The Girl


His hands were crossed in front of his chest as he stared back at me, but I didn't know why.

His stare was intense, making me feel self conscious under his gaze.

Maybe I have something on my face?

I remember him, we went to the same high school for a year before he graduated. We never talked and I doubt he ever noticed me, but I surly did notice him. Mr big shot, son of the great businessman, who everyone is school wanted, but sadly no one could have.

He wore casual clothing; black jeans, white and red stripped shirt, with a pair of white dress sneakers to match. His hair was cut short on the sides, as his soft wavy hair laid on top of his head. He had a well trimmed beard that wrapped around both sides of his face, accentuating his well defined jaw line and narrow nose.

James looked confused, like if he also didn't know why he was looking at me. Playing it off as nothing, I continued to talk and joke with Nathan and Lily. The only two friends that actually stood by me when my dad died.

"Ok everyone it's time, start heading towards the buses." Adam says.

Quickly everyone started walking out the front doors and into the front yard. They crowed around the buses waiting for instructions.

Adams and James walked through the crowd of teens,"the last two buses are for all seventeen through nineteen year old's" Adams spoke up, pointing to his left. "and the front two are for Twenty and up" Adams continued, as he pointed to his right.

"Now as you all know I like order so we will be sitting in order," James paused " Your alpha and I will be in the front, as well as lily who will take over her parents role as gamma, and Nathan our delta. Those who's name I did not call will go first, as you walk in start by filling up the back then make your way up to the front.

James looked to see if everyone was listening "That being said, please make a line in front of your assigned buses and head in."

People began to move, creating a line in front of the bus doors. I wasn't sure where I was supposed to go so I began to move in line with the rest of the group. Nathan and lily were too busy gossiping with other friends to even notice I had left their side.

I walk into the bus, quickly taking any open seat in the back. Soon after Adam and James walked in the bus laughing and cracking jokes, setting their stuff down on the open seats in the front.

From the corner of my eye I see Adam nudge James in the ribs then point to Nathan and lily."What the hell are you guys still doing outside. We need to get going" Adam yelled.

"Sorry alpha," Nathan called back "we seem to be missing Adria. We don't know where she went."

James turned towards us scanning the bus row by row, until his eyes landed on me "She's in here" he told Adam.

Adam waved at Lily and Nathan to come inside the bus.

"Why are you back there?" James asked me.

"I didn't know where to sit." I answered quietly, as everyone turned to look at me with questionable faces.

"Well you're certainly not sitting back there" James said. Then pointed to an empty seat that was on the the row across from his "Here, come take this spot. This seat seems to be open."

I nod.

As I began to move, so did the whispers;

"Who is she?" one said.

"Why is the beta moving her up there next to him?" said another.

"She's probably just the betas booty call. Thats probably why he wants to keep her close. What if the man has 'needs', someone needs to get on their knees" she snickered while someone else made gaging noises and imitated the sexual act. Like a contagious disease other people around her begin to laugh as well.

At that comment I turn to look who had said it. A brunette with pale skin and blue paltry eyes was still moving her mouth. I was too pissed to understand anything else she had to say.

I've seen her before,

but where?

"For someone who looks like she just rose from the dead, you sure do have a big mouth" I stated. "If you don't have enough guts to say it to my face, don't whisper it behind my back, thats just not classy. Or is that what your trying to point out?"

She quickly got up from her seat and angled her body so she was right in front of me. I was slightly taller than her so she had to tilt her head back to met my eyes.

"What did you say?" The girl said bluntly. Other people around the bus widened their eyes at our altercation. I guess no one stood up to her before.

She was too close for my own comfort. I can smell her strong orange scented lotion, which irritated my nose.

"What's going on back there" James called out.

At the sound of James's voice she turn to face him "James this girl" she emphasized, "Who the hell is she, to sit up there?"

I smile finally remembering who she is. Little miss handsy throwing herself at James back at the pack house. I wouldn't expect anything less out of her now, my standers have certainly fallen very low for this girl.

"I'm sorry are you questioning my authority?" James said. "last time I remember I only answer to my alpha."

James turned to look at Adam, who was glaring at the girl.

The girl on the other hand looked back at me with disgust. If we were given the ability to burn with our eyes I would have been ten feet under.

"Adria, come sit up here" James said waving me over with his hand, completely ignoring the girl next to me.

I began to move away from the girl, but she grabbed my wrist not willing to give up. I tried to wiggle out of her grasp but she had a tight hold on me.

"Let go of me" I say sternly.

The girl smiled, she can tell I was annoyed. My hands were itching to smack her, so I ball them up into a fist, trying to holding my self back.

Or maybe I should punch her, that sounds good to.

"Let. Go" I said again, becoming more agitated. I felt my wolf begin to stir with in me begging to get out and have It's way with this girl.

I closed my eyes, taking long deep breath's. I don't want to cause a scene, but just the smell of her made me want to throw her against a brick wall or any wall just as long as it hurts.

Slowly I opened my eyes, narrowing my gaze. She tried to look away but I held her eyes with my own.

"Your eyes" she whispered "There silver."

She slowly started to drop her head. Looking almost submissive.

"What the hell?" the girl said sounding surprised, as her hand started to lose grip around my wrist, eventually letting it go .

James began to walk towards us.

"Can someone explain to me what is going on?" James asked, not really for me to answer since he was not looking at me but at the girl in front of us.

"I don't think it's fair that she gets to sit in the front if she has no rank." the girl finally answered. "It's a rule you have enforced, so why does she get to break it?"

"What do you mean, you don't think it's fair? It wasn't meant for you to think anything of it. I told her to sit up there." James uttered. I looked up at him just in time to see a flash of anger sweep across his face. "I don't need to give you an explanation, or anyone on this bus for that matter" he said looking around "but she's Beta Abbys Daughter."

"Ya, her mother is beta, not her. You're acting like one can just be handed that title" she growled.

"HER mother might not be here, But she's here representing HER mother"James was fuming at this point. His anger was radiating off of him."Adria's mother was given the title by blood, I was handed the title" he paused. "Are you sending me to the back Berkley? Because if you are, I want you to tell me to my face. Not in whispers, like you're doing to Adria. I dare you to look at my face and tell me to sit in the back, because I was handed this position, and not born into it."

He waited a bit to see if she dared to lift her face, but of course she didn't.

Berkley, as James called her, still held her head down. She was growling softly, hating the fact that her wolf was obliged to submit.

"I suggest you sit your ass down, because if you dare correct me again, I will personally throw you off this bus and make you walk to the camp site. Do I make my self clear?"

Berkley nodded.

"Now sit" he ordered still glaring down at her.

"Yes Beta" was all she says as she took her seat.

James turned to look at me, one side of his lips turned up into half a smile. A wave of relief washed over me knowing I wouldn't have to break Berkley's arm. He then reached out, grabbed my hand and began to guide me to the front of the bus. I felt Berkley's eyes burn into the back of my head.

"Adria, why didn't you wait for us?" Lily said as I reached them. "I thought you had left home with your mom."

"Trust me, that thought did crossed my mind" I paused. "But I told my mom I would try" I said as I sat down in the open seat across James.

I lifted my duffel bag and placed it on my seat, then rested my head against the window and looked outside.

"Thank you" I whisper. I know James didn't have to stand up for me, I can happily stand up for my self.

But he did.

"Your welcome...and, Adria" James says after a while.

"Hmm" I said, still looking out the window

"Never doubt that I'm here to help you. I'll always be in your corner."

His words sound sincere, giving my never ending thoughts a sense of calmness, as they die down. I smile, letting my mind slowly wonder and eventually drifts into a black abyss.