Chapter 95: Lore Master

Famallumi glanced back up at the Warrior. “The Warrior, Mephalus, allowed the power and magic of the sword to usurp his will. He became greedy and hungry for more power and thus corrupt. He set out to conquer an Irish water town, subjugating its citizens. In the end, the Sidhe Warrior Masters united to destroy him before he overthrew the town. Mephalus died in a massive fire that consumed him, a fire caused by the very townspeople he tried to conquer.”

Rhychard shook his head. “But if he’s dead, how is he able to come after me?”

“Warrior, you know already the answer to this. When a Warrior dies, his soul transfers into the Guardian Sword, so his knowledge and battle experience can be used to aid the next Warrior. Mephalus resides within your sword. He tries to use the connection between the sword and yourself to free his soul into yours.”

“Your life is weirder than I thought,” Karl said, standing to his feet, hands on his hips.