So it begins


After Adria and Daisy had their little 'met and greet'. Nathan agreed to show our new members around. When I said I would come along, Daisy insisted on showing us the camp site herself since in her opinion 'she is the more qualified to do so'.

"So to your right you will see the training ground." Daisy pointed to her right "there you will find all the weapons and training equipment you will need throughout the duration of your camp stay."

We watched for a few minutes as two teenagers from different packs practiced their fighting techniques against each other. I looked down at Adria to see her eyes darting from one opponent to the other, analyzing their swift movements. Finally looking up I see them swing their fist at each other, both almost landing every punch they threw. Blood trickled down one of the woman's eyebrows as the other wiped the blood off her mouth with her arm.

Just when I thought they had given up, they both jump, shifting mid air into their wolf. Before they even hit the floor they had already begun bitting and nipping at each other's throats. Rolling on the floor growling, fighting to take full control over the other.

"Moving on," Daisy motioned her arms for us to follow her, and we did. She lead us into the woods, walking past what seemed like thousands of large tall pine trees, until we reach an open field at the end of a mountain. "Now here," Daisy began, looking at us in amusement as everyone looked almost awestruck. "This is grasshopper point. It's known for its beautiful natural pools. We will be meeting here later today to get acquainted with everyone. Now over there," Daisy pointed "Those are the cabins you will be staying at. No need to worry about your luggage, they should already be in your room" She smiled.

"It's nice isn't it?" I whispered down to Adria only to see she was no longer by my side. I turned my head, searching frantically through the vast crowd of teenagers.

Until my eyes landed on her.

She was reaching up, trying to pull a few pine needles off a near by tree. Once she had grabbed a few, Adria then brought them to her nose. Inhaling the strong, soothing smell offered by the pine needles.

I watched her and felt my body relax at the sight of her.

Why do you do this to me?

"So what are you thinking about thats so conflicting?" Adria beamed as she walked over to me, adding a little skip in her step.

I couldn't help but smile at her "you seem really happy."

"I am," she says, while playing around with the pine needles "it feels refreshing. A new scenery, open space, what's not to be happy about?" Adria looked up at me with a questioning expretion "so what were you thinking about before? You had a weird look on her face."

"Y-yes, well its nothing important I was just thinking abo-"

"Baby," Daisy interrupted. Her blue eyes stared at me hungrily, desperately wanting my attention. She wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me closer to her body. I could feel her breast pushed up against my chest, as she smiled up at me seductively. "So are we staying in your room or mine this time?"

"We should talk" I say through my teeth. I wasn't in thee mood for Daisy's flirtatious advances.

I look up at Adria who seems to be looking everywhere else, but me. "I think I'm going to excuse myself" she says still looking away.

"No, I can walk you to your room." I tried to reach out for her, but Daisy's grip tightened around my waist holding me in place.

"Yes honey, I think you should. We seem to be a bit busy, and I don't see how you fit into this." Daisy's words spewed out, almost sounding sweet. I just knew her well enough to know her sweetness was mixed with sour intentions. "Nathan take the girl to her room, she seems tired."

Instantly Nathan came running "Yes of course" he utters a little too excited for my liking. He grabbed Adria's hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. I looked intensely at their hands. Feeling like I was throwing bullets with my eyes, but for some reason they kept dodging them.

My eyes flicker between their hands and Nathan's stupid face.

For a split second my eyes move to Adria catching a glimpse of amusement on her face. She leans closer to Nathan and rests her head against his arm.

I stand up straighter.

What is she doing?

"Nathan, let's go to my room" Adria says looking up at him. His features soften at the sight of her smile.

I watch as Nathan guides her away until they reach her room, losing sight of them once Adria closes the door, but not before looking back at me with a grin.

Was she provoking me?

I turn back to look at Daisy "what the hell is wrong with you?" I question her. I grab daisy by both her arms and forcefully yanking her away.

"What the hell is wrong with me? What is wrong with you?" she pulls her arms from my hand. "Your acting so different."

"I'm not acting different Daisy. You knew from the start what this was." I say trying to keep my cool. "Daisy, we are not together, and we never really were." I took a deep breath and lowered my voice "we had an agreement. You knew this was a short term thing."

In a moment of loneliness, we both found comfort in each others company.

I guess she got use to my warmth,

and for a brief moment I was getting use to hers. I haven't found my mate and she lost hers early in their relationship. So we were both craving affection from someone to distract ourselves form our bad fortune.

Daisy reached out to touch me again "If thats what you want, we can be together. We can make this permanent."

I lightly pushed her back "No, I don't want that." I paused. "So please, stop acting like we are something. I let that slide before, because I do care for you, but I can't do that any more, we haven't been together in years." I turned away from her and started walking to my room. "So if you want to share a room with someone go ask one of those men you keep around."

Her eyes widened as she realized what I was insinuating.

"You didn't really think I wouldn't find out about your sleeping partners right" I stoped in front of my door and looked back at her. "I knew you were sleeping around throughout the time we were together. I'm not taking your actions to heart, because I really didn't care what you did and who you did. I'm telling you this to show you that you can stop acting like you give a damn, because I'm not buying your crap anymore."

I open the door and slam it behind me, sighing as I lean against it. Hopefully I got through to her this time, she has a habit of ignoring information she doesn't want to hear. I look around the room and see a black duffle bag open, laying across one of the beds.

Adam must be here already.

I hear the shower running in the bathroom, so I turn to the other bed, and threw myself on it, laying down waiting patiently for Adam to finish.

After forty minutes had passed the water eventually stoped. "Jeez Adam how long does it take for you to shower?" I say, pulling myself to a sitting position waiting for an answer, but never get one.

Another twenty minutes passed, and Adam still hadn't left the bathroom. "Did you get stuck in the shower or something? Please tell me you at least know what you're going to wear to this meeting thing later today." I wait, and still no answer.

Before I can insult him again the bathroom door opens, letting out a warm honey scented vapor. "Hey lily can you pass me my bathing suit. I seem to have forgotten it on my dresser."

That isn't Adam...

I look at the dresser and see a burnt orange bathing suit hanging off the dresser.

Thats not Adam's...

"Lily" she calls out again. "Fine, I'll get it" she says after she didn't get an answer.


A few seconds later she comes around the corner wearing only a towel, that covered absolutely


Leaving almost little to the imagination.

God, what are you doing to me?

I tried very hard to look at something else.

Anything else,

but there was nothing as distracting as her in this moment.

She walked across the room completely oblivious to my presence. "Lily it's right here," she turned to look at who she thought was lily holding up the bottom part of her two piece bathing suit.

When she locked eyes with me she gasped. Quickly hiding what she had in her hands behind her back.


She quickly lifted her free hand, gripping the towel from the edge to keep it from falling.

Water droplets are running down her neck, slowly gliding down her chest and eventually sliding in-between the towel.

Lucky towel.

I can tell she's embarrassed by the light pink blush on her cheeks and neck, yet her face holds a certain confidence.

I got up from the bed and began to walk towards her "we dropping formalities now, are we?"

She crossed her arms in front of her chest "it's only fair, since I'm basically naked. And if I remember correctly you said I can." Adria stares at me for a few seconds "before someone walks in I think you should leave. We wouldn't want your girlfriend to find you in here, now do we."

I smile at her, my feet unwilling to move from its spot.

Adria takes a daring step towards me with a roguish smile "unless you don't care?"

She indeed was provoking me.

I was use to woman trying to lure me with their looks, flirtatious words and desperate touches. I usually ignore them, never seeming to affect me... but with Adria.

Oh god, with her I go mute, my brain goes blank, my heart skips a beat. I lose my mind in her meadow like eyes and start thinking with the prick between my legs instead of my head.

I can't help it, even the smallest stuff she does are enticing.

She looked up at me while biting her bottem lip, staring deep into my eyes, like she was reading a script to my souls deepest desires.

I was burning with need for her.

A need to have her.

Adria was playing with fire, and she didn't know it.

If this is the game she wants to play, I am more then happy to play along...