Chapter 119: Lore Master

Rhychard felt his heart go cold at the sight of the boy trudging forward, his eyes unfocused, his mouth slack-jawed. After seeing what Bertram just did with the thug, he didn’t doubt what he could do to Timmy with just a flick of his wrist. Rhychard gripped his sword tighter. Chancing a glance behind Bertram, he saw Aradhon watching, his gaze intent on what happened in front of him. Turning his attention back to Bertram, Rhychard took a step forward. “Leave the kid alone.”

Bertram laughed. “Why? We all have our parts to play, even this young miscreant.” Bertram walked over to Timmy, running his hand over the boy’s head. “People who refuse to play their part, to fulfill their role in this drama of life, are a stumbling block to success. You don’t agree?”

“I think bullies who use their strength and power to get what they want are the stumbling blocks,” Rhychard said.