Can I be him


I watched as her breathing deepened and slowed, as a result I knew she was finally asleep. Strands of her brown wavy hair fell across her face, and her pink lips were slightly parted allowing soft snores to escape.

"She's pretty little thing isn't she?" Adam comments with a smirk. He was laying his head over the set in front of mine looking down at me. How long has he there? I don't know. And why didn't I notice his annoyingly loud breathing. I don't know that either. What I do know is I was caught red handed.

"Great" I whisper under my breath, mentally smacking myself. I fixed my composure and looked out the window, sitting on the opposite side of Adria.

Adam chuckled "there is no point in hiding the fact that you were staring at her like a creep, I caught you already."

"I was just making sure she was ok" I said still not turning to look at him.

Adam rolled his eyes "I think that's the dumbest excuse I have ever heard, I mean ever, from a guy who was caught checking out a girl"

I didn't respond. I know I was checking her out, I wasn't even being discrete about it. There is no denying Adria was attractive, anyone with eyes can see she was.

I was just so taken back as to why I was so drawn to her. Like I had a need to be next to her, to talk to her.

Maybe it was my guilt talking, because I wasn't there for them when Joshua passed or the fact that I haven't been sleeping well. I had to basically pry my eyes open this morning.

Whatever the reason was I told her mother I would look after her, and I intend to keep my word.

"Since you don't want to talk about that, I'll change the subject" Adam started. "Can you tell me what that was back there, with Adria and Berkley?"

I turn to look at him and raised an eye brow "that's changing the subject?"

Adam continued to look at me with a stern face. Knowing that he wouldn't move on from the subject I decided to answer "I just thought she might need my help. You and I both know Berkeley can be a handful" I paused. "Besides, Adria is new. I just wanted her to feel like someone had her back."

"And that person had to be you?"

"Yes" I nod "I didn't see anyone else in line to defend her."

Adam stared at me, for a while "You just pulled that answer out of your ass"

I crossed my arms in front of me "now why do you say that?"

"You know damn well that Adria was in no need of help" Adam said with a 'you know i'm right' type of tone.

"So you saw that to then." My voice sounding more stunned then I intended it to sound.

"Obviously James I was here" Adam rolled his eyes. "That girl exudes dominance, her aura was really strong. Though it looks like maybe she doesn't know the effect she has on people when she gets mad."

"No, I think she knows" I said remembering how she looked at Berkeley. "The question is why."

"Hmm," He thought for a minute. "Well her Parents were both Beta's. Joshua was our beta, and Abby, she was the beta of another pack before she came here. Strength can sometimes gets passed down by blood, or in your case a lot of training. Their blood line must have been very strong when they mated. Maybe some of that strength got passed down to Adria, even if she's not beta."

I ponder on his words.

"Ok since you're in a mood to answer questions, answer this" I stated. "When our wolves appear on the surface, what color do our eyes usually turn?"

He looked at me for a minute "um well it depends."

"On what?" I asked quickly.

"What pack they come from" he shruggs as he leaned away from his chair. "For example, our Pack gets a light shade of gold, but I know one of our allies up in Canada gets a dark hue of blue." Adam smiles "now why are you so curious?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"I was just curious " I say trying to maintain a straight face.

"Right, so this has nothing to do with Adria?" Adam says questionably.

I signed "Adria's eyes. They glowed silver."

"Silver? That's interesting" he brought his hand to his chin, as if he was thinking. "Well Beta Abby, came from a pack called Green something pack. Something weird" he stoped and laughed. "I remember when my father introduced me to their pack as a new alpha, and told me their pack name. I swear I thought they were on something."

Adam continued to laugh, as if someone had made a hilarious joke.

He eventually stopped laughing. Sliding his index finger under both eyes wiping away tears of laughter.

"Anyways, they ended up changing their name to lunar pack." Adam continued "If Adria had silver around her eyes, it might have also been passed on from Abby's blood line. Maybe her old pack had silver around their iris." He looked at me and tilted his head slightly to one side "But now that I remember, on one of your eyes half the iris is silver so it might also be something generic as well."

I was about to answer when Adria started to move in her sleep. Without opening her eyes she lifted her head away from the window letting out a soft groan. Little red imprints of the metal railings around the window were left on half her face. After a few seconds she slowly placed her head back on the window.

She looked uncomfortable the way she was sitting, her face almost sliding off the glass. I wanted to get up and reposition her, but before I could Nathan showed up.

He walked over to Adria, and move strands of hair off her face and shoulders. He then lifted his hand back up to her face and proceeded to brush her cheek with his finger tips.

Adam eventually broke the silence by clearing his throat.

"Alpha, Beta" Nathan said as he looked up at us a little embarrassed we saw his whole display of affection. Just as I was thinking he would leave with his tail between his legs, the idiot had the bright idea to say "Adria looks uncomfortable, do you mind if I help her out a little?"

"You don't have to ask us for approval, she is your friend after all" Adam answered. "No one here seems eager to come to your friends defense." Adam looked at me, waiting for me to protest,

but I don't.

I just ignored him.

After all he was just going to reposition her and walk back to his seat-

I stoped mid thought to see Nathan slip one hand under Adria's knees and the other behind her neck. He slowly lifted her and place her in his lap. He then wrapped his arms around her body, as she nestled her face into his chest.

I started to cough, choking on my own saliva "um, I thought you said you were going to help her a little bit, as in reposition Adria on her seat" I said, trying to act nonchalant.

"Whats the matter, James? He's helping his friend" Adam said with a smirk he seems to always wear around me now. He looked at me like he could see right through my false emotions.

A million excuses crossed my mind, from which I can use...

'She might not be ok with it.'

'You haven't asked her permission to hold her.'

'That position seems way more uncomfortable than the one she was in.'

or a simple 'as your beta I order you to put her down.'

The last one being the one I like the most. It seems like it would get the job done quicker, but I don't. I stay quiet and nod.

As calmly as I can, I answer a simple"ok."

Knowing I would regret it later I turned away from them to look out the window.

Trying hard to distract myself I started counting the trees as we drove by them or the birds in the sky. At one point I began to count the clouds and used my imagination to come up with what images they can to be, but to my luck there was only five, and all circles. Like were have you heard of a circle looking cloud? They are usually long and odd shaped, but no these five were perfect round puffs.

I slowly turned to look at Adria. Already wishing I can take back the fast decision I made to the moron who asked to help her.

Nathan was basically laying down as Adria was laying on him. Her hand resting on his chest, and his stupid face resting on her forehead.

What the living hell?

I stared...NO I gawped. I know that it was rude of me too, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't seem to peer my eyes away from them. Like if someone was holding my eyes open, forcing me to look at them.

"And to think that could have been you" Adam whispered "to bad you're to stubborn for your own good."

I got up from my seat and look over onto his, thinking he would be awake. Only to see Adam with his eyes closed, arms crossed and of course

His signature smirk.