Why Aren’t You At the Top?

When the Four Hall Masters heard Shen Xiaoxiao's 'heroic words,' they felt like they had misheard her. How could she be so arrogant in the territory of their Dark Empire? Where did she get her confidence from? Where did she get her thick skin from?

"I say, Little Oriental Loli, aren't you being too arrogant? You want to take over everything. Who do you think you are?"

"Who am I? Didn't you guys say that? I'm just a Little Oriental Loli."

"I think you're courting death!"

After saying that, Huo Gui attacked Shen Xiaoxiao. Even though he was angry, he couldn't wait to talk nonsense with this Little Oriental Loli. It would be best if he used force instead.

"Huo Gui!"

Shen Xiaoxiao's subconscious action was to retreat. Fortunately, they were standing at the door. As soon as she retreated, she went into the corridor. 19 had always been on guard against Huo Gui. As soon as he made his move, 19 immediately shot forward and met Huo Gui's fist head-on.