Eva Snow & Julia Phoenix, Angie Star

Julia Phoenix was… excited. Perhaps she shouldn't have been, but it was all so… interesting. Eva had never gone off the reservation like this before, though it nevertheless smacked of some of their more extreme bedroom games. For Eva to drop off the grid, claim to be a super-villain, and send Julia a missive demanding that she come and stop her…

Well, it certainly sounded like Eva had found time in her very busy schedule for something of a treat. Certainly, Julia didn't believe for one second that her wife had ACTUALLY gone evil on her. She knew Eva Snow better than anyone else alive. They were married, but more than that, they were psychically bonded with one another in a way no one else could possibly lay claim to.

Now, that psychic bond had gone dark a while back, and certainly Julia had been panicked at first, but the message from Eva had arrived soon after, making everything much clearer. It was obvious that Eva had found a way to muffle or block their psychic link, allowing for this to happen. It meant that Eva had made a breakthrough, and Julia… Julia was intrigued.

She didn't dare hope that this was it, of course. But… maybe? It was possible, she supposed, that Eva's breakthrough had also given her a way to push past the ever so slight gap between their psychic abilities. If she was stronger than Julia now, or had a way of making that strength inconsequential, then this might be it, mightn't it? This might be the moment of true subjugation that Julia had longed for all her life.

Ah, but she really shouldn't get her hopes up. It was just as likely that this was a brand new game Eva was playing with her, and that while it would be fun and enjoyable, it would ultimately come to an end, and they would return to their lives and the public eye with none the wiser. Best not to expect too much, lest she be disappointed.

With such expectations thoroughly tempered, Julia floats down towards the castle she's been directed to. It's a dark and cloudy night, and the castle she finds herself approaching under the use of her telekinesis, has certainly seen better days. Its black and barely lit, but this was where Eva said she would be, this was her 'Evil Lair' as she'd put it.

If Julia wanted to stop her, or at least make a token attempt before the sexual games begin, then she would have to go inside. Of course, that didn't mean she couldn't be polite about things. She's not expecting much, when she approaches the large wood doors at the front of the castle and gives a good, hard knock. Maybe an ominous creaking open, or maybe no reaction at all, forcing her to break down the door with her mind or something.

However, neither of those things happen. The doors do open… but are pulled open by an actual person, a man dressed in an old-fashioned set of servant's clothes, who bows to her as she stares at him, eyes wide and mouth open.

"Good evening, Madame Phoenix. The Mistress is expecting you in the throne room. I can escort you there as soon as you are ready to confront her."

The presence of the man, in and of itself, is a shock. She and Eva had brought in others into their bedroom play once or twice, sure, but… they'd been very good about not using their abilities on them unless it was all consented beforehand. A psychic could truly drive a non-psychic wild, so there had been times when they'd been given that consent, but still.

That said, this is a bit of a more extreme situation to be including a third party in. And not only that, but Julia is also gobsmacked as she sees WHO Eva has ensnared.

"D-Dr. Anderson?"

Indeed, the man in front of her is the handsome, beefy Doctor Adam Anderson, Head of R&D at Star Industries, one of their competitors. It was grossly inappropriate for Eva to invite him into this sort of thing just as an aside, but also… how had she gotten away with it at all, frankly? Why had Dr. Anderson agreed to this?

The man furrows his brow in honest confusion, and a small bead of horror begins to build in the back of Julia's mind as he shakes his head back and forth.

"I'm sorry, Madame, but no? I am the Mistress' Head Butler, Adam."

It's definitely Dr. Anderson. And Julia… Julia knew of Eva's obsession with the man, she'd have to be blind not to have noticed that something about him was holding her wife's interest more than most people. However, Eva had been meticulous about keeping whatever was possessing her when it came to him, a secret. Julia knew not why Eva had fixated on him, only that… only that that fixation seemed to have become something dangerous.

She wouldn't normally do this, not under any circumstances really, but Julia is beginning to panic. And so, she reaches out, very gently, barely a featherlight psychic touch, and she tries to read Dr. Anderson's mind, tries to confirm to herself that her worst fears have NOT been realized, that her beloved wife has NOT crossed this most severe of lines in turning an innocent man into someone he is not.

Unfortunately, she does not assuage her worries. No, rather, she confirms them. As 'Head Butler Adam' looks at her quizzically, Julia blanches upon seeing his thoughts and noting them to be completely in line with his outward appearance and personality. He fully believes that he is her wife's loyal Head Butler, that he has served her all his life, and that she is his Mistress.

The horror of what she's looking at very nearly sees Julia hyper-ventilating. But her panic and fear at the line Eva has crossed is quickly replaced by anger… and soon after, resolve. Her wife has crossed a significant line on this one. She doesn't know what Eva thinks she's doing, but this is wrong. This is all terribly wrong.

She tries, of course, to fix Adam right then and there. Dr. Anderson must still lie somewhere under the façade, or so she hopes. But unfortunately, as expected, she finds herself rebuffed the moment she tries to go any deeper into his mind, her powers swatted away with almost contemptuous ease by the other psychic who has enslaved him and turned him into her thrall.

Julia could have fought Eva over Dr. Anderson's mind right then and there, could have made their battlefield his head, but that would have been… utterly foolish, given her goal was to save the poor man, not turn him into a vegetable. No, if she wanted to help Dr. Anderson… she had to go to the source and put an end to this madness right away.

This wasn't a game anymore… and Julia was feeling angrier than she'd ever felt.


Blasting forward, Julia makes her way through the castle at speed with the help of her telekinesis. Her psychic link to Eva might be blocked right now, but that didn't mean she couldn't locate her. After spending so much of her life basking in the other superpowered woman's presence, her absence is like a void to her senses… a void she can track.

Blasting through a pair of large wooden doors without stopping, Julia comes upon the throne room. The doors go careening to the sides, completely thrown off her hinges, and Julia grits her teeth as she finally halts her forward motion. Eva is waiting for her, of course, sat upon a gilded throne.

They make for quite the juxtaposed pair. Always have. Eva Snow, with all her whites. Julia Phoenix, with all her blacks. If one were to gaze upon the two of them side by side and be forced to name one as the villain and the other as the heroine, well, Julia had no misconceptions. They'd name her as the villain, ten times out of ten.

It was the red head's style, to be fair. Thigh-high black heeled boots and arm-length black gloves. A black corset and pair of panties. A black cloak that billowed under the effects of her psychic abilities, with an inside lining of dark, blood-red. And finally, the spiked choker she wore around her neck, completing the ensemble. On top of all of that, she carried a whip at her side, attached to her hip by nothing more than her psychic touch.

Julia knew how she looked. Eva did as well, given it was the blonde who had designed their outfits. Julia had never minded having the more sinister appearance. It led people to being more intimidated by her than they had any right being, and also led to them underestimating Eva. Julia was the quiet one, the introvert. She preferred not having to talk, and her outfit was designed to keep people from approaching her, when they could approach the cut-throat, but nevertheless brighter and sunnier Eva Snow.

Now though… now Julia could care less about any of that. It was just her and Eva right now, and their outfits, as night and day as they might be, meant little in the face of the crimes that her wife had committed against poor, innocent Dr. Anderson.

"What have you DONE, Eva?!"

Cackling, Eva lounges back in her throne, looking completely at ease, but also somewhat manic in her wide, toothy grin.

"Oh? What have I done? Only begun my takeover of the world, my dear Julia! With you by my side, no one will be able to stop us. Though, of course, there will be a rearranging of priorities… to start, from now on you will call me MISTRESS Eva."

Normally, Julia would be all too happy to play along, and even 'lose' after a bit of fighting back, so they could have some fun. She'd actually brought her whip along in the hopes of it being used AGAINST her, as it stood… but now? Not now. Not after what Eva had done.

"Don't play games with me Eva! This is serious! What you did-!"

Before she can finish her sentence, a throat clears behind her.

"Ahem. Mistress Snow. Presenting Madame Phoenix. My apologies, she was most insistent on approaching you, post-haste."

Julia flinches back, at the realization that Dr. Anderson has followed her to her wife's throne room. She would have preferred he stayed away, but alas, it seemed she wasn't going to get her wish on that front. Still, she pointedly puts herself between Eva and Adam, gritting her teeth as she glares her wife down, angrier with the blonde than she's ever been before.

"What you've done to this man is unforgiveable, Eva. If you're going to have any HOPE of making this right, you'll start by reverting the changes you made to his mind!"

The last spark of hope in Julia's chest flares for half a moment as Eva seems to mull her words over… then, it gutters out and dies as the white-clad blonde scoffs and waves a gloved hand airily.

"Whyever should I? He is but a man… he is MY man now, just as soon the entire world will be mine… with your help of course, my darling wife. Once you submit to my power, I will rule this world as I always should have! As it's Queen!"

Has… has Eva gone mad? Julia can't even tell where the façade ends with her own wife at the moment. Surely Eva Snow hasn't actually gone off the deep-end and gone super-villain? And yet, all evidence currently points to that being the case. It doesn't make SENSE. She… there were no warning signs, save for her recalcitrance in giving her reasons for being so obsessed with Dr. Anderson. This was all so… out of nowhere!

But, as the air around Eva shivers and Julia realizes that the blonde is drawing upon her psychic might, she's forced to set her confusion aside and bring her own powers to bear. Rising from her throne, Eva steps down off the dais, leaving the two women standing across from each other. Both are capable of telekinesis, but neither uses it… no, this is a pure mental battle.

Unseen to the outside world, they clash vehemently with one another, each trying to batter at each other's psychic defenses, trying to tear away mental shields that in some cases, they'd helped one another put in place! It starts out hesitant at first, at least on Julia's end. Even knowing of Eva's misdeeds, it's not like she wants to hurt her wife or anything like that.

But she can't… she can't let this stand. She can't let Eva get away with this… ANY of this. Dr. Anderson was bad enough, but if she's serious about trying to take over the world, then Julia is the only one capable of stopping her! No matter what Julia's own personal feelings on the matter might be, no matter how long she's secretly desired the total subjugation only another, more powerful or craftier psychic can provide, she can't let anyone with that sort of power just run amok! Not even her own wife! ESPECIALLY not her own wife!

It's a hard-fought battle, but Julia has always been stronger than Eva. For a while, the two of them are closely matched, their psychic might lashing back and forth as they try and find openings where there are none. However, the longer they fight, the more openings they make, until cracks can be found in BOTH of their shields.

The cracks in Eva's mental defenses are just bigger faster, and finally, Julia is able to spike through her shields, sending the would-be Tyrant Queen reeling back in the physical world with a cry. Normally, Julia would have pressed the attack and tried to end it then and there. But two things stop her. One, hearing the woman you married cry out in pain is always going to give you pause, unless you're a heartless bitch which Julia is decided not.

But two… two is what she sees on the other side of Eva's shields. It's just a glimpse before the blonde manages to push a shocked Julia out and repair the crack, but it's more than enough. What Julia sees is… the truth. This is not her Eva Snow. This is a mockery, a mimicry of a person shunted into Eva's mind and given control of her body while the real Eva is locked away in some small, dark corner of her own thoughts, unable to interact with the world. She hadn't managed to get to the real Eva in that instant of clarity, but she'd seen enough to know that this was not her wife… that someone had manufactured the THING in front of her and used it to steal her wife's body.

"E-Eva. Who… who did this to you?!"

Panting, glaring up at her venomously, it's not the thing wearing her wife's body that answers her. Instead, what answers her is a click as a metal band suddenly closes shut over her bare bicep, and Julia's psychic abilities are suddenly completely and utterly lost to her. She's never experienced this before, never once been without at least some smidge of her power. Even the neural inhibitor merely locks her psychic abilities to within a small range of her own skin.

This though, is a complete and utter nullification of her powers, and as it hits Julia all at once, she falls back on her ass, eyes wide and staring up, disbelieving, into the smiling face of Dr. Adam Anderson.

"Why my dear, haven't you read enough mystery novels? The answer is always the same, I find. The Butler Did It."

Julia doesn't get a chance to respond, nor even a chance to really process what he's saying, before a truly titanic psychic might crashes into her nonexistent mental shields, the nullifying band of metal completely bringing them down. Her eyes roll back in her head as she passes out on the spot.


Julia Phoenix was a good woman. Adam would have felt bad for all of this, if he didn't know it was what she truly wanted, deep down inside. Still, he was impressed that she'd been so willing to set aside her own personal desires to save him. The red head wanted nothing more than to be completely and utterly subjugated psychically, and thought Eva was the one to do it.

And yet, she'd been fully willing to lose out on that chance forever, in order to bring her wife to justice for her presumed crimes against his personage and mind. To say Adam was touched would be an understatement. Hadn't stopped him from taking advantage though. By the time he'd clasped one of his nullification bands around Julia's upper arm, he'd already copied more than enough of her psychic abilities to be able to take her down even without it. But hey, no reason to make things any messier than they had to be.

Now, as Julia begins to 'wake up', Adam smiles, stood before her. Well, not really. Technically, she's not awake in the real world. This is Julia's mind, albeit reshaped into a sex dungeon with Julia's consciousness placed upon an X-frame with her wrists and ankles shackled to each of the four ends of the cross.

As she comes to, her eyes widen and she tries to jerk free, but to no avail. She is completely and utterly helpless right now, just as her wife was when he'd placed his nullification band on her. Poor Julia isn't nearly as sexually excited as Eva was though, mostly because she doesn't fully understand the situation quite yet.

That doesn't mean the red head is unintelligent, however, and even without her psychic abilities, her mind is still her strongest tool. Adam watches as she gazes upon him in disbelief for a moment, before admirably restructuring her world view in the span of a few moments. That doesn't stop her from asking the obvious, however.

"H-How is this possible?"

Tilting his head to the side, Adam grins.

"I developed a gene therapy that allows me to copy superpowers based on proximity. I also developed technology that allows me to nullify a woman's powers, which is indeed what I used on you. Your wife, Eva… was a naughty little bitch who was going behind your back and wearing a fake neural disruptor at all sorts of important events and gatherings for who knows how long."

Julia's eyes widen at that revelation, but Adam isn't done, of course.

"She saw what I'd been up to in my mind at one such gathering and saw in me an opportunity to give you both what you want… true domination, and utter subjugation at the hands of a psychic more powerful than yourselves. She arranged for her and me to be alone together at a clandestine meeting, where she waited until I copied her powers so that I could take her, and both mentally and physically dominate her right then and there. You know the rest."

Breath hitching, Julia is clearly doing her best to process everything he's telling her. He knows it's a lot, but from the way her lips are parted, she clearly understands. Or at least, he thinks she does until she opens her mouth and speaks.

"Y-You betrayed her… twisted her mind, corrupted her. She trusted you!"

Ah, so she didn't understand. Or maybe she was just roleplaying? Adam focuses on Julia's unprotected thoughts for a moment to make sure… but no, she actually believes Eva is suffering horribly. That just won't do. His pride as a man won't allow that sort of thing to stand. Not to mention, so long as she thinks that, anything he does to her would be rape. And that, heh, would be wrong.


Before Julia can try to argue with him, Adam snaps his fingers. The block on their psychic link vanishes, and he brings Julia to Eva for lack of a better way of describing it. In their minds, it's as if he walks Julia down a long, dark, dungeon corridor as she remains trapped on the X-frame, which… has wheels or floats or something, the metaphor is clearly stretching.

They reach the true Eva Snow quickly enough, and Julia lays eyes on her actual wife's actual untouched mind. Which yes, is indeed imprisoned in the back of her head, but also is clearly having the time of her life. Far from trying to break free, Eva is doing the mental equivalent of masturbating vigorously, wanton moans filling the space as Julia blushes at the sight, doing the mental equivalent of wide-eyed at the 'sight'.


Freezing up, Eva looks out through the bars of her mental cage, sees Julia, and grins lecherously.

"Julia. I did it. I finally did it. I finally found the perfect man for us."

Julia flushes and squirms in her mental bondage.

"I n-never needed a man… j-just you…"

But Eva just shakes her head.

"I could never give you what you wanted. I was never going to be strong enough. Sure, with Adam's tech you might have been able to submit to me for a time, but it would only have been a temporary measure, just like all of our other roleplay. But Adam… Adam has the combined total of our psychic abilities now. He's as strong as the two of us put together. He's perfect."

Adam watches, as the reality of Eva's claims seems to properly hit Julia. She flushes even harder, and he can tell… she's aroused by the possibilities.


Eva can tell as well, because she grins even wider, still doing the mental equivalent of touching herself from within her little mental prison, clearly unbothered by the lack of control… enjoying it, even.

"Now get out there and do what you've always wanted to do, Julia. And do it guilt-free. Lose. Lose to Adam, and the two of us can be his subjugated psychic mistresses for the rest of our lives."

Seeing Julia's mental squirming reaching a crescendo and knowing that if he didn't have her in her current bondage, she too would probably be mentally masturbating right alongside Eva, Adam snaps his fingers.

They come out of Julia's mind a moment later, back into the real world. Julia's actual eyes zip open to find Adam standing over here, the nullification band removed from her arm and in his hand. He smirks, as he tosses it away from her. Hastily, Julia stands up, her mental shields doing their best to repair themselves on the fly.

Of course, in her moment of distraction, Evil Eva, the personality he's crafted to control Julia's wife's body, reaches out and the whip on Julia's hip flies across the room, the handle slapping into Eva's gloved hand and the length of the whip unfurling.

Julia backs away from both him and Eva, biting her lower lip and looking between the two of them somewhat strangely.

"Y-You won't… you won't w-win. I'll d-defeat you! I'll save Eva! I'll w-warn the world about you! Your only h-hope of… of stopping me is to beat me here and now! But I'm the m-most powerful psychic in the world! You don't stand a chance!"

Adam grins, able to tell quite clearly even with her mental shields in place that all of Julia's bluster is an act as she finally lets herself fall into the roleplay. Chuckling, he shakes his head and raises a hand.

"You WERE the most powerful psychic in the world."

In an instant, Julia finds herself immobilized by his newly enhanced psychic abilities. This time around, she's not completely helpless, what with having her psychic abilities back… but that just makes the gulf of power between them all the more obvious, as Adam clenches his hand into a fist and her arms are yanked behind her back, the red head forced to her knees with her chest thrust out.

Julia gasps, even as Evil Eva steps forward and flicks the bullwhip at her darling wife. The tip of the whip slices across Julia's body, however, rather than completely tearing and rending her flesh like a bullwhip this size would, it's directed by Eva's own psychic abilities, meaning that it leaves scratches at best behind, as Julia is stripped out of her already skimpy costume in mere moments.

Her breasts bounce free of her corset as it falls into tatters on either side of her, and her panties are shredded as well, leaving her completely exposed and vulnerable to Adam Anderson as the male psychic steps forward… and frees his cock from its confines.

Julia's mouth opens against her will, pried open by psychic power beyond what she can fight. Adam grins, seeing the abject lust in her eyes, even as he feeds his cock into her mouth. She can't stop him, it's as if he's set an O-ring gag into her jaw, albeit an invisible one. Her tongue lashes against the underside of his cock in vein, and she gags as he grabs a fistful of her hair and shoves her down his length.


You're mine now. You belong to me.

The words act as a bludgeon as well, slamming into Julia's fraying shields and making her eyes roll back as she quivers and shakes in abject ecstasy. She still tries to hold off on completely surrendering, still tries to keep her shields intact a bit longer… but Adam tires of this game. He knows what he wants.



The red head moans as she all but breaks for him. Though whether it can really be called a breaking, when he's giving her what she wants, Adam can't say. He knows one thing for certain however, her tongue is no longer trying to push him out of her mouth. Instead, as he relaxes the psychic hold on her jaw, Julia begins to suck, bobbing up and down on his dick of her own eager volition, thoroughly debasing herself in her enthusiasm to pleasure him with her mouth and throat.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

Evil Eva strides up, grinning wickedly down at Julia.

"That's right you little bitch. Submit to your Master. Learn your place, cunt."

Adam hums… and then snaps his fingers, discarding the false personality he'd put in place over Eva Snow's mind with a thought. He doesn't need her anymore, not really. And honestly… he'd rather have them both on their knees.

He gets what he wants, as the bullwhip drops from Eva's suddenly nerveless fingers, the blonde collapsing to her knees right there on the spot and convulsing as she orgasms noisily. All of that mental masturbation had to build up somewhere, Adam supposes, watching on in bemusement as Eva's eyes roll up in her skull and she just cums and cums for what looks like a solid couple of minutes.

Even Julia watches her wife out of the corner of her eye as she face fucks herself upon his cock, looking a mixture of concerned and jealous, until Eva finally calms down and manages to regain some semblance of control over herself. Her eyes flutter and roll forward and she gives Adam a wide, sultry grin, even as she speaks from her mind, rather than her lips.

Oooh, Master…

Following Eva's lead, Julia 'speaks' too, even as she's still throating his cock.

Please, Master. Please fuck us. Use us to your heart's content. Subjugate us.

Staring down at the pair of psychic minxes… Adam wonders how much all of this was to his benefit, and how much was to theirs. Pah, no matter. They were all getting something out of this, and by the very nature of this transaction, Adam had decisively come out on top. He always did, heh.

Sliding a hand through Eva's hair as well, he lets the blonde join her red-headed wife for a beat, Eva's mouth moving to his balls as the psychic married couple both gaze up at him, eyes filled with desire and adoration. With a growl, Adam's own eyes flash as he uses his new abilities to their fullest. In an instant, Eva and Julia are in the air, floating in front of him, their bodies hugging each other in a lover's embrace.

With Julia on the bottom and Eva on the top, the former's legs are wrapped around the latter's waist, while the latter's legs are stretched taut and spread eagled for ease of access. The two women are quick to accept their new position, even as Adam grabs Eva's legs with his actual hands and drags them both toward him, impaling Julia's cunt with his cock as a result.

The two psychics makeout heatedly with each other, while their mental 'voices' become an unintelligible mess of utter blissful and altogether nonsensical pleasure. There are no more words, just more noises transmitted psychically to him even as he fucks Julia relentlessly. Her sopping wet, clenching cunt makes it clear how much she's enjoying all of this, now that she no longer has to concern herself with her wife potentially going off the deep end and trying to take over the world.

Meanwhile, Eva is all too happy to be reunited with her wife as well, and now that the games are over, she's content to be little more than a sexual aid as Adam uses his grip on her pale thighs to fuck Julia harder upon his cock. Only for a while though. Eventually, he pulls out of Julia, spins the floating pair of psychic women over so their positions are reversed, and thrusts into Eva next, fucking her just as hard and relentlessly.

His appetites have undeniably grown as he's collected more and more powers. Indeed, even as he's physically enjoying their bodies, he's also getting quite a bit from their minds. His own psychic abilities make it so easy to overwhelm them, to 'plow' their minds just as he's plowing their bodies. And so, Adam does, alternating between focusing on either of them at any given time, until finally, he cums.

His seed pumps into Julia's womb, not Eva's. Mostly because he can tell from his intimate knowledge that it's the red head who wants a baby more than the blonde. Perhaps one day Eva will want to get knocked up too, but for now, she would only do so if he demanded it, as an obligation, not a desire.

Only after the fact does Adam stop and realize he let Julia's desires influence him there. He hadn't even considered whether potentially impregnating her might cause consequences or not. Hm, even though he was the more powerful psychic, that didn't mean she couldn't have any effect on his mind, even subconsciously. That was… very good to know, he supposed. He'd have to, heh, keep it in mind in the future. For now, Adam was content with his conquest of the psychic married couple. Content… but not satisfied. Not yet, anyways.


Weeks after his conquest of Eva Snow and Julia Phoenix, Adam is in his laboratory, going over some things, when Angie Star walks in. The blonde superheroine has been quite quiet of late, and Adam has caught little glimpses of what's going through her head. He could do a deeper reading of course, but where would the fun in that be? She's not going to go too far, he made sure of that.

And indeed, his reluctance to delve deep has resulted in a nice surprise. After all, because he hadn't snooped, he certainly hadn't been expecting THIS from dear Angie. The girl has stridden into his office with a cup of coffee, brewed just as he likes it, in her hand. Not just that, however, she's dressed the closest thing to professionally that he's seen of her yet.

With her hair done up in a bun, Angie has a pair of glasses of all things on the bridge of her nose. Judging by their size and location, they're more of an accessory then a necessity, given she's actively looking over the top rim of them rather than through them. On top of that, Angie is wearing a white blouse, black pencil skirt, and nylons.

Her blouse has more than a few of its buttons undone, showing off her lacy bra and cleavage, but all in all, she looks quite… hm, presentable. Certainly, she looks more like a personal assistant than a brat, for once.

As she walks towards him, Adam raises his eyes to gaze at her, lifting one brow questioningly to see what she will do. Blushing under the sudden attention, Angie comes to a stop in front of him and places the cup of coffee down for him.

"Y-Your coffee, sir. O-Oh, um, it might have g-gotten cold!"

A nanosecond of heat vision later, and steam begins to rise from the surface of the coffee cup, even as Adam lifts his eyebrow even higher at the move. Taking the cup, he drinks from it, not exactly fearing poison. It's perfect, of course. Not a single problem with it that he can see. Angie, meanwhile, squirms in front of him.

"It's good. Well done, Angie."

And then, because he loves to needle her, he grins.

"You've been a good girl. I suppose I'll refrain from taking you over my knee to paddle your behind… for now."

Angie's blush intensifies and she squirms harder for a moment before speaking up.

"A-And what if this good girl… wanted you to do so, daddy?"

For the second time in so many minutes, Adam is happy that he hasn't been peering too deeply into her mind for this encounter. Some surprises are good surprises, and as he leans back in his chair to regard Angie Star, he reflects that this is a VERY good surprise indeed. Looks like the darling brat is finally coming to him.

Well, he did say he would be her daddy for her, didn't he? Maybe not to her, but to himself. And Adam tried to keep his promises.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

Thanks for reading!