind of punch would be created if I used my entire mana pool of 30,000 mana. The thought of the recoil of the punch terrified me.

As I was mentally celebrating the activation of the spell I started to feel a searing pain in my hand, I had badly bruised my fist. This is what The Entity meant by recoil, the stronger the punch the stronger the recoil. I had to keep this in mind.

I climbed out of the small ditch the shockwave from the punch had created and saw the dragon reorienting himself. With the mana punch, I knew this would be a lot easier as I peeked at the dragon's stats to see his health. That one punch has knocked 5,000 out of its 15,000 health. All I needed to do was punch it 2 more times and I would kill it, I had enough mana for it. I can do this.

Right, I was getting ready for the battle to continue a notification popped up.


Milestone reached: 5 million pounds raised

Most money raised by: Anonymous donator

Quest created by The Entity: Defeat the Terra Dragon with only 700 mana.

Punishment: Lose a limb

Reward: Gain 50 levels


"Seriously 5 million pounds already donated, and what the fuck is this punishment "lose a limb" are you serious."

What concerned me was that I had to defeat the dragon with 700 mana, but according to what I calculated before I needed at least 800 mana to kill this dragon. How is this going to be possible? And will I really lose a limb for failing this quest?

I had no time to think as the dragon was heading towards my direction at an incredible speed. This time it didn't head underground and the grinding of the teeth had gotten significantly louder and faster.

There was only one thing I could do, I had to punch the dragon with a mana punch consuming 700 mana. I needed to use the rest of my mana, I can't use 400 mana because it won't be enough, and I don't want to take any chances with any other amount.

Before I knew it the dragon was practically right in my face, I knew I had to go for it.

I thought of the mana usage of the punch and my hand was engulfed in significantly brighter blue. My hand felt extremely heavy as I took a swing at the dragon. Right as my fist made contact with the dragon the blue magic dissipated around the dragon and a huge blast was created and I instantly flew backward smashing against the sandstone pillar behind me creating a huge crater behind me. The shockwave from the punch's impact was so strong it had created a dust storm that engulfed the entire battlefield.

My consciousness was fading and I couldn't see or hear the dragon did I do it? Did I kill the dragon?

A notification popped up.


Quest failed

Punishment will now be carried out
