Amazonia Pt. 2, Star Child Pt. 3, Madame Night Pt. 2

"You know there's only one way this can go, right?"

"S-Shut up! This time will be different! This time, I'm going to put you in the ground!"

Adam rolls his eyes, even as he rolls his shoulders, stretching a bit ahead of this latest match. Apparently, given enough time, Amazonia had been able to talk herself into another round for him. Though, it was incredibly obvious, at least to Adam, that what she really wanted was for him to beat her again and fuck her silly once more.

She was putting on a good front, but Adam knew the truth, he knew just how far she'd gone in her pursuit of her fetish. Not as far as Madame Night almost went, certainly, but still far enough. Letting out a sigh, he glances around the room for a moment before finally shrugging.

"Alright then… but we're going to actually fight this time, you understand that right? I'm not going to hold back for your benefit. And this isn't just a wrestling match. You know how powerful I am now. You know I'm stronger than you."

Gritting her teeth, Amazonia can't quite hide her blush as she clenches her hands into fists at her sides.

"THAT was a fluke… but yes, I'm ready for a fight! That's why I brought you here!"

Right, 'here'. They weren't in Amazonia's house. Instead, they were in The Team's private headquarters, a complex of all sorts of rooms and such that a superheroine squad would need to stay stocked up for their missions. Adam might not have been willing to come here if not for the simple fact that he'd already dealt with most of The Team by this point. The only two members of The Team that didn't know who he was and what he was capable of were Madame Night and Queen Oceania.

Madame Night knew what he was capable of, but not who he was. She thought he was some sort of non-human entity, from the sound of things, because it was easier to believe that All Seeing Eye had summoned and bound a tentacle demon to satisfy Night's need then it was to believe that a human man had somehow developed superpowers.

Queen Oceania, on the other hand, still didn't know he existed. But that was alright, because both of those superheroines were the ones who used this headquarters the least. Madame Night preferred her own warded residence, while Queen Oceania literally had an entire Underwater Kingdom at her beck and call. Her membership on The Team was more about politics then anything official, and she only ever really showed up when the oceans were threatened, or the entire Earth was under attack.

All in all, this made it perfectly okay for Amazonia and him to use one of their training rooms for a full-contact spar. No one who shouldn't be here was going to stumble across them. No one who didn't know what he was capable of was going to find out by accident. That was what Adam was most concerned about right now. He certainly wasn't concerned about fighting Amazonia.

That must have shown on his somewhat disinterested face as he looked around, because the gorgeous raven-haired superheroine lets out a frustrated growl and positively launches herself at him. While Adam could have easily dodged, he lets her first fist land across his face, wanting to feel how the impact affects him.

… In the end, he has to turn with the punch to avoid breaking all of the bones in Amazonia's left hand, feeling the way they're beginning to crunch as they meet his face at first. As it turns out, Star Child and Amazonia's powers combined… are a bit too much for Amazonia alone to handle.

She must have felt it, the warrior woman certainly should have noticed what happened, but she just keeps on swinging. And Adam… Adam honestly feels like he doesn't have time for this. Or rather, he doesn't want to MAKE time for this.

With a burst of super speed, he dodges every single earth-shattering swing that the mighty and powerful superheroine throws his way. Then, appearing behind her, he reaches around and grabs Amazonia's tits before she can react, giving them a good squeeze while speaking into her ear.

"Honk, honk~"

Her indignant screech of rage is music to Adam's ears as she tries to whirl around and hit him. But he's already moved on, easily keeping out of her reach, easily stopping her from catching up to him. He's as strong as her and Star Child combined, and as fast as her, Star Child, and Roadrunner combined. That's… pretty fast, and he can see the frustration and dismay building on Amazonia's face as she realizes she can't catch him, that he's just toying with her.

"S-Stop… stop FUCKING with me, y-you bastard! Stand still!"

And so, he does, stopping right in front of her. With a strangled yell, Amazonia lunges forward, grabbing him by the arms in an attempt to throw him to the ground. Adam doesn't budge. Ultimately, her hands go to his neck as her eyes bulge out of her head in disbelief, but she can't even choke him, can't even squeeze his neck.

Reaching up, Adam grabs her by her wrists and pries them loose. Then, making eye contact with her the whole time, he swings Amazonia around, lifting her bodily off the ground by her arms and doing a quick pinwheel before releasing her and throwing her into the nearby wall. He doesn't use nearly his full strength to do it, but he does throw her hard enough that she gets lodged inside of it partially, cratering the wall as she gasps for breath.

"Is that all you have, Amazonia? You haven't gotten any stronger. You haven't gotten any better. If this is what you have to offer me… what's the point?"

"S-Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

Screaming at the top of her lungs, Amazonia pulls herself free and rushes forward, only for Adam to easily dodge out of the way again, this time grabbing her by the waist and hoisting her up, arching his back as he tosses her over himself and slams her down headfirst into the floor. Once again, not as hard as he could… but certainly hard enough to leave Amazonia dazed as she flops down there, her body splayed out and face down.

Kicking her over onto her back, Adam plants a foot in the superheroine's chest, squishing the softest most malleable part of her body as he digs his heel into her tit. Amazonia moans, whimpering really and squirms pathetically underneath him, her eyes staring up at him with a gauntlet of emotions running through them as he stares back down at her pitilessly.

"Looks like it's my win yet again, bitch."

"H-How… just… how?"

Shrugging, Adam decides it's fine if she knows the truth.

"I copy powers. I have Star Child's, yours, Roadrunner's, and Madame Night's at this point. And they stack, in case it wasn't obvious."

Amazonia's eyes go mind-boggling wide at that, and then wider still when Adam begins to grow some of the shadowy tentacles that Madame Night 'gifted' him out of his body. They reach down and hoist the defeated superheroine up, making short work of her attire until she's naked before him once more, completely and utterly exposed. She struggles against them, but where Amazonia might have been able to break free of Madame Night's tentacles, his are an entirely different story. As he'd said, his powers stack… which means his appendages are just as strong as the rest of him. Just as fast too, something he shows off by delivering whip-like cracks to Amazonia's tits and clit and ass, all at the same time.

As the superheroine cries out in pain, Adam steps forward and grabs her by her fat milk jugs, giving them a good, hard squeeze and grinning as she moans wantonly in response.

"That's right, bitch. You lost again, didn't you? How many more times will I have to wrestle you into submission before you recognize your place and give in?"

"N-Never… I'll never s-stop fighting you…"

Normally, this would annoy or aggravate Adam. But he can see it in the heroine's eyes. He knows what Amazonia is saying, in truth. She won't stop challenging him to spars and wrestling matches because she wants to lose. She wants him to overpower her and dominate her. That is her fetish, after all, and she wouldn't have funded a full-blown niche of the porn industry if it was something she could just… let go.

Adam could respect that. Or no, rather… he couldn't respect it, but he could understand it. He could understand her. And frankly, beating her down was always an enjoyable affair, given he knew how much she enjoyed it too. Still, he has a part to play as the macho man who just fucking wrecked her again and is about to wreck her in a totally different way as well.

"We'll see about that."

And without further ado, he uses his tentacles to lift her up and then drive her down onto his cock. Standing there, Adam gropes Amazonia's tits with his actual hands, while the appendages he gained from Madame Night do all the heavy lifting, bouncing the defeated superheroine up and down on his shaft like there's no tomorrow.

Amazonia is squealing like a stuck pig in short order, her eyes starting to go crossed and her lips parting as her tongue already begins sticking a little bit out of her mouth. In spite of her challenging words, she's all too quick to turn into a mewling quim once he's buried inside of her and fucking her. Chuckling, Adam decides he wants to spice things up a bit more and pulls out for a second.

Spinning Amazonia around in the air, folding her up into a full nelson is easy enough. And the way her pussy tightens up around his cock when he drills her down back onto it, driving up into her from above for all he's worth, lets Adam know he's made the right choice. Grunting and groaning, he pounds into the top-heavy, mighty heroine with all his might, while Amazonia squeals and moans and mewls like the defeated bitch she is.

There's not as much dirty talk as there tends to be with him and Roadrunner. No hypnotic commands like he'd give Star Child. This, what the two of them have between them, is purely primal, fully physical. Amazonia doesn't say a word, merely content to leave it at moans and groans, and Adam… honestly, he has no reason to constantly insult and degrade her. She's his right now, and they both know it. He's full-blown beaten her, not just in the wrestling ring, but in a fucking superpower fight.

Shit… he might nearly be ready to unveil his powers to the public. The only thing is, Adam doesn't know how that's going to go. He… he needs the entirety of The Team backing him up first. Which means revealing himself to Madame Night and handling Queen Oceania's impending coup problem. It also means dealing with All Seeing Eye.

Adam hasn't forgotten about her, not by any means. No, the brains behind The Team is out there… and he's making great strides in locating her. He's not an idiot. He knows what it means that she's been helping him so far.

Sure, one could argue that she was just aiming to assist him in saving the world from her own comrades, but then she could have just told the rest of The Team about the problems that Madame Night was having, and maybe staged an intervention for Amazonia before her name got out as the one behind all of that porn. And of course, tipping Queen Oceania off to her Royal Guard's impending coup would have been easy as well.

If Adam brought these things up to All Seeing Eye, he imagined she might make some excuses, but they would almost certainly ring hollow. Because at the end of the day, he thought he had a pretty good idea of what Eye's whole… deal was. He hadn't failed to notice the backdoor she'd installed in his private server after all. Nor the loss of materials as she remote accessed one of his fabricators to build a little something extra for herself.

As Amazonia cries out and yowls, clenching down hard around his cock and cumming her brains out as she experiences nirvana and ecstasy once more with him at the helm, Adam just smiles, driving her down one final time before filling her quim with his cum.

Let Eye have her fun. He'd get to her… in due time.


If his day had ended with giving Amazonia the smackdown and pounding she so richly deserved (no matter how much she also wanted it) Adam probably would have chalked it up to a good day and left it at that. But alas, that was just his afternoon appointment. After he was done with Amazonia and left her passed out and leaking a combination of juices on the floor of the wrecked sparring chamber, he'd had to head back to his penthouse apartment and get ready for the evening affair.

It should have been a great night, really. It was a party celebrating him, after all, or more accurately, celebrating his first public patented invention following his company's acquisition by Star Industries. All of the ideas that Adam had had that were just too costly, he could now make a reality. More than that, if he wanted to be able to keep his Head Researcher position at Stacey's company without attracting undesirable levels of attention and undue scrutiny, he needed to be seen inventing things.

Since neither his power nullification bands nor his gene therapy treatment that had given him powers in the first place were technically on the side of legal, it couldn't be those. But that was alright, because Adam had quite the backlog of incredibly expensive ideas to draw from.

Tonight's celebration was all about the first of what would be many groundbreaking inventions. This one, an atmospheric water generator, or an AWG for short. The concept of drawing and collecting water from the air was not a new one of course, but with Stacey's resources, Adam had been able to fully develop an idea he'd had for one that was not only portable, but half the size of the next smallest competitor.

It would likely revolutionize the market for clean water and make Star Industries quite a lot of money in the process.

And Adam was being celebrated for it. So, he should have been happy, right?

"My oh my, you must be so very thrilled to be able to take advantage of all of the advantages that Ms. Star has given you. Why, she should really be commended for seeing what a diamond in the rough you were. I'm sure you're much happier working under her in Star Industries, rather than dealing with all the hassle of running a company of your own. Why, look what you've managed to accomplish by sticking to the lab and out of the boardroom!"

Not for the first time tonight, Adam has to bear with it, gritting his teeth and forcing a smile and a nod as he valiantly resists the urge to get violent. He can't get violent, he knows that, especially not here, especially not with this woman. Not that she's anyone special, but then, that's the point. She's one of a dozen rich and influential female figures in the business industry who have walked up to him tonight and turned HIS accomplishment into Stacey Star's.

Each and every one of them has something to say about how good his company's acquisition by Star Industries has turned out for him, and how much better off he is working in a lab rather than trying to play at being a CEO. They pay him the barest compliments out one side of their mouth, while practically insulting him to his face out the other.

This woman in front of him right now isn't even a super. She has no powers, merely lots and lots of money. That isn't to say there aren't plenty of superpowered women at the party though. While not every 'Someone' is a superheroine, every superheroine is a 'Someone' by mere matter of course. As Adam gallantly doesn't punch in the face of the bitch in front of him, his eyes trail over the party itself, taking in the view.

There are, for instance, Eva Snow and Julia Phoenix. The married couple would normally put Adam deeply on edge, if not outright horrify him. After all, they're the world's most powerful telepaths. Normally, he wouldn't be caught dead in their presence, lest they read his mind, find out his deepest darkest secrets, and utterly destroy him for his actions.

But luckily, both are wearing their circlets tonight. While technology like Adam's power nullifications bands is illegal and punishable by prison, psychics and mind-reading are still things that bother the public, as well as the powers that be, very, very much. As such, as a show of good faith, Eva and Julia, power couple that they are, wear a pair of neural inhibiting circlets around their heads, designed to look more like the sort of thing you would see on a princess… or a pair of Queens.

Unlike his technology, theirs did not truly inhibit their abilities. It merely contained them to within six inches of their bodies, effectively keeping them from 'accidentally' reading any minds. People were still keeping a wide berth of the pair all the same, but that could be chalked up to the two giving off an altogether regal and unapproachable air. The blonde and red-haired power couple are two of the most gorgeous women here tonight, in Adam's humble opinion, and they easily command respect, as well as a healthy dose of fear from just about everyone in the room.

There are other supers around as well, but those are the two Adam has felt the need to keep an eye on for most of the night, just in case… well, he doesn't know what 'just in case' means in this case. He just figures he'll know it when he sees it. He's been half-tempted to get closer to try and start copying their powers, but honestly… he's too scared.

And so, he's kept his distance all night long, while putting up with bitches like the one still nattering on in front of him. Deciding that he's served his time and enough is enough, Adam clears his throat and cuts her off.

"-and I must say, you're looking rather good this evening Dr. Anderson. Have you been working-?"

"Thank you for your time, but I see Ms. Star waving me over right now. You have a good night."

As he runs right over the admittedly weak attempt at sexual harassment, Adam gives an ever so slight bow to the woman he's been talking to and makes his way over to where Stacey is currently talking with a whole pack of beautiful rich female CEOs. She didn't actually wave him over, but his horny little hypno-slut was very, VERY aware of where he was at all times, and the moment he started moving in her direction, Stacey's eyes were on him and lighting up.

"Ms. Star. You needed to speak with me alone?"

"Dr. Anderson, right! Thank you, ladies, enjoy the celebration!"

And with that, they leave the party behind, leaving a group of women, some of the most economically powerful in the entire world, tittering like a group of schoolgirls behind them, whispering all sorts of crass things to each other. Surely, they should have known Stacey, as Star Child, could hear them. Because Adam definitely could. But maybe it was hard for them to view their fellow CEO as that powerful superheroine when she wasn't in costume. Or maybe they just didn't care.

Either way, he and Stacey bow out of the party and head back to her place. Will it help the rumors? Maybe not, but Adam finds himself caring less and less what people think of him. After the day he's had, he just wants to rest and relax… and receive a nude, full body oil massage from his blonde mind-controlled pet.

Moving into Stacey's private spa, he looks over at her and grunts.

"Strip down and then get to work."

This isn't the first time he's had her do this, so Stacey just nods and begins to get naked, blushing and squirming as she bites her lower lip, staring at him expectantly, clearly waiting for him to put her in a trance. But Adam doesn't say another word, merely strips down to his birthday suit and gets on the table, laying down and letting out a contented sigh as he tries to relax.

After a few moments, Stacey's hands come down upon his body, all oily and slick as she begins to work him over. However, her hesitance and general inexperience are obvious. She doesn't know what she's doing. She doesn't know how to really give massages. Normally, he would have put her under the hypnosis by now and her tranced self would be mechanically working away at his stressed muscles.

Not tonight though, and it's clear Adam's choice is… confusing her.

"Um… Master? Would… would you not prefer t-to use your hypno-slut, uh… well…"

She trails off, and Adam snorts derisively.

"What? 'Properly'? Is that what you were going to say? Who are you to tell me what your proper use is, bitch?"

Wiggling and squirming, her hands still working over his back, Stacey whimpers.

"I just… I know I'm not doing a very good job…"

"No, you're not. And that's okay. The pleasure I'm deriving from this has nothing to do with your hands and everything to do with the knowledge that the dumb, pathetic, hypnosis-obsessed cunt who everyone has been giving credit for my work to my face all night long is giving ME an oil massage because she's such a needy mind control slut that she can't deign to deny me anything."

"O-Oh… I see."

Is it wrong for him to take out his irritation on Stacey? Probably. Does Adam care in this moment? Not very much. Let him have this. Let him have just one act of pettiness. Sure, it wasn't fully Stacey's fault… but at the same time, it was. She didn't have to come after him. She didn't have to saddle him with her problems.

In the end, the oil massage is sloppy and inexperienced and honestly not all that enjoyable or rewarding. Adam finally turns over onto his back and glares at Stacey as she stands there naked by his side.

"Just wrap those tits and lips around my cock already, you useless slut."

"Y-Yes Master!"

Once again, he doesn't trigger the hypnosis, leaving Stacey to stumble along as she moves to wrap her massive milk jugs around his equally massive schlong, leaning forward and swallowing the first couple of inches of his dick into her mouth as well. Still, she's undeniably better at cock sucking then giving oil massages, and Adam groans as he enjoys her mouth and breasts for a good long while, just… laying back and luxuriating in his superiority.

The rest of the world might not know it, but HE was on top. Stacey Star was his pet hypno-slut. She belonged to him, not the other way around. But fuck if it didn't rankle that he had to live a lie to the public. Shit, what he wouldn't give to be on top. And maybe… maybe he could be, with the right debut. He just had to figure out how to present the idea of a superpowered male to the world first without causing fucking bedlam.

Groaning, Adam reaches out and grabs a fistful of Stacey's hair, pulling the superheroine down his cock and fucking her face momentarily before he finally cums. Filling her mouth with his seed and then some is a treat, and ultimately, she fails to keep it all in, his cum eventually exploding out of the sides of her mouth and her nose and dribbling down all over her fat tits.

Letting her go, Adam watches as Stacey stumbles back, his powers allowing him to manhandle her in a way no one else ever could. She looks positively cum drunk and also absolutely ridiculous with how messy her face is now, and he's just about to order her to go and plant her hands on the wall so he can fuck her from behind when All Seeing Eye's voice comes from overhead, likely routed right into Stacey's security systems.

"Adam, we have a situation developing."

Snapping his gaze upwards, Adam's eyes narrow and he frowns.

"What kind of situation?"

"The same kind I had to drag you away from Roadrunner for. The EXACT same kind. She's trying it again."

Wait, what? He would have thought… no, no time to be annoyed. With a growl, Adam looks over at Stacey, who looks confused and concerned.

"S-Should I-?"

Before she can ask if he needs her help, Adam just points at her.

"Analysis Mode. Go ahead and masturbate vigorously for an hour or until I get back. If I do not return in an hour, orgasm five times and then snap out of it."

Stacey's eyes bright with happiness and joy the moment before she falls under, and then she straightens up and responds in a clipped, mechanical, hypnotized tone.

"Understood, Primary."

As Stacey begins to finger herself, softly moaning while in her trance, Adam shakes his head in amusement before looking at the ceiling.


All Seeing Eye gives them to him.


He doesn't even bother with the power nullification this time around. As soon as he arrives, he sweeps his shadowy tentacles through the ritualistic summoning circle that Madame Night has prepared, and with his actual clawed hand, grabs hold of her by the neck, cutting off her chanting and choking her as he lifts her into the air.

Clad once more in his futuristic looking power armor, Adam is expecting a fight, and he's honestly ready to break Madame Night over his fucking knee after she tried this bullshit again. But to his surprise, she doesn't fight him, hanging limply in his grip despite the fact that he just ruined her second summoning in a week.

Narrowing his eyes behind his mask, Adam looks down at the destroyed remnants of the summoning circle. Even before everything that had happened the other day between him and the demonologist, Adam had started looking into demonology himself as a bit of a past time. Naysayers might say you can't just dabble in something as dangerous as demonology, but Adam would laugh in their faces. He 'dabbled' in a dozen different fields at any given time… and was a damn good expert in all of them!

Honestly, only the lack of readily available materials held him back when it came to demon summoning, and after his encounter with Madame Night, Adam had demanded All Seeing Eye give him access to everything SHE had on the subject so that he could properly educate himself. As such, even though he already ruined a good amount of it, Adam is able to piece together what Madame Night was trying to bring forth.

Incredulous, he looks back to the dangling sorceress and cocks his head to the side.

"A Lord of Sloth? Really? Did you think that he would be less inclined to invade the world because he'd be lazier or something?"

"W-Was… was meant for… for you."

It takes Adam a moment to parse that. Meant for him? As a trap? No, looking around at super speed, even letting go of Madame Night for a nanosecond to make absolutely sure, there didn't seem to be any trap prepared. His hand settles back around her throat without her ever noticing it was gone, and Adam grunts as he shakes his head, still confused.

"What do you mean, 'for me'?"

"I was… trying to summon you."

Ah. Right. Because she thought he was a monster rather than a human man. Specifically, she apparently thought he was a demon. No… she thought he was a Lord of Sloth?!

"You were trying to summon me. Because you thought I was a Lord of Sloth."

Flushing a bit in embarrassment, the grey-skinned heroine squirms, likely able to feel the unimpressed gaze he was leveling in her direction, even through his helmet.

"W-Well yes. You… you are a demon who relies on technology. And technology makes life easier, r-right? It would make sense that a Lord of Sloth would use technology to get around his inherent laziness…"

"… I'm going to shove a tentacle down your throat, so I don't have to listen to any more of this stupidity."

"H-hey-gaghk! Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

He does it too, shoving a shadowy appendage straight down Madame Night's throat. As expected, she doesn't seem all that upset about it. And so, he tears off her costume and begins to toy with her body all over, enjoying the sensations coming through his shadow appendages full and clear as he plays with every last inch of her voluptuous form. From her tits to her hips, from her head all the way to her toes, nothing is off limits, nothing is left untouched.

And of course, he fucks her ass and cunt as well for good measure, giving her the full tentacle gangbang treatment much to her muffled but still vocal enjoyment, but honestly, Adam concerns himself more with her body then her holes, this time around. He squeezes her tits nice and hard; he spanks and lashes at her ass cheeks. He rubs along her thighs and her sides and even plays with her ears and nose, shoving small tendrils up both just to see how it feels, to see how she reacts.

Needless to say, Madame Night goes absolutely wild for all of it, her purple eyes rolling back in her head as she goes crazy, cumming explosively along the tentacle in her cunt, squirting her pussy juices everywhere. She looks positively ridiculous, and Adam enjoys every last moment of humiliating the damnable heroine… because he knows how this has to end. If she's trying to summon him… it's time to come clean.

First though, he finishes her off, spraying some sort of gunk out of his tentacles into her orifices, stuffing her full and then coating her as well in what… isn't quite cum, but is certainly some sort of discharge from the power he copied from her. Once he's done with all of that. Adam drops her from his grasp to the cave floor and just stares down at her in silence for a moment until she's recovered enough to look back up at him.

"… Why did you want to summon me?"

Jolting, as if just remembering herself, Madame Night slowly leverages herself onto her knees and bows her head to him.

"… I would like to renegotiate whatever contract you may with All Seeing Eye. Whatever deal you and she made, I want to take her place. I can offer you more as your exclusive summoner then she can, a-and I can assure you that I am better suited to your particular needs, my lord. If you but give me a chance, I can- wha-… why are you laughing?"

And indeed, he is laughing. It starts as a snicker, half a giggle, but by that point, he's full-blown belly laughing. All that's missing is him pointing at her while he does it, to make it absolutely clear it's HER he's laughing at.

Once she stops talking and just stares at him befuddled, Adam gets himself back under control… and sighs.

"There is no contract. No deal. Because I'm not a Demon Lord, you idiot."

Before she can disagree, and he can tell from her face that she's going to try, Adam disengages the armor and steps out, revealing himself in all of his naked glory. Normally he wore something under the armor, but he just couldn't be bothered to get dressed after coming here from Stacey's place. So, his cock, rock hard and ready for action, ends up slapping down onto Madame Night's upturned face as the demonologist stares up at him, blankly.

"You… you are Adam Anderson. Stacey's new Head Researcher. Former CEO of Anderson Inc."

"At your service."

He watches her eyes trail over his chiseled physique. Admittedly, he'd cheated with the worst kind of steroids… superpowers. He was a modern-day Adonis now, his body the peak of masculinity in all of its vaunted forms. Broad shouldered, broad chested, built like a fucking tank but not overly grotesque like some body builders.

Meanwhile, his cock was thick and veiny and currently twitching and throbbing from Madame Night's short breaths ghosting across its underside. She takes all of this in, before ultimately fixated on the power he copied from her, the shadowy tentacles protruding off of his body, waving back and forth in the air around him as he stands there, staring down at her.

"You… y-you're like me?"

Smirking slightly, Adam rolls his broad shoulders in a sort of quasi half-shrug.

"Exactly like you, in fact. I'm a power copier, sweetheart. I copied your powers during our first interaction under that volcano."

Madame Night soaks this in, processing this… while still breathing in his hefty scent, her pupils dilating a fair bit in obvious arousal. Which was good, in his opinion. It was good to see that she could still get aroused from a normal human cock… or rather, HIS human cock. There wasn't anything normal about him anymore, and Adam knew that.

Acting on impulse, his tentacles sweep down and drag Madame Night up off of her knees and into the air once again. She squeaks but doesn't offer any resistance despite having full access to her own powers. She just… hangs there limply as he spins her around, bending her over and grabbing her big grey booty with both of his hands. Digging his fingers in, he applies his cock to her cunt this time, thrusting into her pussy, finding it to be nice and tight despite it being recently ravaged by tentacles.

In deference to her desires, he applies a tentacle to her ass as well to DP her, but doesn't occupy her mouth, wanting to hear her wanton moans and strangled, gurgling cries for himself as a couple more tentacles knead and grope and squeeze at her tits relentlessly and incessantly.

The conversation dies down for a little while, but eventually it picks up again with Madame Night piping up, much to Adam's mild surprise and amusement.

"S-So… so w-when you said to get in contact with All S-Seeing Eye if I wanted to get in t-touch again…?"

Grunting, Adam shrugs expressively.

"She's the one that warned me you were about to end the world for your own selfish desires. Both times now, as a matter of fact. She's been… assisting me in helping you girls with your fetishes."

"… Us girls?"

Chuckling, Adam digs his fingers in a little harder, enjoying the way the half-human sorceress' body molds to his. She's not as strong or tough as Amazonia or Star Child, but whatever inhuman bit of her there is does have a certain… elasticity to it that Adam loves to abuse. Her voluptuous body is his for the taking and take it he does.

"Your teammates all have their own fetishes. None as… world-ending as yours perhaps, but all humiliating and embarrassing, if they were to be found out. And as it so happened, more than a few of you were close to either snapping or being found out."

Grunting, Adam shrugs again.

"All Seeing Eye is the one who sent Star Child to me… and then set me onto the rest of you. To give you each what you so desperately desire."

"T-That… nngh, that's a-awfully presumptuous… o-of both of you…"

Letting out a bark of laughter, Adam delivers a stinging spanking to Madame Night's ass, enjoying the way she squeals and cums on his dick, orgasming on the spot from the blow.

"Is it? I had to stop you from summoning Demon Lords to satisfy your needs not once, but twice. Meanwhile, Star Child is back at her place currently in a hypnotic trance masturbating to her heart's content. Amazonia, if she's regained consciousness, has likely dragged her bruised and broken body to the shower by now and is either in bed at this point or still in that shower, moaning and creaming herself to the memory of my hands on her body. Roadrunner is almost certainly jonesing for our next chase too."

Madame Night falls silent as she listens to him describe the states of disarray and indecent arousal that he's left her comrades in. When she finally speaks again, she sounds resigned… but also noticeably excited.

"I-I suppose there's nothing we c-can do then, is there? You've… you've got us dead to rights. You c-could expose our sinful natures at a m-moment's notice. All we can do is… g-give in."

Rolling his eyes at the way her tone gets more and more excited as she speaks, Adam chuckles and slides a tentacle around her face and into her mouth after all. Madame Night moans throatily as she happily sucks on it.

"Useless tentacle slut…"

But even as he insults her, his tone is affectionate. He has to admit, she's growing on him, as annoying as she can be.

And now that she's up to speed, there's only one public member of The Team left for him to claim. Queen Oceania, down in her underwater kingdom, unknowingly teasing her guards into plotting a coup against her. And not for political power or anything like that, though they'd certainly gain plenty if they succeeded. But merely because they'd gotten a taste for having their Queen in sexual slavery, in temporary bonds… and wanted to make those bonds permanent.

Well, Adam couldn't necessarily disagree with their end goal… only that he wasn't about to let them pull it off. It would be much easier for him to usurp their plan and make it his own. He'd give Oceania exactly what she really wanted… and turn a Queen into his own personal slave.

Seemed like a fitting feather in his cap, for the most powerful man on Earth…


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