
Before I knew it, I was running in an endless field. The details were much clearer now, the grass being ever so green and the infinite number of flowers growing alongside each other.

I didn't want it to end.

I didn't know who these people were, but being around them warmed my heart. I couldn't make out their faces, but at the same time, they were familiar.

In an instant the sky turned dark, arrows flying around us and the once endless field blooming with life lit up in flames, turning to ash.

"OLIVER," I heard a panicked scream as someone's hand approached me in the midst of the flames, I reached out to grab the hand.


"GODDAMMIT AVEM WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP," I yelled with extreme anger as I punched the wall, shattering it.


After coming back to my senses I apologized to Avem and patched up the wall with some Avery wood left over from the last repairs. I climbed the ladder down to the workshop.

"You know Oliver, you've been here for 9 days and you haven't been talkative at all. As your teacher I expect you to be more talkative. Wait, have you even been paying attention to all of our classes."

"Sorry Avem, something is on my mind, and of course I have been paying attention to all your classes." Since the dragon fight, I haven't received another quest, it doesn't make sense but I'd rather not have to deal with any while I am around Avem. I haven't looked at the live-stream chat since then, and I don't plan to. At this point Avem still thinks I've lost all my memory and continues to teach me about the world of Celestania.

"Fine, I'll test you then."

"What are the names of the 9 races that exist on Celestia?"

*sigh* "Humans, Harpies, Ogres, Vampires, Mermaids, Dwarves, Demons, Fairies, and ummm."

"Dryads you shinster."

"While we are on the subject of races, what are the 9 elements?"

"Fire, Lightning, Earth, Light, Dark, Water, Healing and wind."

"CORRECT, next ques-."

"Sorry for interrupting you teacher," I said with a semi-sarcastic tone, "but you keep calling me shinster, what does it mean."

"Oh, that?" Crow's feet formed around her eyes as she attempted to retain a serious face, which seemed to be futile as she grinned more and more. "It means-" She finally burst into a light laughter. "Don't worry about it, now, pick up those Avery planks and finish that bridge you were working on like a good student".

"But you weren't you gonna tes-"

"Don't make me say it again Oliver."

I picked up the stack of wood and wobbled out the door making sure not to fall, as I approached the edge of the unfinished bridge I noticed something. Upon a closer look it seemed as though 5 harpies were approaching Avem's cabin. Remembering that she's Graceless I dropped the wood and rushed back to the cabin.


"Don't make me say it again Oliver," I said in a strict voice as I watched Oliver lazily pick up the Avery wood.

"What a fafafss he is," as I quietly chuckled to myself, but it got me thinking.

What is he?

He acts like no other human I have met, looks like no other human I've met. And though he has lost all his memories he claims he is 17 without being aptitude tested for magic.

"AVEM, AVEM," I heard Oliver from outside yelling. As I approached the door I saw him out of breath and panting, slouching over and leaning on the door frame for support.

"What's wrong Oliver, you ran all the way over here for what."

"S-s-someones coming, 5 harpies. They are probably at the bridge by now."

My heart dropped, I dropped everything to the floor and lost strength in my knees.

"Don't joke with me Oliver, this isn't funny."

"I'm not joking, I swear."

I got up in a panic, not knowing what to do. Why are they here, they promised they wouldn't disturb me, this makes no sense. As I scurry around the room in a panic I notice Oliver looking at me in confusion.

"Don't worry Oliver, I'm doing fine, thanks for asking."

"What should we do, should we hide, why don't we just fly away."

"It's NOT AS EASY AS THAT," I yelled at Oliver in pure panic. as he flinched in the sudden change of my tone.

"Ok Oliver this is what we will do, you go get th-,"

"Ahh, if it isn't Avem, long time no see, how are you holding up."

"Ohhh, uh, i-if it isn't Ovis, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm doing s-spectacular," I said as my voice continued to shake.

"Who is this human, and what is he doing with you dear older sister?"


Using the knowledge I gained from Avem, I kneeled on the floor and properly introduced myself.

"Seyllo, I am Oliver, I had recently lost my memories and have been under the care of Avem."

*scoffs* "Get up human, I don't need your courtesy," he said in an arrogant yet relaxed voice.

As he walked past him I noticed his Fiery red wings, he was a tall and elegant looking man with beautiful wings. His long red hair perfectly matched his wings. He must have been important with his fancy clothing and his feathers will be beyond clean compared to Avems.

"Wait OLDER SISTER?!" I yelled as I came to the realisation.

"Shhh Oliver."

"What is all of this trash Avem? Is this where you have been living? This is no place for me to be," Ovis exclaimed while kicking objects out of his way.

"Well this is the land I was given, and I have turned it into a comfortable home for myself."

"HAHAHA, YOU CALL THIS COMFORTABLE?!", he yelled as he punched a giant whole through the wall with ease.

In that instant I could sense the disheartenment on Avem's face without the need to look, but when I turned. I noticed there was no surprise, like she knew this would happen. Should I do something? He approached Avem and grabbed her firmly by the hand.

"I can't stay in this roff any longer, Avem you are coming with me - mother requests to see you."

"Wait wait," Avem said as she struggled to loosen his grip, "Why would mother want to see me?" The more she squirmed, the tighter he grasped her. The look of discomfort quickly evolved to one of affliction.

The urge to help her heightened as I couldn't decide whether it was best to interfere. In the midst of my quarrel a notification alerted me to the activation of my menu.


Milestone reached: 5 million pounds raised

Most money raised by: The Doomslayer

Quest created by The Doomslayer: Teach Ovis a lesson for hurting Avem

Punishment: An audience with the Queen of Harpania

Reward: An audience with the Queen of Harpania


What, the quest isn't hard at all, but what is with the reward and punishment? They are the exact same. What does this mean? Is it inevitable that I will meet the Queen of Harpania? Does that mean depending on what I chose will determine the outcome of the meeting?

Without thinking I chose to follow the quest's orders, aiming for the presumably better outcome deriving from the reward.

I approached Ovis quickly.

[Mana punch, 100 mana]

As I approached Ovis I knew I had to use less mana, considering 400 mana was enough to knock a terra dragon over, and this was before my stats got an incredible boost. I let out a cheeky grin as my fist approached Ovis's face at an incredible speed.

I felt the inertia of my punch as it broke through the wind of the high altitude. As my fist reached his face, I saw the skin on his face ripple as I hit him, smashing him through the wall and making him fly almost completely out of sight, visible only through the trails left behind by his wings cutting through the air. We heard his girly scream as he faded away.

"Oops, that may have been a bit stronger than I thought."