
Shen Xiaoxiao and 19 walked towards the small forest one after the other. Yun Qi followed closely behind them. The pitch-black night made it the most convenient for them!

As Shen Xiaoxiao and 19 walked, they looked at Yun Qi who followed them and said slowly, "I say, top-notch person, is your brain really growing for nothing? Did you really not realize that there's a problem? Now that you're pointing a gun at my head, are you sure you won't regret it?"

"Yeah, Yun Qi, why are you so stupid? You're even more innocent than me. Can't you see anything wrong with the way Boss looks?"

"What do you mean by that? What's wrong? Are you stalling for time?"

"What stalling for time? Are you delusional? Aren't you very smart? That fake..."
