Angie Star (Spectacular Girl)

For a moment, Adam Anderson ponders the case of one Angie Star, as the eighteen year old squirms in front of him, dressed to the nines in business casual. He hums consideringly for a long moment, deciding just how he wants to handle this. Finally, he stands up from his chair and slowly approaches the beautiful bespectacled blonde.

The look is a total turn on. She doesn't need glasses, but she's wearing them anyways, and they definitely accentuate the rest of her secretarial ensemble. As he approaches, her reaction is a hell of a turn on as well. Angie stiffens up, and trembles in place. Turning his vast telepathy onto her, it's not hard to see what she's thinking right now. She's remembering every time he put his hands on her up to this point and anticipating him doing it again.

Angie Star, aka Spectacular Girl, is one of the toughest super women on the planet. She's just as strong and durable as her cousin, Stacey Star, aka Star Child. Of course, Stacey had turned out to be a complete freak for mind control, and ultimately when she'd finally stumbled upon him and his work, she'd fallen under his control entirely.

In comparison, Angie was a Brat with a capital B. There was no other descriptor for the sort of attitude the young blonde had. Having had her powers since she was fourteen meant no one could tell her no… ever. Her parents couldn't control her, her teachers couldn't control her, and the authorities certainly couldn't control her. They didn't want to, so long as she was being a good little heroine.

Deep down inside though, Angie wanted nothing more than to be disciplined physically, on the regular. Her brattiness was a direct result of her desire to be bent over a man's knee and spanked silly. Adam, as the only man who had ever proven capable of doing that for her, had captured her attention… and her heart.

Still, as he leans back against his desk right next to her trembling form, Adam doesn't lay his hands on her. Instead, he crosses his arms over his chest and cocks his head to the side.

"You're giving me conflicting information here, Angie. One moment you walk into my office, the consummate professional, and show me proper respect by calling me Sir… and the next, you're making inappropriate advances in the workplace and referring to me as daddy. You can see why this would be… less than optimal, yes? Are you my intern… or are you my baby girl?"

Angie's eyes grow progressively wider as he speaks, and her trembling intensifies. Her thoughts are going a mile a minute, but Adam finds it all too easy to keep up, thanks to a combination of Roadrunner's powers along with Eva Snow and Julia Phoenix's psychic abilities. He watches as she fidgets for a beat, before swallowing nervously and smiling tentatively.

"B-Both… s-sir?"

Her tentative smile has a hopeful tinge to it, and Adam has to admit… with the brattiness discarded, she's far more attractive at the moment. Even still, he feels the need to put his foot down. To lay down the law, so to speak. And so, he shakes his head, having to crush that small hope, albeit only temporarily.

"Are you my intern or are you my baby girl right NOW, Ms. Star?"

The formal mode of address, the way he pointedly looks up and down her business attire, and the quick glance at their surroundings all give Angie the hints she needs to answer him properly and promptly. Back straightening and tits jutting out a little more as a consequence, Angie blushes crimson.

"Your intern, Dr. Anderson, sir…"

Smiling, Adam nods his approval.

"That's a good girl. Yes, when we're at work, you're my intern. I'm glad you were able to reach the right conclusion. Unfortunately, you WILL have to be punished for your inappropriate behavior, Angie."

Excitement alights in the young blonde's face, and she quivers as he pats the desk right beside him.

"Forearms down, please. Bend over the desk, sweetheart. That's a good girl."

It's the height of hypocrisy, for him to talk about her engaging in 'inappropriate behavior' one breath, only to turn around and tell her to bend over his desk with the next. But neither Adam nor Angie care about hypocrisy. No, rather, the young blonde is all too excited to do as she's told at this point, eager for the physical discipline that only HE can provide her with.

Leaning forward, she rests her forearms down on the desk. This in turn causes her fine posterior, clad in the black pencil skirt she has on, to jut outwards into open air. Adam admires the curvature of her tight young body for a moment, before pushing off the desk and stepping behind her. He runs a hand down her back and along her buttocks, and delights as Angie not only shivers, but begins fantasizing about the vast variety of things he could do to her right now.

She's helpless before him and they both know that. They both know there's positively nothing Angie could do if Adam wanted to have his way with her. However, Angie has also come to realize the simple truth of Adam's existence… he won't do anything to her that she doesn't want him to do to her. He was always going to make her come to him. In the end, all he'd done was make sure she wouldn't fully self-destruct and try to take him down with her by going to the press and telling the world about his powers.

That small little mental geas had led to this. Unable to enact her ultimate act of brattiness, Angie had instead finally talked herself into giving up the part of the brat, in favor of being daddy's good girl. Or rather, her boss' loyal, adoring intern, as was the part she was currently playing at the moment.

Lowering his hands further, Adam curls his fingers under the hem of Angie's pencil skirt and begins to slowly hike it up. She positively quivers in anticipation, but he wants to savor this moment. Ever since Stacey pawned her cousin off on him, she's been an irritation. An amusing irritation to be sure, but an irritation, nonetheless.

As such, there's a certain delicious schadenfreude, as her nylon-clad ass comes into view. For a moment, Adam considers just pulling those down as well. But no. Here, he lets himself indulge just a bit, and with the overwhelming strength in his powerful fingers MOSTLY held back, grips and pulls. The tearing sound fills the otherwise silent office, and Angie's breathing changes ever so slightly. But otherwise, the blonde doesn't react.

She finds the act of him ripping her clothes so nonchalantly to be quite thrilling as well… and so he does the same with her panties, tearing them away from her body and stuffing them in his pocket.

"Good girls earn the right to wear panties, don't they Angie?"

"… Y-Yes sir."

Nodding, Adam runs his hand over the young heroine's nubile, now-naked ass. Angie shivers, as he touches her rather gently. But even with his fingers practically sliding across her flesh, barely pushing down, she can still feel the pressure, still knows just how strong he is in comparison to her. He COULD grip down at any moment, a feat that no other human man on the entire planet could replicate. To them, Angie Star might as well be as hard as diamonds, untouchable and impossible to grope. But to him? She's just another woman, and they both know it.

After fondling her ass for a few moments, Adam rears back his palm… and swings.


Angie squeaks and jolts a bit, though to her credit, she holds herself steady enough to NOT destroy the desk she's bent over. If he were a normal man and she a normal woman, than it would be fine for her to just let herself go and use the desk as a stopgap. The fact that she doesn't, that she knows her own strength and modulates it, is rather impressive.

Still, for this next part, Adam doesn't take any chances. Reaching forward, he grips tightly at her bun and pulls her head back, forcing her spine to arch as she gasps from the sudden forcefulness. Using that hold on her, Adam makes sure she's not going anywhere, keeping her locked in place… and then delivers a dozen hypersonic spankings to her ass in about a second.


Unable to contain her voice, Angie squeals at the top of her lungs as both of her ass cheeks are turned a rosy red in that same second, her buttocks suddenly looking quite abused. Of course, it only lasts for a few beats, before her healing factor is already taking care of the tissue damage. Hm, he would have to consider using power nullification on her in the future, to make her really feel it for a while.

But that would wait for when she was actually a bad girl, rather than being the obedient little bitch she was right now. Indeed, Adam didn't consider himself a sadist… or at least, not much of one. It was the women he found himself surrounded by who were the kinky fetish freaks. Still, if Angie ever did anything to really earn his ire, he'd use one of the bands to make her feel it. Maybe let her experience how it feels to not walk straight for a few days after receiving a true paddling.

For the time being, his 'punishment' for her 'inappropriate' behavior delivered, Adam pulls his hand back… and slides down her black pencil skirt. There's no replacing her torn panties or fixing the large hole in her torn nylons, but he pulls the skirt back over her ass and covers up both. Then, he gives her buttocks a light pat, a juxtaposition between the prior punishment.

"There we are."

Letting go of her hair, he allows her to slump forward, panting heavily. Not out of exhaustion, but out of pure arousal. As he walks back around his desk and settles into his chair there, he looks up to see her staring at him with a red face and wide eyes. Heh, he doesn't need to read her mind to know what she's thinking at the moment.

"Was there something else, Angie?"


He lets her squirm for a moment longer before taking pity on her. Giving her a knowing, exasperated grin, his eyes twinkling, Adam just chuckles and shakes his head.

"Now, now… what am I going to do with you? Very well… you may crawl under the desk and service me with your mouth, if it will calm that raging libido of yours."

His fatherly tone definitely does things for her, as her blush only intensifies. Slowly, she slides down to her knees and accepts his offering, crawling under the desk and between his legs. As Adam goes back to what he was working on before, Angie Star extracts his cock from its confines, and puts it in her mouth.

Mm, from bratty blonde to obedient intern. Adam takes a moment to luxuriate in the warm, wet feeling of the nubile young heroine's mouth wrapped around his cock, smiling softly to himself. As Angie begins to bob up and down however, dutifully sucking him off, Adam reflects that he might just want an encounter with the brat as well. Maybe just one more… but maybe a recurring thing. After all, right now he was her superior and she was his intern. But who was to say they couldn't be something else outside the office?

After a moment, Adam nods, his decision made. Yes, having some fun with Angie at home was in order as well. After all, it was up to him to make sure ALL of her needs were met, was it not? He'd taken her under his wing at this point. Couldn't let her go astray again, now, could he?


"Where do you think you're going, young lady?"

It's the classic scene, later that evening. How long has it been, since Adam just sat down in his own living room and read a newspaper? Years, of course. And to be fair, he didn't think this counted either. It was all part of the pageantry of the moment. Of course, he'd left himself with SOME surprises. The moment he'd given Angie her orders at the end of the work day, he'd shut himself off from reading her thoughts, wanting her decisions to remain hidden from him until the time came.

Only now, was Adam getting to see what his words had wrought, when he'd told the nubile young blonde that he wanted her to go and buy the brattiest attire she could possibly fine and then try to pass it off as 'acceptable' for her to leave his house in. Angie had arrived at his home half an hour ago, before retreating into the back to get ready.

Now, here she was, sauntering out on her way to the door… and Adam had to admit, he quite liked the ensemble she'd chosen. Not as something he'd ever want any actual daughter of his to be caught dead wearing… but then that was the point. He could appreciate the sheer awfulness of her attire.

Hot pink is the theme of the day, but it doesn't just stop there. No, while Angie IS wearing a hot pink crop top, a hot pink mini skirt, and strappy hot pink high-heel sandals, that's all just the base of her true outfit. The devils in the details, after all, and her accessories tell a story. Around her neck is a hot pink choker with the word BRAT in rhinestones and all capitals.

Meanwhile, her crop top is not unadorned, but rather, says the words 'Baby Girl' on it in flowing elegant script juxtaposed with just how tasteless the top is. And finally, she has all sorts of jewelry adorning her wrists, making her quite literally jingle a little bit as she walks.

At hearing his voice call out from the armchair in the living room, Angie does an excellent job of stopping dead in her tracks, freezing like she just got caught with her hand in the cookie jar… or rather, got caught trying to sneak out by her actual father. After a moment, the blonde whirls around and crosses her arms over her chest as she gives him a mulish look.

"Out, dad. You know, that thing young people do so we can practice our social skills and actually get somewhere in life rather than being worthless shut-ins and reprobates?"

Adam finds his eyebrow lifting of his own accord as she speaks. Wow, that was… some serious brattiness. If this was how Angie had spoken to her own father, only to receive no attempts at discipline from her actual parents for fear that she would hurt them, Adam could understand why the problem got so bad.

Still, he sticks to his obvious lines, eyes sliding up and down Angie rather contemptuously.

"Not like that, you aren't."

Angie's eyes widen, and her arms uncross. She clenches her hands into fists at her side and stomps her foot hard enough to make cracks form in his floor.

"B-But daddy! There's a party and… and I have to be there! It's not fair!"

Adam's eyes linger on the cracked floor for a moment. She's really laying it on thick. He's not using his psychic abilities on her right now, preferring to enjoy the roleplay for what it is. Still, just how much of his home is he going to have to repair by the end of this? Well, no matter… he knew what he was getting into, didn't he?"

"No buts, young lady. You're not going, and that's final."

Angie's face shutters, and then she glares and grits her teeth. Her eyes begin to glow red with laser vision, as she snarls at him.

"Make me!"

If this was an actual conversation she'd ever had with her actual father, Adam could imagine this was the moment the man buckled under the pressure and thought to himself 'never again'. Luckily for Adam, he was not so weak. He would never be that weak. And so, his reaction to Angie is to spring from his chair, faster than even her eyes can follow.

His hand is curled in her blonde locks in an instant, and he growls as he yanks her head back forcibly, causing her spine to arch and a sharp yelp to leave her lips.

"You're being a very bad girl, Angie Star. You're being a brat. And what happens to brats?"

Squirming in his grasp, all dressed up in slutty hot pink, Angie whimpers.

"B-Brats get punished, d-daddy…"

"That's right."

Reaching forward, Adam grabs the front of her top… and tears it right off her body. Angie squeaks as he does so, squirming helplessly some more. He continues by ripping her mini skirt off as well. The clothing she'd gotten is… well, trashy to say the least, so he has no problem whatsoever tearing it from her body. She's not wearing a bra, he finally notices, not knowing how he missed her nipples poking through the top before, but she is wearing a bright pink thong.

He yanks it up, giving his 'bratty baby girl' a wedgie for a split second before the undergarment tears against her far too durable body. Not getting the squeal he was looking for from that move, he settles for slapping a hand down on her ass. Ah, but not to spank her… no, rather, he slides his fingers between her buttocks, intending to stick two fingers up her ass and frog march her away from the front door.

As his digits hook inside of her, THEN Angie squeals. She's already on her toes thanks to the strappy high heels she's wearing, but he lifts even higher, bringing her up all the way to her tip toes. It's like this that he walks her away from the front door, his other hand reaching up and slapping across her tits.

"I've tolerated your bratty behavior long enough, Angie. I thought maybe you were just going through a phase… but this ends now. You need to be taught a lesson."

Angie's panting only increases as he says exactly what she wants to hear. Adam doesn't need to read her mind to know that. Discipline, physical discipline especially, is the name of the game for one Angie Star. And so, he bends her over, right there in the living room, and spanks her ass some more. But not just her ass this time, and he doesn't stop after a dozen smacks to give her time to adjust.

His palm strikes come down on her tits as well, and on her cunt for good measure. He moves with lightning speed, speed beyond what even Angie can register, speed gotten from a certain brunette with a fetish for being chased down and taken to the ground like prey.

In the span of the next minute, Adam doesn't let up even once. He lays into Angie, leaving her ass, cunt, and tits all stinging like crazy as she shakes and shudders… and squeals in a long drawn out fashion that, combined with the feel of her juicy wet cunt when he finally lays his hand upon it again, makes it clear she's cum from the abuse, and cum HARD at that.

Shaking, her legs knocking together as she remains in her high heels and her BRAT choker and nothing else, Angie clings to him for dear life. It might be the first time since she got her powers that she realized she wouldn't be able to stand on her own two feet of her own will if she let go of him. It's certainly not the first time she's felt weak in front of a man of course… they've had multiple interactions by this point.

But… after all this build up…

"I can see that my baby girl needs further discipline. You're never going to learn, unless I teach you. You think you can just parade that sexy body of yours around without consequences… but there's always going to be predators out there. I suppose I'll have to make you understand."

It's a bunch of bullshit. He knows it, and Angie probably knows it too. But she doesn't do much beyond whimper as he yanks her arms behind her back and forcibly bends her over right there on the spot. His cock comes free of his pants in a split nanosecond of movement, and he brings it to bear on Angie Star's juicy eighteen year old cunt.

The brat stiffens, when she feels him finally about to penetrate her. She shivers, as he rides his cockhead up and down her slit.

"I-I'm a virgin, d-daddy… I've never been with a b-boy before… h-honest…"

Adam blinks in surprise, but after a moment nods his head. It makes sense, truth be told. Not out of some obedience thing… but how the fuck was Angie ever going to get fucked beyond with her own fingers? Sheesh, no wonder she was a brat. She couldn't even use toys on herself to liven up the experience. She was stuck with nothing more than her hands, and a complete physical incompatibility with every man on the planet Earth. Until now.

Adam doesn't bother responding to Angie's words verbally. He doesn't bother saying anything. He just thrusts forward and spears the blonde heroine upon his cock right then and there. There is a certain barrier he feels as he punches into her incredibly tight cunt. Angie cries out in pain, as he tears through her indestructible hymen, taking her virginity at long last and stretching her cunt walls out around his sizable member.

As he fills her to the brim, her earlier arousal helps to mitigate the pain and discomfort of having a man's cock inside of her for the first time. Still, Angie can't help whimpering and mewling, and Adam hears the patter of tears falling from her eyes onto the floor below. She's not used to this sort of thing… but from the way her cunt is flexing down around his cock, he doesn't doubt for a moment that she's enjoying herself all the same.

He gives her a few seconds to adjust, even if it might have made more sense for him to start fucking his 'bratty baby girl' hard and fast right then and there. But he's no monster, and so he waits a few beats for her to begin to move, to shift, to wiggle her hips. Only then does he pull out halfway and then rapidly thrust back in, causing her to yelp as he growls.

"How does it feel, having a big fat cock inside of you, brat?"

"A-Ah… ah… ah… i-it feels good… b-because it's daddy's cock…"

Adam grunts at that and begins fucking her harder. Still in her high heeled sandals, her ass is lifted nicely into the air by the sporty footwear, giving Adam the proper angle to really lay into her from behind. He fucks her and pulls her arms back behind her all the while, plowing her with enough force to punch a hole through a mountain.

He's still holding back though, of course. By this point, he's so damn strong that he could literally tear Angie apart, if he wasn't careful. As it is, as much as he's enjoying himself, he's very careful indeed. That doesn't stop it from being quite pleasurable all the same, however.

And Angie Star agrees, because the blonde starts to squeal and beg for more as her pussy walls clench down as tightly as they can around his pistoning prick.

"Yes daddy! Please daddy! Punish your brat! Punish me more!"

Well, if she was going to ask for it…

"Hands on your ankles."

He lets go of her wrists, and Angie immediately starts to fall forward. Still, she does as she's told and reaches down, her hands wrapping around her ankles and locking her in place. This leaves her doubled up, with her ass right in front of him and her body folded on itself. One hand grabs hold of her by the hip, making sure she doesn't go anywhere while he continues to fuck her from behind standing up. The other hand, however, rears back and gives Angie exactly what she asked for.


Further spankings to the blonde's ass, this time while she's already being fucked nice and hard, cause Angie to squeal all the louder, graduating from squealing to shrieking as she cums and cums and cums upon his pistoning prick. She's like a broken faucet, and Adam can't help but enjoy himself as he positively fucks the brat right out of her.

In the end, this is what he does. He helps these silly little superheroines accept the deep, dark truths about themselves, the truths they aren't willing to accept or acknowledge, or are indulging in, in unsafe and dangerous manners. He helps them find their happiness, each in their own way, in a far safer environment then many of them had turned to.

Of course, that doesn't mean he's not going to enjoy himself at the same exact time. Indeed, as he gets closer and closer to cumming, Angie positively BEGS him to cum inside.

"D-Do it, daddy! Fill your baby girl up! Pump me full of seed! Creampie me silly!"

So apparently, there's some sort of latent breeding fetish, to go along with all that brattiness. But Adam isn't here to fully give into Angie's demands. Quite the opposite, in fact. He pulls out abruptly as the end comes, and before the blonde can recover, she finds herself spun around and forced to her knees, her dumb face looking up at him just in time to receive his hot, sticky load all over her front.

"Do you really think you earned that, brat? Don't make me laugh."

Angie's face falling, even as cum drips from her brow, is almost comical enough TO make Adam laugh. But he holds it in, gracing her with a wicked grin instead as he holds her by her hair and considers her for a moment. He's half-tempted to send her on her way… but no. That would be a bad idea, at this point in Angie's 'development'. Aftercare was a thing after all, and Adam wasn't a monster.

"C'mon. Up with you. Time for a shower."

He'll clean her up and put her to bed. It's the least he can do for his 'baby girl'.


Hours later, after putting Angie to bed and admitting privately to himself that she looked rather cute and adorable after washing up and falling asleep, Adam finds himself considering what to do next when a message suddenly comes in for him. But it's not a normal message through any of the usual channels or anything like that, nor is it from any of the usual suspects.

No, this message is a letter that appears in a flash of black shadow right in front of Adam, only his lightning fast reflexes allowing him to catch it before it falls to the ground. Brow furrowed at the feeling of old parchment between his fingers, Adam eyes the letter's seal curiously for a moment before popping it open and reading the contents.

It's from Madame Night, and the message is rather short and cryptic, if Adam is being honest. Still, it's also somewhat straight forward… at least, straight forward enough to tell him what he's doing next.

I need your help. It's my mother.

Seven simple words. And Adam stood there as the strongest man on the planet. So then, why did those seven words send a shiver down his spine?


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