
I stare at Abby, waiting for her to start the conversation, but she doesn't.

She sits straight with her legs crossed, as she fumbles with her fingers. Quietly staring down at her hands.

"So, Abby" I start, sensing she might be a little nervous "what can I do for you?"

She clears her throat "So you see my daughter, Adria, will be attending camp this year" she says still looking down at her hands. "I guess I'm just a little nervous. She missed it almost every year, you guys don't do anything, extreme right?"She finally looked up at me, her eyes begging for me to say no.

I smiled, because I know a lot of parents just like her, worry when we leave with their kids for our annual, "camp."

"Rest assure, we only allow them to do what ever is in there limits" I lie. "If I see that Adria can't I will pull her out myself."

She smiles back "thank you."

I smile in return.

It hurts me to lie to her, but if she knew what we did in those camp getaways, she would have a heart attack.

Every year we leave for a week, somewhere out of our home town, summer county in Utah, for the annual "camp."

Not the kind of camp you see on TV's. With marshmallow roasting, campfire singing, kumbaya hugging, always laughing camp.

Well I mean we do those things,


I guess it's not much of a camp, it's more of a tournament. A competition per say. Competing against other packs, for god knows what. I guess its to see who has the bigger set of balls.

Yes I know it's stupid,

Heck even Adam was happily going to remove our pack from ever going back to this "camp." A word only used as an excuse, for alphas, like his dad who had a idiotic rivalry against each other.

Adam finally ended up not going along with his original plan. When he noticed meany of the young wolves, that were eligible to go, were actually looking forward to this! But also because Adam fix almost all of the issues his father had against the other packs.

The younger generation's idea of going wasn't for the reasons that Adam's dad would have liked;

To win, be powerful and so many other stupid things he said would 'benefit' our pack.

Yet they wanted to go, to feel a sense of freedom.

To roam free, in wolfram, with out any human accidentally spotting them. That's the kind of Luxury we don't have here in this small town.

We live in a small town which we share with a few humans who seem to migrate here from time to time. Not in our literal neighborhood, but along the outskirts of it. We hardly ever talk to them except the occasional greetings when crossing paths. They don't know that they live surrounded by supernatural beings and we intend to keep it that way. We respect humans, as much as we respect our selfs. Trying hard to coexist with them.

I say hard, because even though we will think twice before killing them. If they find out what we are. They will pull a trigger with out blinking to kill one of us.

The thought of that is a little hard to swallow.


"Is that all beta Abby?" I say, embarrassed I was lost in my train of thought.

"Um yes I guess that was it." She says as she stands up. "Just please look after her" Abby looks down "I don't think I can go through another loss... I can't go through that pain again."

I walk around my desk and place a hand on her shoulder for comfort "I'll look after her, don't worry."

Abby looks up giving me a warm smile.

Shortly after we both began to walk out of my office. "Besides, everything we do at camp, is completely safe" I try to show her a reassuring smile, only to have is wiped off by Abby's blank expression.

She patted me on the back "People talk, beta James, especially those chatty teens." She walks past me "just keep that in mind next time you try to lie." Abby yells as she walks down the stairs that lead to the front door.

Reaching the front door, she turns the knob pulling the door slightly ajar. "I know you mean well so don't worry, I won't hold it against you. Just look after my girl." She pulls out her sunglasses and puts them on as she makes her way out the door.


I finally get to the pack house; a two stories antique looking home with brick walls covering the house and a fenced in garden. I've been telling Adam to remodel his home, his is the only one that looks ancient. Maybe give it a more modern feel, but like always he brushes it off for later saying 'the older it looks the homier it is'. I just think he's too arrogant to admit he can't decorate to save his life.

I get out of my car with my duffel bag in hand and lock it.

Just as I was about to go in I see Abby's red convertible parked on the side of the road. She was talking to a girl, her daughter maybe. The girl pulls Abby in for a hug, and immediately Abby reciprocates. They both seemed emotional so I look away, and walk inside.

Walking in my mouth falls gape. Almost in every corner there was a pair of kids groping or eating there faces off. Not knowing what else to do I walk over to Adam who was standing in the Conner of the room with his arms crossed.

"So...Whats going on here?"

"At this point I don't know. Most of these kids are new and inexperienced to the felling of sexual desire. Their hormones are on a whole other level." He stares at them in amazement "can you imagine if we had this kind of energy when we were there age. We wouldn't have gotten anything done."

I look at him and laugh "true, true. Yet, from what I can remember we were very good at multitasking."

We both laughed "yes that's true" Adam said between laughs.

We turn to look at them just in time to see a boy lift a girl by her waist and pin her against the wall. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist as he began to kiss her on the lips hungrily, then started to trail sloppy kisses down her neck.

"My house is slowly turning into a sex debauch" Adam mumbled still staring at the couple. "I don't think their even mates, yet they do this so openly" he continues on.

I can tell he was getting mad, it was only a matter of time befo-

"EVERYONE," Adam shouted. There was a gold ring around his iris, letting me know that his wolf was trying to claw his way to the surface. "I have lost all or close to all my patience. I know that mating season is just right around the corner and your heat is probably at its pick." He lifts his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose "but if I see someone, ANYONE, put their damn hands on someone else. I will drag you all one at a time out of this house." He looked at the kids around the room, who were now looking at the floor with their heads bowed. "Do I make my self clear?" Adam shouted again, making some of the kids flinch in response.

"Yes alpha" they all said in unison.

Adam turned to look at me, his blue eyes back to normal "that just felt so refreshing. I literally thought I was about to loose my mind if I saw someone else use my living area, like a bed room."

I laughed "I get it I would have done the same." Adam is a good Alpha, humble, down to earth and very patience. There are just those moments when people test his patience, taking advantage of his laid back personality eventually causing all his bottled up frustration too spew out.

As time passed, chatter started fluttering around the room, getting louder with every passing minute.

I roll my eyes and look at Adam, who was staring at the ceiling taking deep breaths. I can tell he was already mentally preparing himself to drag someone outside.