Temperature's rising


If Someone would have told me a week ago that I would be standing in front of a guy with only a towel, I would have laughed. If they would have said that I would be standing in front of very hot guy, taunting him seductively I would have died of second hand embarrassment only thinking about it. Because I know myself, I would have probably shrugged it off with a laugh. Maybe even said 'no that can never be me' or 'I would never do such a thing.'

Nevertheless, here I am.

Partially naked.

With only a small piece of fabric to cover my lady bits. Yet I didn't seem to mind. I'm standing in front of a very sexy man basically naked...and I don't seem to mind.

You've done it now Adria. You've gone crazy.

"I think you should leave. We wouldn't want your girlfriend to find you in here, now do we" I say as I take a daring step forward. "Unless you don't care?"

'What in the world are you doing,' I scold myself.

I know that perhaps this isn't the wisest decision, but I cant help it. It's like my mind and body have thrown caution to the wind. I have a rush of confidence flowing throughout my body, and it was all due to the man in front of me. He brought out a boldness in me, one that I didn't know I had.

"Mmm, ya you're right. She wouldn't." James took a step forward, inches away from me now "If I had a girlfriend, she wouldn't like it. Since I don't have one," he leaned his head down to my ear "I would like to stay. I'm actually quite comfortable here and the view is " he stoped letting out a gush of air "breathtaking."

I can smell his warm minty breath, as it softly hits the side of my jaw. My legs becoming a little numb.

"Is that so?" I leaned into James for support, his lips lightly brushing my jaw.

"Yes" James whispers. I can see his chest rising and falling at a quicker pace now.

'What are you doing' I hear my self conscious cutting in an out.

Before I had time to think about my actions, James lifted his hand while grazing his finger tips along my exposed thigh, until he reached my hip. Once there he gently squeezed it. His breathing becoming heavy, clenching his jaw in the process.

I couldn't help but close my eyes.

"I-I um," I stuttered. My god I was losing my words. My tongue becoming motionless. My head was clouded; his hands, his voice, his gaze were all the source for my foggy mind.

This man was the source. Talk girl, say something...Anything.

"You what?" James says as he moves his other hand up to my hip then pulls me closer to his body...and I don't stop him. I release the towel, bring my hands up to his chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath my palm. I drop my hands slowly felling every muscle under my hand, every quivering effect he has as my finger tips grazed him over his shirt until they reached his lower back.

I don't know what this strange feeling is in the pit of my stomach. I've dated before, but never has any man brought out of me this sexual need like James. With just a touch of his hand or a single look out of those intensity gorgeous eyes.

'You just haven't been with the right man' I said to myself.

His lips slide down my jaw to my neck, never lifting his lips from my skin. Leaving a trail of desire in its place until he reaches my shoulder. I feel myself leaning into him while tilting my head to the side giving him more access. Like I was adding more fuel to the fire, an involuntary moan escapes my lips, making him jerk his body forward pressing his member against my thigh.

Once there he makes the same movements going up to my jaw. Only this time he crosses over my jaw to my cheek, touching the corner of my lips with his.

Any sudden move or jerk and his lips would be on mine...and oh how I wanted to move.

I sigh, completely satisfied with the current state I'm in.

Only for it to be cut short...

"Ya I'm a little curious to hear the answer to that as well, Adria" the voice paused "and to your very tasteful choice of attire."

James and I both turn towards the voice.


Seeing Adam, James rapidly pulls me behind him conceal my barrenness.

"Oh my god, Alpha" I say as I lower my head in submission, but also trying to hide the heat that was rushing to my cheeks.

We were caught.

Oh. My. God.

We were caught.

"No need to bother hiding her now James. I saw more than enough." Adam's voice sounded playful.

James growled softly, the muscles on his broad back tense, the veins in his arms protruding.


I peak out from behind James, to lock eyes with a very shocked yet very amused Lily.

"No disrespect beta, but what are you doing in our room?" Lily asked, still confused by my state in appearance.

"Your room?" James looked around, instantly becoming red at the realization of his innocent mistake. Our make-up, perfume and clothes were dispersed around the room. "I uh, I think that I accidentally might have mistaken your room for mine." James reached up and rubbed the back of his neck, which I've noticed he does when he's embarrassed.

I covered my mouth trying to suppress the chuckles that were itching to come out.

"No, ours is next door." Adam began to laugh "It's ok though, I can see you became fairly acquainted with Adria."

"Right" Lily says smirking while crossing her arms. "Because thats what they were doing. Getting acquainted."

I gripped my towel, starting to feel uncomfortable in front of all the curious eyes. "James," I whispered behind him "I think It's about time I should start changing... So um..."

His eyes widen "Yup. Yup, Im leaving." He grabbed Adams arm and began to drag him out of the cabin.

"Wait. We don't get to stay for this part?" Adam jokingly whined "if you get to see, I would like to see as well. Adria and I should also get to know each other better."

"We are leaving, now." James tugged harder on Adams arm. When Adam wouldn't move James growled "I will toss you over my shoulder if I have to."

Adam chuckled "fine, fine. No need to go to that extreme." He looked down at James's hand that was still firmly holding on to his arm. "You can let me go now. I can assure you I won't accidentally walk into another cabin."

Scowling at Adam, James dropped his hand and walked out of the cabin mumbling under his breath, leaving Adam behind.

Adam watched James leave with a wide grin "I love pushing his buttons."

He then turned to look at me "ok. Now that grumpy is gone" he clasped his hands together. "I know I just met you Adria, but do you have any friends that are mateless? Maybe a Sister, or a second cousin?" Adam says wiggling his eyebrows.

I laughed "Sadly no. Only child."

"God damn it Adam" James marched back in and grabbled Adam by the back of his collar, dragging him out of our cabin and into theirs.


Once in their cabin, lily stared at me intensely, most likely trying to figure out how to start the conversation she was dying to know.


"Ya?" I question.

"So are you going to act dumb and pretend you don't know what I want to know." Lily says while putting her hands on her hips.

I guess we are starting with the interrogation...I look away from lily while smiling.

Yes thats exactly what I'm going to do.

"Oh come on, spill" She says her voice pleading "you know you want to."

And I did.

I really did.

I tell lily everything, she's my best friend, but how do I explain to her what happened when I can't even wrap my head around it. Everything happened so fast.

Too fast for my taste.

What I do know is that I loved the feeling. That rush. The way his simple touch can make my body crawl with lust. I craved to be held like that again.

I loved every second.

My god I can't be this easily persuaded, by a guy who I just met yesterday.

James what are you doing to me?

"So?" lily edged on.

"I... I honestly don't know. It was all a blur. One minute I thought you were the one I was calling out to and the next I was up against James wishing I can take his shirt off." I exclaimed.

"oh so James huh. No more formalities then" she said wiggling her eye brows.

"Lilly" I rolled my eyes "I need our help. I think I just made a fool of myself."

She laughed "Ya, no that is something you did not do. He was very much into it, ready to take off that small towel, that if I may add is not hiding very much" she pointed to the towel I still had clinging on around my body.

"How embarrassing. I felt like I was seducing him" I coved my face with my hands.

"And if you did? It's not like he wasn't enjoying it. He went along didn't he? He had you pinned against his body did he not?" She states back "so let's say you did seduce him, he never made a move to stop you." Lily chuckles "from what I saw he was encouraging you to keep going."

I sign and drop my hands to my lap.

"I think he likes you Adria, or at least he finds you very tempting."

'I doubt he does, he was probably just caught up in the moment' I thought to myself.

If only I can have another moment like that.