When I wake


A gush of warm air sweep across on my face, causing me to wake up. I shiver, goosebumps rushed throughout my body when I realized I had fallen asleep without a sweater, and the bus had been set to an unbelievably cold temperature.

A strong cologne suffocated my nose. I was laying on something hard, when I breathe I felt confined. My head throbs against the hard surface I was laying on.

Slowly, I look up and see Nathan peacefully sleeping. A little drool was sliding down one corner of his mouth.

My eyes widened

How did I get here?

I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he had a tight hold on me. I didn't want to wake him up because I know how awkward it would be.

Well awkward for me anyway.

I continued to wiggle, but his hands wouldn't budge.

"This is too painful to watch" a husky voice said behind me.

I suddenly felt Nathans grip loosen around me followed by his hands falling to his side.

I pushed myself up off his chest, as the person behind me brought both hands to my hips, guiding me up, slightly picking me up in the process.

I tilt my head up and see James, his eyes already looking down at me.

"Um, thank you" I say as my feet come in contact with the floor. I give Nathan a quick once over just to make sure he was still asleep, then I looked back at James "H- how did I end up like that?"

James cleared his throat and looked away "Nathan thought that you looked uncomfortable, so he picked you up and began to cradle you." He lifted his hand and scratched the back of his head "It was a little too much if you ask me."

"Yes it was" I mumbled.

I began to look around the bus. Even though it was already dark, people might have seen Nathan's display of affection. They might even come up with their own conclusions to what actually happen.

"Did anybody see?" I asked quietly. Not really knowing why I was embarrassed, Nathan use to always hold me like that. Nathan's way to show affection is through physical touch, so I thought nothing of it...But now it just feels, weird, uncomfortable even. We've grown out of our adolescence phase, now people might see that and think we are involved.

"No" James finally answered, "I made sure that they stayed in their seats."

I gave him a small smile and looked away.

"Yet again, I did fall asleep for most of the ride. Someone could have slipped by."

I began to panic, mentally praying that the annoying girl from earlier didn't happen to walk by, or I would get an ear-full tomorrow.

"I'm kidding Adria" James said, while he placed a few strands of hair behind my ear. "Its dark, so even if they did happen to walk by, they couldn't have seen anything." I think he noticed the panic and embarrassment that my face displayed.

"Jezz you scared me" I said, placing my hand over my heart. It was beating so fast I felt it hammer against my hand. "I was literally so close to getting a heart attack" I playfully punch his arm.

I turn to look around the bus for an open seat, since the one I had was now being used by a huge, slobbery Nathen. His legs hung out the chair, and laid along the aisle of the buss. His arms dangled over one edge of the seat as his head was bent to the side. How he was fast asleep, was beyond me.

To my luck, all the seats are taken.

I sighed knowing full well I had to sit next to Nathan for the next few hours. I began to move towards him, but was held back by James's hand clutching my wrist.

"Your not really thinking about sitting back down with him right?" James asked while lifting an eyebrow.

I looked up at him with the same expression he was using "um, yes. Besides there is no other open set."

He looks around, then back at me "have you asked or even thought about asking anyone to sit with them?"

Oh, well that's not a bad idea.

"No" I paused "but I don't think anyone here is in the mood to share there space with me" I can hear people snoring loudly. Their snores almost synchronizing, meaning almost all of them had to be asleep. "Alpha is asleep," I pointed out "lily is laying across her chair, and the chair where Nathan was is now piled with duffle bags and suitcases."

He nodded "yes I can see that, but..."

"But?" I repeated.

"I'm awake, have enough space on my chair and willing to share. But, you haven't asked me" He leaned in, closing the little gap we had between us. "Do you by any chance not like me Ms. Dovling?"

My brain went completely blank

Wait what?

"Uh, no thats not it at all. I didn't think you were the sharing type" I say honestly.

"I'm not" he eyed me from head to toe, giving me muddled thoughts. "But seeing how there is no where for you to go, I don't mind."

He moved to the side allowing me to sit down first close to the window, taking his seat swiftly after me.

I looked out the window at the beautiful outline of the mountains and pine trees as we drove by them. I closed my eyes, taking in a puff of fresh air. Inhaling the sharp limonene, sweet, and refreshing smell of the trees.

"Where are we going" I ask James, still with my eyes closed.

"It's a small city in Arizona, named Sedona. I should have told you sooner, I keep forgetting this is your first time" his voice sounding apologetic. "I think you will like it."

I've heard of Sedona. Their burnt orange mountains, random water sights and their vast evergreen vegetation. Maybe the only part of Arizona that's not a complete desert.

"I bet it's beautiful" I say already imagining running in the woods full of pine trees.

"It is, that's why we go back every year. We seem to like the privacy it provides."

We stay quiet for a few minutes, hearing the snores begin to die down. Sitting next to him didn't feel awkward, although we were quiet, it was comforting. His silence gave me ease, as if our silence were the unspoken words between us.

From the corner of my eye I see James rest his head against the chair and crossed his hands in front of his chest, closing his eyes seconds after. Even though he was resting, his body was still tense, so I knew he was only pretending.

"Beta?" I said, almost sounding like a whisper "What do you do for a living?" Even though I had no right to know about his life, I was curious.

"Hmm?" James said still with his eyes closed, sounding a little confused by my question.

"Well, you're a Beta of course. But how about after? When your Beta duties are done, do you have other stuff that keeps you busy?"

He opens his eyes and turns his head to look at me. He stared at me for a few seconds studying my face. Then turned away and laughed.

"Did I say something humorous, Beta James?" I say raising my eyebrows.

"No, no" he continued to laugh "If I answer, what do I get in return? It's only fair that I get something, if I'm answering a private question. "

I thought about it for a minute.

"Private? Other people must know this question" I say a little stunned how even a basic question is opening a door into his life, but he shook his head. I sighed "ok fine, ask me a question in return" I turn my body towards him and smile, waiting patiently for his response.

He looked at me for a while, then turned his body to face me "fine, but for starters call me James."

I nod.

"Now the only people that know this is Adam, and my parents." I nod again not wanting to interrupt him. "I own a few small business in and around summit county. One of them is a family business passed down to me by my father, and the rest well, I opened up on my own." His voice sounding full of pride.

I've got to admit, his life out side of the pack is quite impressive. Not many wolves get the luxury to go to college, but the ones who do, I can say adamantly they don't take it for granted.

I was a little confused as to why something like this should be kept hidden.

"Most of the people in our pack think my parents own it all" he comments reading my confused look. "People didn't take my jump in rank well. They think that my parents money had something to do with getting me here, and if it did, well I didn't know. It's not like I had much of a choice in the matter either." He signed "so now I keep my life private. No one tells me anything because they don't know anything."

I bob my head in agreement "People can be such an ass sometimes."

James laughs "that they can be."

A few minutes had passed and realized he hasn't asked his question. I turned to look at him "so what's your question for me?"

James smiles "We have all day tomorrow Adria, now rest."


Some time had past and I knew he was asleep. His lips slightly parted, allowing more heavy breathing to leave his chest.

The bus starts to rock back and forth as we pass over a bumpy road, causing everyone in the bus to rock with it

Before I know it James starts to slide on the seat, slowly landing on me. His once crossed arms fall apart landing on my thigh as his head lands on my shoulder. I was about to push him off but he began to settle his face into my neck. His warm breath hits the crook of my neck, making the little hairs on my back stand on end and my stomach tighten.

'focus' I told myself. 'Don't let this attractive specimen distraction you.'

I began to push him off and just when I had a good grip on him, James pulls him self closer to me. Resting his head back down on my neck.

"Adria" he mumbles with his eyes still closed.