The drive



The sun hits my eyes causing me to flinch in my sleep. I push my face up, coming in contact with a smooth fresh texture, while I try to shield my face from the rays of the sun. The sweet smell of a floral perfume hits my nose as something was pulsing against it.


I open my eyes and look up, gasping in surprise.

My God,

I was laying on Adria. To be more persist I was laying on her chest with the point of my nose touching her neck.

For a quick moment I was absolutely starstruck. Her hair is laying over her shoulders and down her back. Her eyes are closed, allowing her long eyelashes to lay over a few freckles that passed under her eyes and the bridge of her nose.

The way my face was angled I can see a light brown birth mark on her top lip, shaped like a tiny heart or a misshaped circle. It's too small and light to make out the shape.

My neck was hurting, due to the very bad position I've been sleeping in, but I don't care. Any small movement can wake her, thats a risk I didn't want to take. I look down realizing that my hand was laying perfectly over Adria's thigh. The fabric of the dress was the only thing in-between me and her skin, yet I can still feel warmth radiating off of her. She started to shift in her sleep, repositioning her body to a more comfortable state eventually plopping her head down onto mine. Her sweet breath brushing the side of my cheek.

"I hate to do this to you bro, but I'm curious to know about your very eventful night."

I quickly turn my head followed by a cramp that was now forming on the side of my neck. I groan in response, knowing it will affect me throughout the entire day. "Shut up" I look at Adam who was giving me a toothy smile. I lightly lift Adria's head and place it on my shoulder. She moved her body, adjusting to the new position she was placed in. Lifting her arm and tossing it around my waist.

"I would be more offended by the way you're talking to your alpha right now, but I'm a bit more interested in what's going on here" he says pointing his finger between me and Adria.

I sigh "nothing. Nothing happened."

"Nothing happened? I'm over here hyperventilating on your behave, and you tell me nothing happened?" Adam whisper yells. "I fall asleep to your over bearing, jealous, rage because a guy was holding Adria and wake up with you sleeping next to her. Then you tell me nothing happened." Adam cross his arms "ya i'm not buying it."

"I'm telling you the truth," I looked at Adria who's still sleeping. "She woke up, felt uncomfortable being next to Nathen so I offered her a seat next to me. We talked for a bit, but nothing else happened. I honestly don't know how I ended up laying on her. I must have slid. Besides we are in a bus full of people "I lift my hand and pointed to the back of the bus.

"Well thats boring. I was expecting something more juicy" Adam says under his breath.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Adria. I must have slid on my seat when we were both sleeping.

Wait I slid.

Did I hurt her?

I began to gently inspect Adria, lifting her arm, looking around her hands and around her knees. I softly move strands of hair off her shoulder afraid I might have been too heavy for for body to hold.

How long did I lay on her?

I hold her head between both my hands and lower my head down just a bit below hers. Slowly I tilted her head up then side to side finding more freckles along her collarbone. Redness covered half her neck and chest, showing the evidence of where I had been laying.

"I'm a little scared to ask what you're doing, but being that its my head...What are you doing?"

Her voice was mellow and still laced with exhaustion. I look up just in time to see Adria yawn between my hands. She blinks a couple of times then looks down at me with a smile.

God my poor heart is about to burst.

"It must look weird that I'm over here touching you while you're asleep" I began.

"Mmm, ya it's a little weird " Adria says laughing. "Um can I have my head back? or do you intend to keep it?" Her dimples become more visible with every chuckle that slips her mouth. Her opal green eyes wondered down to my hands and then back up at me.

I realizing what she's pointing out and I immediately let her go. "Sorry" I say embarrassed which causes Adria to laugh again.

"Thats nothing to be embarrassed about" she pause "you almost crushing me last night, now that's different."

My eyes widen"Did I really hurt you."

"Oh god no," she chuckled "I'm kidding. You're light as a feather, If I was asleep when you slide, I wouldn't have felt it."

"You were awake? Why didn't you move me?"

Before she can even answer the bus comes to a stop. I look over Adria's shoulder and see other busses, with dozens of kids pouring out of them. One after another they step out of the bus and walk away into the ocean of kids that was only about to get bigger.

"Hey James, I'm going to take care of the horny teens in the other bus" Adam says, sounding almost a little annoyed that our peaceful ride is over. "You keep everyone here under control."

I nod and get up from my seat as Adam steps out. "Ok everyone make a line outside the bus. If you leave and get lost I will not go out to find you and neither with your Alpha, but for every minute that you're gone you will run a mile. I don't care what time you get back, what you were doing, you will run them." I said as I look at everyone in the bus. Hastily, everyone got up, grabs their stuff, and heads out the bus. I look over at Adria, thinking she was eager to get out just as much as I was, but instead I find her looking out the window. Seeming distracted by something, I look out the window and see a pack of boys waving at her.

Smiling at her.


"Adria" I say quietly.

No answer.

"Adria" I say again, a bit louder this time.

Still no answer not even a god damn flinch. I Begin to snap my fingers by her ear "earth to Adria."

"Mmm" she says, finally acknowledging me. She looks around the bus, slowly turning red as she realizes we are the last ones left on the bus "oh sorry, I was a bit... distracted."

Yes I can't tell

"I know" I said a bit annoyed "come on let's go, the rest are waiting outside."

Immediately after stepping off the bus, I get bombarded with an overwhelming hug. Her scent was familiar, very pungent like fall spices. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine.

"James, you don't know how much I missed you" she says in her usual high voice.

"Hi Daisy, its nice to see you t-" quickly interrupted by Daisy's need to kiss me. With both hands she cupped my face holding my head still. I was completely taken back, all I could do is stare at her as she desperately wanted me to open my mouth, inviting her in.

Her mouth is ruff against my own. No passion, or care just the need to take me against the bus if it was possible. She lets go of my face, her fingers trailing down my chest, coming to a stop at the zipper of my pants.

I grab her hands and forcefully, pulling her wandering fingers off of me. Daisy looked hurt, but I honestly didn't care.

Adria steps forward. Fixing her composure, rolling her shoulders back and extending her neck making her look tall next to me. Daisy looked at Adria from head to toe, while Adria just stood there grinning. Almost as if she wanted Daisy to take in her whole persona.

"Adria Doveling, the betas daughter" Daisy states with a fake smile as she draws her hands to her side. "Word travels fast. Nice to meet you I'm Daisy, Beta for the mount view pack" she pauses. For a brief moment I thought she was done talking, but then she says "I'm James's girlfriend."

My what now? I can feel one eye twitch, and my nostrils flare.

Realizing, the silence on both ends my anger disappears while confusion takes its place. They were both, smiling? Yet they were looking at each other with a lack of interest in the others characters, and presence. Seeming bored by what they had in front of them.

"Nice to meet you," Adria started. "I'm a 'good' friend of James" A mocking smile playing on her lips. After a few seconds of eyeing each other, they both shake hands. None of them backing down. Both demanding authority.

Still smiling.

I was extremely confused by this weird interaction. What game are these two playing at?