Queen Oceania

With Madame Night properly out of the way and not likely to try and summon any more Demon Lords in a misguided attempt to renegotiate the infernal deal she thought All Seeing Eye had made with him, that left just one public member of The Team left to deal with. And really, Adam probably shouldn't have left Oceania for last truth be told, but he had his reasons.

While it was entirely true that Queen Oceania was as much a ticking time bomb as Madame Night, she had a much longer fuse to her issue. Eye was keeping a… well, she was keeping an eye on the plot against the Monarch of the Waves and could always alert him to any developments. In the end, while Queen Oceania's Royal Guards WERE increasingly ready to make their arrangement with the red head permanent, they were also lazy about it. After all, they already had such a good thing going. There was no sense of urgency to their plans, not when they had all the time in the world.

… Or so they thought. Arriving at the Capital of Queen Oceania's Underwater Kingdom in his usual sinister and technological armor, Adam smiles behind his mask as he's almost immediately stopped by lesser guards at the gates.

"Hold, stranger! Announce yourself and state your business!"

Cocking his head to the side, Adam does his best to convey just how unimpressed he is, even as he flexes his claws.

"I have come to meet with your Queen. I was told I would be expected."

The two gate guards narrow their eyes as they share a glance, neither exactly pulling back the tridents they have pointed in his direction. Cute, to say the least, but it's not like Adam is at all concerned. There's nothing they could do to him. If he wanted to, he could destroy this entire city.

"We… we'll have to call this in."

Adam just inclines his head, acting the part of threatening and dangerous looking, but also amicable monster. It certainly seems to be doing the trick in unnerving the guards, as one of them floats back and places some sort of call. Of course, Adam is not above eavesdropping on said call, which is why he knows when things go tits-up.

"Uh… sir? There's someone at the gates who says they're here to meet with the Queen?"

"Ohhhh fuck, just like that, fuckin' keep going. What? What was that? A visitor for the Queen? She's fucking busy. Send them away!"

Adam watches through narrowed eyes as the gate guard glances back in his direction, clearly nervous.

"A-Are you sure sir? They, uh, they seem very serious."

"That's right, take it all the way down you fucking… are you questioning my orders, Sergeant?! Of course, I'm fucking sure!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

Moving back over, the gate guard tries and fails to regain some semblance of aplomb and confidence as he stares Adam down. His friend, however, blanches at the words that come out of the guard's mouth.

"The Queen is indisposed at the moment. You will have to r-reschedule."

Jesus fucking Christ… no wonder the Royal Guards hadn't made their move yet. It sounded like they were already in charge. The patients were already running the goddamn Asylum. Rolling his eyes under his mask, Adam makes a point of shaking his head.

"No… no, that won't do."

BOTH gate guards blanch at that, readying their tridents, but it's too late. He's already between them, his gauntleted hands closing around the hafts of their weapons… and snapping them in twain. Before the two soldiers can possibly react beyond staring down at their broken weapons blankly, Adam shows mercy by bringing their two heads together just hard enough to seriously knock them out, but no further damage than that.

It's well known that the people of the oceans are a bit tougher than humans. Living on the ocean floor isn't as easy as living on the surface, for obvious reasons. Queen Oceania herself is blessed by the seas or something like that, giving her even greater strength and agility, especially in water, while also conveying upon her a few extra powers like command over sea life and even the oceans themselves.

But even the least among her people are also faster and stronger then your average human when in water. Nevertheless, Adam still has to exercise incredible restraint to avoid cracking their skulls like a pair of eggs.

As they go unconscious and he releases them to float away, Adam moves forward, through the gate… only to immediately be beset upon by more soldiers. Because of course. Of course, those weren't the only two guards for the front gate of an entire underwater city. Not that their reinforcements help any, as Adam surges forward with a growl on his lips.

"I do have an appointment, you know. Point me to the Queen and I promise that I will do no further harm. I just need to speak with her!"

His only answer is war cries as he's attacked from multiple directions. There are even underwater sonic weapons that they try and attack him with. All of it is for naught of course, but that doesn't change how irritating it is for Adam to be as careful as possible to avoid killing anyone on his way through the city.

After all, according to All Seeing Eye, it's only the Royal Guard that's plotting to overthrow the Queen. Your average mook in Queen Oceania's extensive military had no idea what was being planned behind their monarch's back. Of course, that didn't change the fact that they were already all but taking orders from her Royal Guards instead of her, and if a coup did happen, they probably wouldn't even notice… but blind ignorance wasn't the same as active maliciousness. So, Adam did his level best to leave the small army assaulting him alive, albeit broken in his wake.

Eventually, there was no one left to fight. Standing tall in the midst of dozens of downed enemies, Adam sighs as he brings a gauntleted hand to his forehead and shakes his head. Then, zeroing in on one of the guards still conscious, he catches the downed soldier's eye and holds it. He doesn't even have to say anything. His earlier words still echo through their minds, no doubt. Slowly, shakily, the soldier points in the direction of the palace.

Inclining his head in thanks, Adam turns and rockets that way. One would think that the Queen's palace would be easy enough to find in an underwater city, but one would be wrong. It was a big fucking metropolis god damnit! The Capital of Queen Oceania's Kingdom was NOTHING to scoff at, no matter what the humans on the surface might want to tell themselves at night about those backwards underwater hillbillies.

Still, with direction, Adam soon happens upon the palace itself… and there, encounters his first taste of Oceania's actual Royal Guards. The lesser mooks he'd been fighting up until this point are nowhere to be seen, but there are three soldiers in much tougher looking armor, with much more ornate looking weapons waiting for him at the palace entrance.

"Interloper! We will give you this one final chance to turn back without anymore bloodshed! You may contact Queen Oceania through the proper channels and learn what the cost of restitution for your attack upon this sovereign nation will be at that time!"

Adam just chuckles.

"I already did contact her through the 'proper channels'. I set this meeting up through The Team that she herself is a part of. It doesn't get more proper than that."

Let it not be said that he didn't give them a chance to backpedal. As a member of The Team, Queen Oceania NEEDED to be available when someone, even a representative of The Team, came calling. The fact that she wasn't, was a breach of the very treaty that kept the peace between the oceans and the surface world.

If they were smart, these Royal Guard fucks would have taken the sock across the nose for what it was and backed down. They'd been bloodied now, and their only real choice was to back down. But Adam knew better even before he got a response from the grandstanding fuck in front of him. Oceania's Royal Guards weren't smart. They were fat and lazy (in the metaphorical sense anyways) and had grown complacent because of their perceived power over their Queen.

Never mind that she was technically stronger then all of them combined. Any respect they'd had for her had obviously degraded into absolutely nothing by this point… and that in turn carried over to any respect they had for her surface world comrades.

As evidenced when the smug, insufferable, smarmy Royal Guard at the head of the trio barring Adam's way grins his smug smarmy grin and shakes his head.

"Those are no longer the proper channels. You have been warned, intruder, and now-grk!"

Rather than letting him finish, Adam punches the Royal Guard in the chest. Sorry, correction… he punches through the Royal Guard's chest. That smug grin vanishes, to be replaced by wide-eyed, open-mouthed shock as Adam's gauntleted fist goes right through armor, flesh, and bone, and then back out again through the back.

The other two barely have time to react before Adam tears his arm free, much to the detriment of the one in the middle, who probably would have preferred to keep his innards inside, rather than having them floating out of his body and into the ocean waters around him.

As Adam flexes his gore-covered claw a bit, letting the surrounding waters clean it off for him, he ponders whether he's going too far for a moment. He'd taken great care not to kill the lesser guards, knowing they were just soldiers who didn't know any better. But these are Royal Guards, and it's so obvious they're in on the plot that it isn't even funny.

… Is it right for Adam to kill them, even knowing that? Does he care if it's wrong?

"You basta-ack!"

Well, his momentary moral quandary certainly doesn't stop him from intercepting the trident being thrust in his direction by one of the other Royal Guards, only to spin it around and impale it back through its owner. And as he sinks it in and twists it viciously, his foot lashes out at the third who's approaching with a roar, only for that roar to be cut off as Adam's foot… takes the Royal Guard's head clean off his shoulders.

Like that, all three are dead. Like that, Adam has become a killer. Shit, he'd just… he'd just moved. It had felt… right. God, it almost felt good. Knowing who these fucks were and what they were going to do… maybe he didn't have room to judge, all things considered. But their actions would have clearly led to an all-out war, damn it!

… This was just the beginning. He needed to finish this.

Moving past the three corpses floating in the water, Adam makes his way deeper into the palace. As he does… he encounters more Royal Guards. He tries to pull his punches but finds it impossible to hold back. He's just too pissed off. He hasn't even laid eyes on Queen Oceania yet, and he's already feeling incredibly… possessive.

Needless to say, when he finally reaches the throne room and bursts in, seeing what's happening inside makes him nearly apoplectic.

Queen Oceania is bent over her own throne with a collar and leash around her neck, choking on her own spit as the one Adam recognizes from All Seeing Eye's briefing as the Queen's Guard Captain, fucks her hard and fast from behind. He'd pounding into the gorgeous voluptuous red head, smacking her ass cheeks back and forth with his free hand as the other holds her leash tightly, choking her with it.

Of course, Adam's arrival puts an end to all of that, both the Queen and her Royal Guard Captain jolting at his explosive entrance and whipping around to look in his direction. Adam grins beneath his helmet, even as he steps forward.

"Queen Oceania. I was told you were too busy to speak with me. I see now they were right. Unfortunately, my business is more important than your pleasure."

Blinking at him owlishly, the gorgeous red head chokes out a few words.

"Who… the fuck… are you…?"

With an enraged growl, however, her Guard Captain delivers a stinging spanking to her backside and pulls out, shoving her forward into her throne rather forcefully as he sneers angrily.

"Shut up, bitch. I'll deal with this and then I'll get back to you."

Oceania gives him a dirty look, but also squirms in a way that Adam has learned means she's helplessly aroused by the treatment. Indeed, she doesn't say another word, leaning back in her throne, lounging on it really, as she brings her hand down to her pussy and begins to play with herself brazenly. The 'SLAVE' collar that Adam had seen in that secret recording what feels like a lifetime ago is prominently displayed around the Queen's neck.

"How the fuck did you get in here? I told the others to be on the lookout. Fuckers must be asleep at their post."

The Captain of Queen Oceania's Royal Guard is a hulking specimen that would have almost certainly made Adam wet himself if he was facing the other male down at any time prior to gaining his powers. Now, they're of a height with one another… and Adam knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's the stronger of the two of them.

Posturing is pointless here… except for the simple fact that it's all being watched by Queen Oceania. And so, Adam puffs up his chest visibly and chuckles darkly as he answers the Captain's question.

"Dead, most of them. A few might still be alive… if they were supremely lucky."

"Dead?! Excuse me?!"

That's not the Captain who responds… that's Oceania herself. The news that a number of her Royal Guard is DEAD seems to be the blast of ice water down the monarch's back that she needs, as she lurches up out of her throne, beautiful green eyes wide and angry, hands clenched into fists. But once again, the Captain of her Royal Guard proves his stupidity as he snarls at her.

"I told you to shut up, bitch! I'll deal with this!"

Oceania isn't having it, not anymore. This is a lot more serious than some slave play.

"Captain, this is no time for games! If this monster is telling the truth, we need to-!"

And then the Captain makes his fateful mistake. Honestly, Adam is in awe of the level of stupidity going on in front of him, as the other male suddenly pulls out a small device and presses a button, causing the collar around Oceania's neck to cinch much tighter than before, and deliver some sort of… debilitating pulse to the Queen of the Seas.

Oceania's ensuing scream is nearly deafening as she drops to her knees, her hands reaching up for the collar but unable to get to it as her fingers claw at empty air, spasming and trembling. Her whole body shakes and quivers before he lets up, and then she collapses forward on the floor, gasping and panting and looking as weak as a kitten.

Both Adam and the Captain stare at her for a moment, him in stupefaction and the Captain in smug satisfaction. He can hardly believe his eyes.

"… Well, that was easy."

As the Captain whips back around to glare at him, Adam just laughs in his face.

"I honestly thought it would be difficult to convince Oceania that her Royal Guards were plotting to overthrow her and make the slave play permanent and all too real. But then you went and did that, and now I don't think it'll be very hard at all."

"W-What? Over… overthrow me? A-Ansen?"

The Royal Guard Captain, who's apparently named Ansen (Adam had probably been told it but had either been consciously blocking it out to be as insulting as possible, or simply hadn't bothered to remember), just sneers down at his Queen.

"Indeed. You're worthless as a monarch, Oceania. As pathetic a Queen as our Kingdom has ever had. You belong on your hands and knees, with that collar around your neck for all time. We'll be better off with ME as King… once I deal with this inter-!"

Ansen's big evil guy monologue cuts out as he chokes on blood. Slowly looking down, he stares at his own beating heart, held in Adam's gauntleted fist, which is currently pushing out the front of Ansen's chest.

"Yeah… about that."

With a squeeze, the heart explodes in his hand and Adam yanks his arm back. Ansen slumps to the floor and expires a few moments later. Adam is left wondering if he should have taken any of them alive… before ultimately discarding the concept as he steps over the Captain's corpse and begins striding towards Oceania.

Faster than the Queen of the Seas can follow, he actually does stop and crouch down to grab the device that controls her collar off of Ansen's body… but honestly, he doesn't really see much point in using it.

As he gets closer, Queen Oceania does surge up to try and attack him, her face twisted into a rictus of fury and anguish and rage… Adam stops her in her tracks, his hands around her wrists.

"You're welcome, your majesty."

"You… you… you- GRAH!"

Yanking herself back from him, Oceania slumps in defeat, broken by the events and revelations that have just taken place in front of her.

Adam, for his part, pauses for a moment… before disengaging his armor and stepping out of it. Oceania flinches back at first, before staring in astonishment at the sight of him, underwater and standing before her.

"You… you are human! You are a man!"

Smirking slightly, Adam nods his head in agreement. He hasn't quite developed the ability to breathe underwater yet… but he can almost feel it slowly slotting into place, the longer he stands in front of Oceania. In the meantime, he lets her do the talking, even as she's blown away by this discovery.

"H-How? Men cannot… I was told that only females of your species can develop powers! And yet, you have shown a strength greater than all of my guards, and presumably fought your way through my entire city!"

Adam cocks his head to the side, raising an eyebrow at her questioningly. Does it matter, how? Or… does it matter what he can give her? He doesn't say it of course, he can't yet, but he does reach down and pull his cock out, letting his entire massive length fall out into the water right before Oceania's eyes. Needless to say, the collared Queen's gaze flicks down to it and then she does a double take as she focuses on his dick, going cross-eyed in an effort to take it in.

"You… you're here to subjugate me and my people, aren't you?"

Adam rolls his eyes at that and shakes his head. At Queen Oceania's look of confusion, he jabs a finger in her direction. Luckily, she gets it.

"Not my people… j-just me?"

He can hear the hint of arousal and hope in her voice and knows that, even if she won't say it, he has her. Adam nods, and Oceania bites her lower lip, wiggling her hips for a moment before scowling furiously.

"You will have to be just as strong outside of that armor as you are in it!"

And then she lunges forward again… and Adam catches her again, proving that he is indeed as strong outside of the armor as he is in it. In fact, he proves that his strength is not tied to the suit of armor whatsoever, making Oceania's eyes bulge out of her skull in disbelief.


The collar still around her neck, and the leash still attached to it, Adam reaches out and grabs the latter, yanking it up and forcibly spinning Oceania herself around and away from him, bending her over. She gasps and then moans, shaking and trembling in front of him in all of her naked, busty, voluptuous glory.

Reaching around, Adam gropes one of her tits for a moment, before sliding his hand down to his cock and fitting it into her from behind. He's gratified to find that he's much, MUCH bigger than her previous partner, as he thrusts forward, and her cunt proves too tight for him initially. But Adam doesn't stop, and soon Oceania is letting out something of a keening wail mixed with a wanton moan as he begins to fuck the Monarch of the Waves right there in her throne room, with the body of her Guard Captain mere feet away.

Somewhere in the middle of this, he gains the ability to breathe underwater. He'd been holding his breath since stepping out of the suit, something he could have kept doing for days long. Thanks to Star Child's powers, he was actually able to live in the vacuum of space now… existing underwater was child's play by comparison.

Still, with him copying Queen Oceania, he finds himself suddenly able to switch between breathing water or air with ease, and given the situation he finds himself in, he does so, taking in a deep lungful of water as he continues to ram Oceania from behind.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it bitch? Someone to truly take you to task."

"F-Fuck! N-No! D-Damn you!"

Rolling his eyes, Adam rears back his hand and brings it down hard on her ass.



"Don't lie to me. I bet you knew about their plot, didn't you? And the only reason you hadn't nipped it in the bud yet, was because you were torn between letting it happen and stopping it."

Silence falls… damning silence at that. It was pure conjecture, a theory that Adam had come up with all on his own. Not even All Seeing Eye had posited it, not in her briefing and not in her notes on the issue. But Adam liked to think he had gotten pretty good at reading these fucking superheroines. Every goddamn member of The Team was a fucking mess, each in their own way… but they were also all so damn similar too.

Queen Oceania doesn't answer him, and in fact stays quiet as the throne room is filled with nothing but the slap of flesh against flesh as his cock drills into her gushing wet cunt and his hips slap against her absurdly fat ass cheeks, again and again.

Honestly, she looks nothing like the conquering Warrior Queen he'd seen a handful of times on the news. There's no game face here, no attempt at putting on airs. They both know what she is… the word is emblazoned on the damn collar around her neck, after all.

Dragging her back by the leash, forcing her to arch her spine until he can look down into her eyes from above, Adam sneers at her.


She clenches up around him, tightening up, if not outright cumming on the spot.

"He was right, you're really good for nothing more than this, are you? But… I don't really feel like running a kingdom."

She continues to clench down around his cock as he talks, and Adam continues to fuck her ceaselessly and unrelentingly.

"I've decided… I'll keep you, but you can continue to handle things down here. It's not really my style. You'll be my slave, but everyone else can continue calling you Queen."

When Oceania doesn't respond, Adam reaches up and slaps her face.

"Well, slave? What do you have to say? I'm letting you keep your pathetic kingdom."

"… T-Thank you."

She's trying so hard to sound defiant, trying to so hard to act like she hates him. Adam knows better, by this point. If not every super, then at least every super on The Team is the exact fucking same. And even Queen Oceania is no fucking different. So, he slaps her again and smirks at her.

"Thank you… what?"

"T-Thank you… Master…"

Chuckling, Adam yanks back on the leash again and starts to fuck her harder.

"Good girl."

It's certainly not his imagination that she reaches climax shortly after that, and then keeps cumming as he fucks her long and hard with his massive member. Stretching her cunt nice and wide over his cock, Adam doesn't let up, he doesn't hesitate. He fucks her and fuck her… and for good measure, fucks her some more. Making sure to underline their new relationship with a good, long plowing, Adam doesn't stop until Oceania is a moaning, helpless mess, a puddle of pleasured flesh that he ultimately fills with his seed, creampieing her right there in the middle of her throne room.

Pulling out of her after finishing, Adam lets out a low sigh as he looks around the throne room, from her to the dead Captain, to his open set of armor. When Oceania recovers in record time and asks the obvious of him, he already has his answer prepared.

"What… what am I supposed to tell people? Your entrance wasn't exactly… subtle."

Chuckling, Adam shakes his head.

"No, it was not. As for what you tell people… I would think that's obvious. That monster there… it came rampaging through your kingdom. Wouldn't take no for an answer. It killed your Royal Guards, who gallantly gave their lives for you… and in the end only you, Queen Oceania, were able to stop it."

Oceania looks at him incredulously for a moment. He's gesturing at his open armor, after all. With a smirk, Adam snaps his fingers, and the armor closes up, suddenly moving on its own… right towards her.

Luckily, the Queen of the Seas still has SOME instinct left to her. As it gets aggressive, she lets out a shout and delivers a haymaker right to the armor's jaw… causing it to shatter and break, much to her shock. Of course, that's around the time that she notices the slave collar is no longer around her neck. He'd taken it off of her in a fit of super speed, and whatever additional effect was making her weak as a kitten was gone.

She stares at herself, and then at the armor, and then at him with her collar and leash held in his hands.

"You… you are willing to give up your armor for this purpose?"

Adam just shrugs.

"It was about time for it to be retired anyways. THAT thing has always been for hiding my identity. It certainly isn't my true identity. And besides… you need something to tell your people and the public. Meanwhile…"

Blinking forward faster than Oceania can follow, Adam's hand is around her neck before she can react and he watches her go still as she realizes that even with her full strength returned to her, she is absolutely still weaker than him and completely helpless in his grasp.

"YOU will pick better Royal Guards to replace the ones I slain. And you will cease those little games of yours that put such… treasonous ideas in the minds of your men in the first place. As your Master, I command it. Am I understood?"

Shivering in poorly disguised delight, her green eyes heavily hooded with lust, Oceania licks her lips, barely even trying to feign anger or terror.

"Y-Yes… Master."

"Good girl. I'll be back to check on you sometime soon, I suppose. Or maybe I'll call you to me. After all, a Master shouldn't have to abide by his slave's schedule, should he?"

"… No, Master."

"I'm glad we're on the same page. Goodbye, slave. See you soon."

And then he's gone. Literally, gone. In a nanosecond, he's left not just Oceania's throne room, but her palace behind. In half a second, he's out of the ocean and on dry land again. By the end of the first second, he's reached his next destination. It's time. Time to end this.


"F-Fuck yeah! Fucking talk down to her some more you big steamy hunk! Fucking shit all over her! God, g-give it to her again! Tell her what a stupid bitch she is! M-Make her clean off your dick, who fucking cares if you're underwater, it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing!"

Deep within what could only be considered a NEET's lair, a young woman with scarlet red hair and green eyes was sat in her computer chair, her feet up on the edge of it and her legs spread even as they bend at the knees. Her toes curl as she fingers her gushing wet cunt with a vigor that seems somewhat reckless, her computer chair creaking dangerously, but not quite failing her.

The beautiful bespectacled red head probably isn't what one would expect a NEET to look like. But that's because of a little something called Superheroine Syndrome. Namely, there is no such thing as an ugly superheroine. Get superpowers? You got superhuman beauty to go along with it. And this girl, for all that she wasn't as voluptuous and curvaceous as all of her teammates, was still a super. Thus, she was beautiful in spite of not leaving her cave in years, in spite of living a life of complete and utter solitude thanks to her powers.

Powers that currently weren't bothering her one bit, thanks to the shiny chrome band around her upper arm. As she moans wantonly, her hips buck and she feels herself getting close again while watching the last of the exchange between Adam and Queen Oceania through the hidden camera she'd managed to sneak into the Monarch of the Waves' throne room.

However, just as she's about to hit her release, Adam… disappears. He leaves his armor behind, the only piece of him she'd managed to plant a tracker on and disappears from Queen Oceania's throne room. Before the girl in the chair can do much more than register this fact with her powers disabled as they are, a hand closes on the back of her chair and slowly turns her around.

Standing there, towering over her with a knowing smile on his face, like all of her security measures had meant nothing (and to him they probably hadn't meant anything) is Adam Anderson… in the flesh.

"Hello, Eye. I think it's high time we had a talk, don't you?"


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

Thanks for reading!