Roadrunner Pt. 2 & Madame Night

"Hiya, doc! What's with the fancy get up, huh? And what's with calling me out here in the middle of nowhere?!"

As Roadrunner zips into view in front of him, Adam tilts his head to the side, regarding her in silence for a long moment. Given his current… attire, this has the intended effect of slightly unnerving the Australian Speedster, as she blinks at his lack of response and bounces from foot to foot with a sort of nervous energy, eyeing him up and down a bit more closely.

In truth, Adam is well aware of how… wicked he currently looks. The futuristic suit of armor he's currently wearing is certainly not going to be his final costume, if and when he ever does come out as a hero in his own right. In point of fact, this full suit of armor, covering him from his head to his toe, is pointedly made to obfuscate his identity, given what he's out here to do. If anyone catches sight of him like this, they will hopefully see him as nothing more than another villain. Though there might end up being questions about his gender, the truth is that the armor suit is bulky enough to disguise such a thing, and the general public would simply assume him to be a woman underneath it.

Even Roadrunner, after a moment of staring him down, blinks and then narrows her eyes, leaning in close as she plants her hands on her hips and frowns.

"That… is you in there, right doc?"

Her confusion is understandable. He'd had Star Child contact the Aussie Superheroine for this meet up, and even let his blonde hypno-slut tell Joanna that she was meeting with him again, the man who had finally satisfied her chase fetish. At least, satisfied it partially. See, Adam didn't feel like he'd done all he could for Joey. That was why they were out here today, to finish what he felt like he'd only just started.

As Roadrunner gets more and more twitchy in front of him, he chuckles. Crossing his armored arms over his chest plate, Adam finally deigns to respond.

"Perhaps I am. Or perhaps I've simply taken the good doctor and spirited him away from here. Perhaps the only way you're going to get him back… is through me."

His heavily modulated voice causes Roadrunner's eyes to widen briefly behind her aviator goggles. Then they narrow, and then a small smirk plays across her lips as she cocks her head to the side.

"Oh yeah? How… interesting."

It's obvious that the irreverent speedster has come to the conclusion he wanted her to come to. That he was indeed who she thought he was, but that he was also playing a game. Her eyes dart this way and that for a moment, and it's equally obvious she's looking around for the toys that they'd used to play their game last time… and not finding them.

After a moment of this, Roadrunner bursts forward in a fit of movement, dashing around him swiftly, but not nearly at her top speed. Her attempt to grab his arm and pull him back into a classic arm-lock while pushing him to his knees, however… fails miserably. Not just because of the armor, but because he now has the combined powers of Star Child and Amazonia.

Honestly, Roadrunner's lucky she doesn't pull her own arm out of her socket as her movement is abruptly arrested without any input on his part, her attempt to yank his armored limb backwards completely failing to achieve anything. As she lets go of him and darts back a few steps, Adam slowly turns to face her, letting amusement color his heavily modulated tone.

"And what was that supposed to be? If that's all you have, I'm afraid you're going to be in for a bad time, Roadrunner."

Puffing her cheeks out in a cute little pout, it's the Australian Superheroine's turn to cross her arms over her chest as she glares daggers at him.

"Yeah? Well, you might think you're tough in that armor of yours… but you're not fast enough to catch-!"

Such an opening was too good for Adam to pass up. Ratcheting up his speed to the absolute highest it can currently go, he lunges forward, moving much faster than a man in a hulking suit of armor has any right to. The earth craters under his feet as he reaches Roadrunner in less than half a second, the clawed fingers of his gauntlets reaching out towards her as she's forced to cut herself off mid-word, her eyes widening in shock and surprise at just how fast he is.

Of course, it's not nearly fast enough to matter. Roadrunner is the fastest woman alive, which also means she's the fastest person on the planet, full stop. Even at his absolute max speed, Adam might as well be moving at a snail's pace. Although, his current super speed IS enough that he gets to watch her reaction for a brief moment as she yanks herself back out of the reach of his claws and then seemingly vanishes entirely from his field of view.

But of course, Adam knows where she's going to be, and so slowly turns around to find her behind him, now glaring accusingly at him with a look of real anger on her face.

"You're NOT the Doc. What'd you do with him? Where is Doctor Adam Anderson?"

Grinning beneath his mask, understanding how Roadrunner might have come to that conclusion, Adam considers how best to play this… before ultimately deciding to just go with his original plan.

"He's perfectly safe and sound, I can assure you of that. However, if you want him back… let's play a little game, shall we? I'm going to chase you. You're going to run from me. Eventually, I will catch you. But if I fail to do so in say, a twenty-four-hour period, then I'll tell you exactly where your precious little doctor is."

Roadrunner pauses, as if in consideration, but Adam knows what she's going to say before she says it. After all, the brunette speedster loves games. More than that, she loves chases. And she needs to get him back from whoever she thinks this armored figure in front of him is if she's going to be able to experience the nirvana of being successfully chased down and fucked again.

Little does she know; Adam is here to show her an even better form of what he's already done to her.

"Fine! You have a deal! Good luck, because you're going to need it! You're not NEARLY fast enough to-!"

He blows forward again, lunging for her once more. Of course, Roadrunner darts out of the way immediately, finishing her sentence when she stops.

"-catch me!"

Lunge. Miss.

"Too slow!"

Lunge. Miss.

"You're going to have to try harder than that, silly!"

Lunge. Miss.

"Ugh, this is a little embarrassing, don't you think?"

Lunge. Miss.

"Look, you're fast and all, but you're kiddie leagues."

Lunge. Miss.

"Give it up! Tell me where the Doc is!"

And so it goes. The funny thing is, if Roadrunner weren't so… Roadrunner-y, she could have easily played keep away for the full twenty-four hours by just staying outside of his range. Unfortunately for Joanna Axton, she has an inbuilt NEED to be her sassy, cocky self at all times. Her arrogance predates her speedster powers awakening from what Adam knows, going all the way back to her time as a fighter pilot. A jock-y sort of job by its very nature, requiring the confidence and arrogance that came with thrusting a middle finger towards God and flying and soaring through the air in direct defiance of the lack of biological wings that all of humanity faced.

So yes, Roadrunner stayed close to him the entire time, even as they both ended up blurring far away from the empty field where he'd first had them meet, blazing across the landscape in a way that only speedsters could do. Adam, for his part, is taking advantage of the entire exercise. While it's perhaps a little frustrating at first, not being as fast as Roadrunner… in truth, he's glad that he's coming into her powers slowly, and that he has the bedrock of her other teammates' powers to build off of them as well.

Being able to fly like Star Child allows him to correct some of his lunges in midair, even as he gets faster and faster the more of Roadrunner's powers that he absorbs. Meanwhile, Amazonia's strength is something he's still practicing with, and as he chases Roadrunner down, he's working on regulating that strength to avoid carving such massive furrows in the ground every time he lunges forward.

"Too- eep!"

Of course, the fact that he's always getting faster, while not readily apparent at first, eventually becomes somewhat obvious. Roadrunner still manages to dodge out of the way of his latest lunge, his clawed gauntleted fingertips missing her face by millimeters, but this time she has to cut off her latest banter, her eyes widening again as she finally realizes what's happening.

"Too slow? Is that what you were about to say? Reusing old lines? For shame, Roadrunner, for shame."

It's been less than an hour since they started the chase, the power copying taking a bit longer than it did with Amazonia due to a slightly greater distance between him and Roadrunner for most of the time. But it was still chugging along, and at this point he gauged that he had about half of Roadrunner's speed… combined with the enhanced speed of both Star Child and Amazonia. He was already getting close to overcoming the Aussie Speedster.

For the first time, Adam sees the light of understanding in the heroine's eyes, as she realizes he's getting faster, as she realizes he's speeding up. There's no quip this time as she makes the decision to turn and speed away from him. Adam just grins beneath his mask… and follows. He actually can now, no longer relying on her to stop every so often to throw some cheesy sass back at him. No, while he finds he can't quite catch her just yet… he's now able to keep up with her.

Whenever she looks back to see if he's still right on her trail, he gains a little bit too, to say nothing of how he's slowly but surely gaining by fractions of centimeters the more and more of her speed that he copies. Bit by bit, inch by inch, he closes in on her. They zoom all across the world in mere seconds, zipping through cities that might as well be standing still in their eyes, flying up and down skyscrapers, a few of which might end up with broken windows as he fails to fully regulate his strength as they go past. They cross the entire continent of Africa in half a second and are flying across China a heartbeat later.

There are no borders for people like them. The entirety of Earth is their playground, their racetrack. But… there does come a point where Roadrunner seems to come to terms with her impending defeat. Or, not come to terms with it maybe, but at least mitigate the damage, somewhat. That's how their chase ends up coming to a close on some island in the middle of the Pacific, a small little sandy thing where Adam finally catches her, wrapping his arms around the Aussie Speedster as he sends them both plowing into the ground.

Roadrunner squeals in fear, as if expecting to lose half of her face from the ensuing impact, but Adam spins them both over so that he's on his back and she's cradled safely in his arms. Then, he slowly lets her go. She's out of his arms in an instant, but knowing better than to try to run, she stops a few feet away, panting heavily, out of breath for the first time that he's ever seen her. He really pushed her to her limits… and then some. Meanwhile, he's now faster than her, and they both know it.

"… You got me. G-Guess… guess I'm not the fastest woman in the world anymore."

Chuckling, Adam shakes his head.

"No. You still are."

Then, disengaging the suit of armor, he lets it unfurl and open up so that he can step out of it. Roadrunner's eyes go mind-boggling wide when she sees him, her jaw dropping open in a rather hilarious manner as he grins… and then blurs over to her, catching her in his hands and kissing her almost tenderly.

It doesn't take the female speedster more than a moment to melt into the kiss, submitting to him almost instinctively as his tongue pushes in and explores her mouth. They stay like that for a few seconds before she tries to pull away, only to find that she can't without his permission. He lets her though after a moment, and she stares at him blankly.


Spinning her around somewhat roughly, Adam begins to grope the speedster from behind, playing with and toying with her body through her costume as she moans and rubs against his crotch.

"Simple enough, my dear. I copied your powers. But before that, I copied Star Child and Amazonia's powers. They gave me enough of a starting point that I was able to… mm, keep your interest, wasn't I?"

Shivering, Roadrunner looks back over her shoulder at him with wide, wild eyes.

"You're the most powerful man in the world now. No… you might just be the most powerful person, at this point."

Adam inclines his head in casual agreement with that fact, before tearing the front of Roadrunner's costume open so he can grope her tits directly.

"I suppose I am. Not that that matters, does it? In the end, what matters most is that I caught you. And now you're all mine."

Shuddering, her voice turns positively husky as she nods at that.

"Y-Yes. Take me. Claim me… claim your little mouse."

A moment later, and they're both down on the ground, Roadrunner on her hands and knees as Adam molds himself to her from behind. His cock comes free of its confines and he's inside of the speedster a moment later. Carefully regulating his strength, he doesn't do the same with his speed… and neither does Roadrunner, her pussy all but vibrating around his dick as she's able to use her powers for the first-time during sex with him.

Adam groans at how good her cunt feels, and his hands go to her shoulders as he begins to really drive into her, fucking the speedster heroine as fast as he possibly can. Yelping, squealing, and moaning, Roadrunner hollers at the top of her lungs, her back arching beautifully in ecstasy and pleasure. Ah, but it's still not quite enough. They can do more, Adam knows they can. They-

"-oadrunner! Roadrunner, I know you can hear me, put Adam on immediately!"

Blinking at the sudden small voice coming from Roadrunner's ear, Adam slows to a stop, something that causes the Aussie to whine in disappointment.

"W-Why… why are you stopping?"

"It sounds like someone is trying to get ahold of me through you, my dear."

"Y-You can hear that? Ugh, ignore her."

"Don't ignore me! Damn it, this is important! Adam, take the earpiece out of Roadrunner's ear and put it in your own, please!"

Finally placing where he'd heard that voice before, Adam blinks and then does as he's told, much to Roadrunner's whining.

"I turned off my earpiece for a REASON, Eye! That doesn't mean you can just turn it back on and hijack my date whenever you feel like it!"

Despite the earpiece now being in Adam's ear, it's clear that All Seeing Eye can still hear Roadrunner, because she sounds exasperated and anxious as she shouts an answer.


Wincing at the volume, Adam furrows his brow, now more than a little worried himself by that last part. Pulling out of Roadrunner entirely, he speaks into the earpiece.

"What does that mean, All Seeing Eye? What's the danger?"

Of course, Roadrunner can't help but continue to be snippy about the whole thing, her ever-present sass shining through.

"And why can't the rest of The Team handle it? Seriously, it's what we're for right?"

"Maybe because it's a member of The Team that's threatening the world in the first place."

That shuts Roadrunner up, and after a beat All Seeing Eye continues on, sounding almost viciously triumphant about having managed to do so.

"You know how certain members of The Team have silly fetishes like being wrestled into submission, or chased down like some sort of predator-prey kink like this dumb speed bitch here?"


"-And how other members of The Team have fetishes that could literally mean the end of the world as we know it, or potentially result in political destabilization on a massive scale?"

"… What?"

"Yeah, well it turns out that while you were dealing with the former, one of the latter has reached her breaking point. Madame Night is currently in the middle of performing a ritual that will let a Demon Tentacle Lord through into our world. She's tricked herself into thinking she can control him, that she can bind him or something. But I've dabbled in demonology myself and her math doesn't add up. She's fucking around and probably hoping that it'll all go tits up for her, while ignoring that he's going to bring a massive army through to fuck up our shit while he's fucking HER!"

By the time All Seeing Eye is done ranting and raving about the end of the world, she has to stop and catch her breath, her noisy panting coming through loud and clear over the earpiece. Not that Roadrunner calls her out on it. The speedster is too busy staring at him with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, completely gobsmacked by what she'd just heard.

Adam, meanwhile, has paled at everything All Seeing Eye has just said. But he can't afford to freeze up now… not when it sounds like they're on a massive time crunch.

Striding back to his temporary armor, Adam slips back into it with ease, allowing it to pluck the earpiece from his ear and integrate it seamlessly into the armor, as he actually activates the suit and turns on the relevant systems. Barely stopping to give Roadrunner a nod, he blasts up into the air, flying high in the atmosphere as he looks down at the blue and green planet below him.

"All Seeing Eye, do you copy? Need to know where I'm going if I'm gonna put a stop to this, sweetheart."

"… Sending you the coordinates now."

A moment later, he has them. A moment after that, Adam is there in the middle of an inactive volcano, where Madame Night has drawn a truly massive ritual circle and looks to be currently powering it with her magic as her eyes glow darkly and she chants in some dangerous, demonic-sounding tongue.

In truth, Adam's suit of armor had always come equipped with the power nullification bands that Roadrunner had looked around for back when they'd first met up earlier today. He just had no intentions of using them on the speedster, not unless his original plan of just goading her into a chase that allowed him to fully copy her powers failed for some reason.

Now though, as he bursts into the volcano and takes in the entire situation in less than a fraction of a second, in mere nanoseconds even, Adam swiftly disengages one of his new and improved power nullification bands from within the armor, a new model that's both sleeker and less obtrusive then the original prototypes he'd used on Roadrunner.

Madame Night hasn't even clocked his presence before he's there beside her and the band wraps around her arm, cutting off her powers and leaving her as harmless as a newborn kitten. The glow from her eyes disappears and the unearthly, ethereal quality of her chanting drops before she trails off altogether, blinking rapidly in shock and confusion.

When she finally notices his armored form stood right beside her in the underground volcano chamber, Madame Night jolts, yanking herself away from him and throwing out a hand in his direction, likely trying to use her infamous shadow magic to attack him. Of course, nothing happens in regard to that, and she ends up looking rather foolish instead.

In the ensuing lull, Adam takes a moment to really study Madame Night. In truth… she's absolutely gorgeous. But then, so is every member of The Team, each in their own way. Madame Night is decidedly the most exotic of them all though, and Adam can see where the rumors regarding her parentage come from, because nothing is natural about her gray skin and dark purple hair and eyes. The latter two could be hair dye and contacts to be fair, but the skin tone? That's distinctly… unnatural and not of this world in its origins if Adam had to guess.

Beyond all that, she's wearing her normal signature black leotard, with it hugging her absolutely gorgeous curves with ease. Her blue cloak gathers over her shoulders and would normally cover up her bombshell of a body, but thanks to the way she jolted away from him and has frozen up in shock at the sight of her powers not working, most of her gorgeous body is on display, with her beauty posed effortlessly without her even meaning to.

"Wha- who… who are you?!"

Glancing over at the ritual circle, Adam really doesn't like the look of it. The thing isn't dead with the removal of Madame Night from the equation, not like he would have preferred. Instead, it's glowing even now, humming with power… and even, if Adam is not mistaken, growing brighter and louder infinitesimally by the second.

"I'm here to stop you from making a terrible mistake. You don't want to do this, Madame Night. You can't control what you're trying to summon, and deep down you know it."

Emotions war across her face as the demonologist and sorceress swallows thickly before snarling at him.

"What do you know about what I want, stranger?! What do you know about what I can and cannot control?!"

Stiffening, Adam considers how best to respond. In the end, he goes with the truth after a fashion.

"I know you want to fail here, Madame Night, even if you refuse to acknowledge that fact yourself. I know you desire nothing more than to lose control in this place, with this summoning… even if its to the detriment of everyone on Earth."

Her beautiful features twist up at that, and she looks to be on the verge of tears as well as raging at the same time. Rising to her full height, she snarls at him.

"You think I care?! How long have I put the needs of these pathetic humans above my own?! How many times have I stood with them against my own wants, against my own desires?! How much more must be asked of me before I am given my due?!"

Before Adam can even begin formulating a response to that, Madame Night cuts him off, her lip curling up in a sneer as she slashes a hand through the air. Her eyes glance over at the metallic band around her bicep for a moment, before she smirks in amusement.

"It does not matter. You think to bind me with this… technology. And indeed, you have locked away my innate, inborn powers. But do you think I need them in order to complete this ritual? I am a demonologist of the highest caliber! Indeed, all you have done is create a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I finish the ritual as I am now, then there is no doubt that I will fail to bind the Demon Lord who comes through to my will! But I would rather do that then have the likes of YOU stop me!"

With that, Madame Night turns back to the ritual circle with purpose, and Adam doesn't doubt the truth of her words for a second. He might not know everything there is to know about demonology or how her biological inbuilt powers work with her ritualistic summoning skills, but he can tell that if he lets her, she'll finish what she started, and something tells him he REALLY doesn't want to see that happen.

Luckily, he knows even more than he's let on about what Madame Night truly wants. Luckily, when he reaches for it, the signs of a newly copied power start to respond. Bursting forward, Adam inserts himself between the sorceress and her ritual circle, grabbing her by the wrists before she can do whatever she plans to do. Her face contorts in fury, but before she can speak, he lets the first wisps of the shadowy magic that he's copying from her powers appear on his fingertips, the small appendages little more then tendrils at this point, even as they begin to grow, creeping up her arms.

"You could do that. You could end it all with this ritual… or you could wait a little longer, until I give you what you need myself."

Madame Night has frozen up, wide-eyed at the sight of those little shadow tendrils. The longer he remains in direct contact with her, the bigger they grow, until they're starting to become impossible to dismiss, impossible to decry as anything else but her own powers, taken by someone else and turned against her. That's what she wants, after all. She wants it so badly she learned animation techniques just to be able to make porn animations of herself and a variety of other women getting fucked by tentacles.

"You… what… what are you?"

Slowly, Adam endeavors to push Madame Night back from the ritual circle. At the same time, he very quietly, very subtly manifests a shadow tendril from his heel that reaches out and swipes at the ritual circle, cutting through it. Luckily for him, Madame Night is too focused on his other tentacles to notice as the glow from her ritual steadily begins to fade. If all goes to plan, she'll never notice, but even if she does, Adam is banking on it being too long for her to do anything about it.

"I'm your worst nightmare… and your deepest, darkest fantasy."

As his share of her powers grows and grows, as he copies more and more of her innate abilities, Adam grows more and more confident at the same time. With a reverberating growl that echoes out of the modulated helmet of his suit of armor, he reaches out and tears Madame Night's pitch-black leotard down the middle with the strongest and largest of his growing shadow tentacles.

The more of her powers he gets, the more… REAL the tentacles start to feel. He can sense through them if he tries hard enough, and most importantly, he can FEEL through them. Madame Night's breasts smoosh and mold as he wraps two tentacles around the gorgeous milk jugs, gripping and squeezing them harshly. It feels as if he's doing it with his own two hands, but of course those are still wrapped around her wrists, now holding her own hands high above her head as Madame Night begins to moan and wiggle and writhe in his grasp.

She's still staring at him with those bright purple eyes of hers, but her gaze is becoming increasingly heavily lidded as he plays out her fantasies to the hilt.

"Look at you. Helpless. Pathetic. Completely at my mercy. Completely at the mercy of my… appendages."

"Y-Yes… yesssss~"

Slipping his largest shadowy tentacle down the torn front of her leotard, he brings it to her entrance, toying with it for a second.

"You want this. You want me to use your helpless, slutty body. You want me to pleasure myself upon your horny, needy form."

"Ye- N-No! No, I don't want it! L-Let me go… d-damn you, let me go!"

Adam is taken aback by the one-eighty for all of a moment before he has an epiphany. Of course. It wasn't merely tentacle sex that Madame Night so desperately craved, but full-on tentacle rape. She wanted it against her will. She NEEDED him to take her without her consent. Adam's not sure what it says about how he's changing as a person that he finds it almost too easy to do so.

"That's alright. Your consent was never necessary."

And then he punches up into her cunt with the largest tentacle, slamming home into her dripping wet pussy, positively gushing with arousal as it is. A low modulated groan leaves Adam's lips at how it feels to stuff one of his new power's appendages inside of a woman, but that sound is drowned out by Madame Night's squealing reaction as she's positively penetrated against her will for the first time.

For the first time, the tentacle buried in her snatch is not under her control. He can see this understanding flash past in her wide purple eyes, before they roll back in her head as she noisily orgasms around the appendage, he's now fucking her with. More than that, her pillowy lips have parted in a way that makes them look so very kissable. Normally, Adam would kiss her in this moment… but these weren't normal circumstances, were they? Indeed, kissing her would require him to open his faceplate.

Instead, Adam does what comes almost as naturally as kissing at this point… he shoves a tentacle into Madame Night's open mouth and watches as she gurgles and gags and slobbers all over it like the sex-starved bitch she is, rather than the upstanding superheroine she's supposed to be.

The noisy sounds of his shadowy tentacles fucking the depowered demonologist fill the volcanic chamber as the ritual circle behind him loses the last of its potency. Completely devoid of the glow of life or magic, a quick glance tells Adam that it's probably no longer a threat, or so he hopes…

With that out of the way, he focuses entirely on Madame Night instead, and giving the bitch exactly what she deserves for very nearly dooming all life on Planet Earth to an ignoble fate as demon chow.

"Stupid! Inconsiderate! Selfish! Bitch!"

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As she gags and chokes down the tentacle, he's ravaging her throat with, Adam repositions her, turning her to face away from him as he decides he's sick and tired of only being half in the action. Once she's turned around, the tentacle lodged in her throat forcing her back to arch and her head to remain immobile, and the tentacle in her cunt slamming upwards again and again with enough force to drive right through to her womb… Adam disengages the lower half of his armor, exposing his rock-hard cock.

Moving her wrists to a new pair of shadowy tentacles allows Adam to bring his hands down to her ass cheeks, the full grey behind of the gorgeous superheroine sorceress right in front of him. Without further ado, he spreads her ass cheeks nice and wide… and slams his massive cock right into her back door without an ounce of lubrication.

Madame Night squeals around the tentacle in her throat and clenches down all the harder around the tentacle in her cunt, explosively orgasming on the spot in a shower of squirting pussy juices that makes it abundantly clear she loves a little, or perhaps a lot, of pain to go along with her tentacle rape.

Well, after being interrupted in the middle of fucking Roadrunner, Adam is more than happy to deal that pain out to this bitch. He doesn't let up, not on any of it for even a second as he fucks her three orifices in a violent, brutal display. Her ass cheeks clap, her occupied mouth gurgles and slurps, and her pussy walls clench as Madame Night enjoys every last second of her taking.

Her ass is quite tight around his cock too, which, combined with all the foreplay he'd already experienced with Roadrunner prior to coming here, leaves Adam nearly ready to blow his load immediately. He doesn't, of course, exercising great self-control in holding back even as he fucks Madame Night relentlessly, bouncing her ragdolling body back along his dick while holding her aloft with his new tentacles.

The appendages have fully manifested by this point and given the sheer degree of intimacy he's engaged in with her all this time, Adam doesn't doubt that he's fully copied the demonologist heroine's powers by the time he finally blows his load in her ass. Not least of which because the shadowy tentacles he's filling her mouth and quim with also blow their own loads, something he hadn't thought was possible given what he'd seen of her powers before now.

But to be fair, he supposed it wasn't like Madame Night went around tentacle raping people to completion with her powers. That wouldn't be very heroic, now would it?

Regardless, by the time he's done with her, the superheroine collapses bonelessly in a rather humiliating face down, ass up position as he drops her from his grasp. Looking back, Adam goes a step further in completely annihilating the ritual circle she'd drawn out, destroying it in its entirety to make sure no remnant of it remains.

Then, he looks down at the demonologist in a heap at his feet.

"Should I expect you to try and summon any more tentacle demons any time soon, or are you back in the right frame of mine to be a heroine again?"

Shuddering, Madame Night looks up at him with an unreadable expression on her face.

"What… what are you?"

That tired old question again. Should he reveal himself to her? Part of him… just didn't want to. Not yet at least. Maybe another time. Right now, he was feeling less than generous after her selfishness ruined his playtime with Roadrunner.

"I'm exactly what you needed, bitch. If you have to get in touch again… tell All Seeing Eye."

There. A little payback to the brains behind The Team as well, even if Adam had to begrudgingly admit that Eye had been right to call him in for this. He's not sure that the others could have handled Madame Night without a demonic invasion happening, and while he liked to think that Earth would have eventually fought off such a thing given the sheer number of supers on the planet, the damage would have still been catastrophic.

Better to have stopped it in its tracks, he figures. Doesn't mean he has to be happy about it though, even if it had resulted in bagging and tagging yet another member of The Team, as well as copying her powers. As Madame Night's eyes go wide at the name drop of The Team's brainiac, Adam blurs forward, removes the band around her bicep that's disabling her powers, and vanishes without a trace, at least to her senses. In truth, he uses super speed to get outside and then waits, using his other enhanced senses to listen in on the superheroine in the volcanic chamber down below.

"How… how did she know? No, more than that… what manner of monster did she summon to take care of my needs? D-Damn it Eye, I told you I didn't need your help…"

Madame Night's muttering is soon followed by the demonologist leaving the volcano behind under her own power, flying off into the night. Judging her to no longer be a full-blown threat to the goddamn planet, Adam nods… and then zips across the world, arriving back in front of Roadrunner, who as it turned out, hadn't left the spot where he'd finally caught her.

Instead, the silly Aussie Superheroine has her yellow bottoms yanked off entirely and is kneeling there in the dirt as she practically fists her own cunt, clearly trying to recreate the feel of his massive cock going full tilt inside of her in his absence. Rolling his eyes, Adam leaves his armor and drops down to his knees behind her, and Roadrunner barely registers his presence before he's back inside of her, tugging her vibrating hand out of her pussy and inserting his cock in its place, the whole setup leaving him rock hard again.

As Roadrunner moans, Adam leans in close, wrapping his arms around the brunette speedster.

"Miss me?"

"Y-You save the world that fast?"

Grinning wickedly, Adam just shrugs as he begins to fuck her from behind.

"Well, when you're the fastest man alive, you operate at a different timetable than everyone else."

Gasping and moaning, Roadrunner bucks her hips back against his thrusting cock at his cheek, making Adam grin all the more wickedly as he endeavors to pick up right where they left off, claiming his prize for successfully chasing her down and catching her once again.


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