So you are...

"Can seventeen through nineteen, get in a line behind Alpha Adam and can twenty on get in a line in front of me." I say irritated to be in a room full of sex crazed teens.

Even though Adam had threaten them, I caught a few sneaking off to release their 'sexual urges'. I don't think it gets further then a lip lock or an ass grab, but still I want some type of self control and respect.

"GUYS" I yell, seeing that none of them made any efforts to get in line. "Get in line, NOW." Slowly they began to move, looking down scared to even meet my gaze.

Adam just laughed, realizing that I am also reaching the same level of irritation he's on.

Once they were done getting in line I noticed that we had a lot of unmated wolves over the age of twenty and about a handful that were still to young to find one. To be more exact there was thirty- eight under nineteen, and only seventeen older then or at the age of twenty. Our Mated couples don't come since in their opinion there is no point anymore.

"God, this is going to be a long week" Adam whispered to me.

"Oh trust me I know" I whispered back still looking at them. "When alpha or I come around, please state your name and age so we know who's present." I say looking down at the list of names. I walk to the first person in my line ready to start, but interrupted by the squeaking sound of the front door as it opens.

Damn door needs oil again.

First Lily, our gamma's daughter, walks in. Her black passion twisted hairstyle bounced against her radiant black skin, as she skips to my line. Next Nathen walks in. As a delta of the pack Adam placed him outside to make sure every wolf came in safely and orderly. I guess he forgot the orderly part.

"Nathan is walking in, that means this is it" Adam notes, almost sounding relieved that there isn't anymore foot traffic.

Just when I began to think Nathan was about to close the door, he pauses and opens the door a little more, making way for who ever was behind him.

Squinting my eyes I finally see a girl walk in from behind the door. I wasn't close by her but I can see from where I was standing that she was, stunning.

Her burlywood skin, glistened against her brown wavy hair that fell in waves down her back. She wore a casual burnt orange dress and a dark jean jacket to match. Nathan smiled at her as he grabbed her hand while she carried her duffle bag in the other, swiftly guiding her to my line.

After a few minutes of staring at her, she snapped her head up and looked around until her eyes landed on me.

I guessed she sensed someone staring.

She continued to look at me.

I stood up a little straighter, allowing my authoritative aura surface.

'Maybe if I intimidate her a little she will look away', I thought, but she was unfazed. I tilted my head to the side as she looked at me not willing to back down.

"Beta James, you haven't called me." I looked down to see Berkley batter her eyes at me. She lifted her hand and with her index finger she began to graze my bicep up and down flirtatiously. I lifted my head slightly to see if the girl was still staring.

And she was, yet no longer at me, but at Berkley.

When she realized I was looking at her again, she looked away.

I looked back at Berkley and then at the clip board I was holding "Berkley Donovine" I put a check next to her name "present." I backed away from her touch and moved on to the next person. Berkley crossed her arms and pouted, expecting me to come back, but of course I didn't. I've been down that road, and I surely do not want to go back. Ive never dated her, I just felt bad and played along with her flirts and double meaning jokes. I did make it clear that I had no intent in dating her, but that just made her more clingy.

I continued to check off names until I reached the anonymous girl.

I cleared my throat "name?" I said trying hard not to look up from my clipboard.

A few seconds passed with out a response, so I looked up to meet her gaze. Big gray, green orbs met mine. She has long eye lashes and thick steep arched eyebrows. She wasn't short, I bet if I got closer her head would be alliend with my jaw.

"Adria Doveling" she finally answered.

I nodded and looked back down at my clip board, "ok what's your ag-" I stoped and looked back up at her. "Doveling? You're the daughter of Abby and Joshua Doveling?"

She lifted an eyebrow "Yes, that's me."

Wow, Adria.

I remember her now, we went to school together for a year before I graduated high school. Last time I saw her was at her fathers funeral three years ago, Adria was seventeen maybe eighteen. She was different, looked different. Adria was smaller, meek looking. With her go to bright red high lights decorating her hair and black clothing. Even then I always thought she still looked attractive."I'm sorry for your loss" I said as I looked into her eyes.

I watched the inner corners of her eyebrow tugged together, as a wave of sadness washed over her face. She looked at the floor. I can tell she was trying hard to suppress her emotions.

After a few seconds she fixed her composure, took a deep breath and finally looked up at me "Thank you, Beta-" she paused not knowing my name

"James" I answer.

She nods and continues "Um do you have any more questions?" Adria said with a unexpected smile.

"Um, well from what I can tell this is your first camp" I say as I look through some papers "ever."

"Yes, well you see I," she tried to explain, but I cut her off.

"No need to explain, I understand. Can you start by stating your full name" I click the top of my pen down on my clipboard so I can start taking her information.

"Adria Grace Doveling"

I nodded and wrote it down."Ok Age and date of birth." I continued

"I'm twenty-one. And well I turn twenty-two in four days so you can guess when my birthday is."

I nodded again and wrote it down.

Once I was done writing down her information I looked at her, said "thank you", and walked away.

I felt a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, realizing that I couldn't smell her scent. Everyone has one, some might smell pleasant to the nose like; fresh flowers or a fruit something mellow. While others might have a more pungent smell like; ginger or cinnamon, but with Adria I didn't get a whiff of anything except her floral perfume.

Maybe I wasn't paying attention.

I finally reached Adam who had his hands crossed in-front of his chest "So who's the girl you were talking to" he asked me with a smirk.

"Take that look off your face, that's Beta Abby's daughter." I mumbled.

Adams jaw dropped as he looked past me to see Adria. "Well damn. Being away from us sure did her well."

I raised my eyebrows

"What? You cant deny the girl looks good." Adam remarked as he lifted his hand towards her.

I turned around to look at Adria and crossed my hands in-front of my chest mimicking Adam.

She was laughing at something lily or Nathen just said. Showing off her smile, straight teeth and the two dimples she has on her cheeks. I wonder what they said that was making her laugh so much.

I shrugged "she's alright I guess."

Adam just rolled his eyes and patted me on my back "clearly we have different taste in woman" He said while he walked towards the front doors.

"Clearly" I said still staring at Adria.