

"I need to shower" I yell over my shoulder as I grab my towel.

What the hell was I thinking? Things were going too far, I should have stopped it.

Did I want to stop it? I had every opportunity to, yet I didn't do it.

Adria didn't push me away.

Did I even want her to?

The though of her pushing me away, telling me to leave, it stings a little for some reason.

"Ya a cold shower" Adam yells back. "Things were getting heated in there." Adam dramatically begins to fan his face.

"Shut up" I growl. "Nothing happened."

He laughed "ya thats because I sadly happened to appear at the wrong time." He paused, a guilty look written on his face "sorry about that by the way."

I rolled my eyes. I know nothing would have happened we were just teasing each other...


Maybe if I keep repeating that, I might actually believe it.

"Do I look stupid to you?" Adam says annoyed "It was obvious Lily and I cock blocked you."

Why does he look like he's reading my mind?

I groan, bringing my hand to my face.

"Ok fine, I'll change the subject," Adam looks at the towel I was holding. "Why are you going to shower? We are still meeting up with everyone down at the lake right?"

Oh right, I guess my head is a little mushy right now.

I nod "I'll just go wash my face, and change into something more comfortable."

I walk away from Adam and head straight to the bathroom. Splashing a hand full of cold water on my face, as I get flooded with flashbacks.

My hands on her hips, as my lips softly skimming across her jaw. Her body shuddering under my touch...

I look up and stare at my self in the mirror. Water droplets running down my face. My pupils now dilated. I seriously can't think about her, with out my body having a heated reaction.

"Why are you complicating your life?"

I turn to look at Adam who was leaning against the bathroom door.

"What do you mean?" I say as I whip my face with the towel.

"What I mean is, why are you denying you're attracted to Adria?" Adam says while lifting an eye brow.

I look away "I don't know what you're talking about."

Adam isn't stupid, I just don't know how to tell him anything with out him over exaggerating or over analyzing everything.

"My god," Adam looked at the ceiling "cut the bull James. You've been saying that she's not your type, but when some big guy steps in to help her you act all defensive. I just caught you with her in a position that I think any guy in their right mind wouldn't mind to be in, yet here you are shrugging off. "

"Its not bull," I walk past him and out the bathroom as I begin to peel off my shirt. "I just don't know what you want me to say." I grab a t-shirt from inside my suitcase and proceeded to put it on "lets say I am attracted to her. What then?"

"What then?" he sounded confused.

"Ya what then? I'm obviously not her mate, and yes I'm not denying I feel some way towards her, but," I sigh. "What will happen if I find my mate or she finds her mate? What then?"

Adam nods his head "ahh, that. Can't you just live in the moment? Your mate hasn't appeared in four years James. She's twenty-one, who also doesn't have a mate if I may add. For all we know your mate might be dead and so is hers. Or they are also living in the moment with someone else because they feel a 'connection'." Adding air quotes as he finishes.

He's right, I am over complicating everything. I would pair up with someone if I knew there would be no strings attached. Not because I don't want the responsibility, it was normal for a mateless wolf to find comfort in someone else.

I don't like the idea of taking advantage of Adria for my own personal benefit. Maybe it's because I just met her or the fact that I know her mother and I don't want to abuse that trust. Or maybe I want to protect my self from getting too attached.

"Look James," Adam broke the silence. "Talk to Adria. Get to know her, and if in the end you don't like her or you end up finding your mate then stop talking to her. I'm not saying marry the girl." He grabbed a shirt form his bag and slipped it on " Like what you had with Daisy for example."

I wrinkle my nose in disgust at the example he just gave.Daisy was different. She was a girl who's been around. Now I'm not calling her a slut or anything, it's her life she decides how she want's to spend her time and with who. All I'm saying is Adria seems more grounded while Daisy is still trying to figure out what she wants in life.

I just stare at Adam. Obviously not liking what he said or the way it sounds.

"Yes I know that sounds awful, but you guys are avoiding the evident attraction you have for each other. I mean it's so obvious."

I crossed my arms and lifted an eyebrow "how do you suppose I do that, I don't even know if Adria feels the same way."

He laughs "oh I bet she does. I would even bet money. "

"You asked?" Suspicion laced in my voice.

Adam rolls his eyes "James, you don't have to ask a woman if she likes you. Just read their body language."

I study Adams face "their body language?"

He smacked his palm to his forehead "your so oblivious. I sometimes forget your a man with experience."

Pfft. I'm not oblivious, just a man who's very cautious.


I can hear Adams footsteps walking right behind me as we head to the gathering "Adam hurry the hell up."

"I'm literally two steps behind you, calm down." He chuckled "I doubt Adria is here anyways."

Eventually after five minutes we get there and take our seats in front of the lake. We watch as the teens splash around playing water games.

'Marco' one yelled with his eyes closed.

'Pollo' Said everyone else swimming away from him, trying so hard not to make water waves.

Adam and I laugh as the guy catches almost all of the players.

"Well won't you look at that, she's finally here" Adam says with enthusiasm.

"What?" I follow Adams gaze until it lands on Adria.

She was wearing a long white t-shirt that hung just bellow her butt and some slip on shoes. Her bathing suit peeking over the top, and her curvy body visible through the sheer shirt. The sunset was positioned just about right giving Adrias skin a glow and her hair golden highlights.

I couldn't take my eyes off of Adria, while her and lily walked to an open grassy area next to ours, completely unaware we were there. They placed a blanket on the floor and set their stuff down on top of it. "Alpha. Beta." Lily says now looking at us, then they both slightly bowed their head.

Once they lifted their gaze my eyes locked with Adria's green ones.

I was bewitched. Just staring into her eyes made me want to reach out to her. Touch her. Pull her in and continue what we had so unwillingly stoped, but I couldn't.

Of course you can't.

So I did the only thing I could do.

I look away.

To my surprise Adam walks past me "so shall we lady's?" He says pointing to the water.

Adria beams with excitement "yes, let's go!" She reaches down to the hem of her shirt, slowly bringing it over her head and off her body. Tossing the shirt on the floor next to her bags.

My eyes roam down her body, taking in every inch and curve...

This looks smaller then normal bathing suits, a little more reveling. Is that how they normally are?

'yes thats how they are' I told my self. I want to go and hide her away from the creeping peeps that I know will meander here in a few seconds,

but who am I to do that? At most I'm a good friend like she said.

From the corner of my eye I can see the rest of the unmated lingering wolfs start to eye her down as well.

Maybe if I stand next to her they won't get any ide-

I stop myself mid thought.

Im a good friend

She sees me as a 'good friend'.

Horny males start to move in, creating a circle around lily and Adria. Slowly and with out notice, pushing me and Adam out of their way.

"Are you planning to just stand here?" Adam leaned in and whispered.

I roll my eyes "she can have friends, I'm not her mate. I just have a certain...interest."

Her smile is infatuating and bright. My heart skips a little just watching her as she talks.

I'm doing the right thing. She seems to be enjoying her conversa-

Wait, where are they going?

One of the guys around her grabbed her waist, guiding Adria to the water.

Like hell if he thinks she's going with him. Screw good friend.

'Stop' my conscience screams at me 'you have no right' which was true. I'm a nobody to her, but it was too late. My feet had already started to move in her direction.

I march through the swarm of hungry wolves, ready to pounce on Adria and Lily at any moment. Finally standing next to Adria I casually wrap my arm around her waist and tug her body to mine. Leaving the now bewildered wolf puzzled and pissed that I had snatched his pray.

"Beta? Sorry I believe Adria was coming with me." He says as he reaches out trying to grab Adrias arm.

"I believe not," I step back and Adria follows.

One would think that he would walk away, but this one is stubborn. This man is no one important, I could tell if he were. Like he knew who I was without even meeting... so why is he still here? Is my Authority a joke to him? Does he have some type of death wish?

I narrowed my eyes, "You may leave."

He looked from me to Adria, then back at me. "Yes" was all he says, bowing his head then walking away.

I looked down at Adria who was looking up at me with a puzzling look.