Jaya III

This insect is definitely going to beg me for mercy.

"What's wrong? Cat got ya tongue?" asked Bellamy.

A few ticks on my forehead appeared.

"Please don't cause a commotion-" said the bartender.

"We won't." I said cutting him off.


Before anyone could even see, I had already cut off one of Bellamy's legs. I was too fast for the human eye to even react, I waited for him to drop.


I don't even need to look behind me, I knew he had dropped to the ground. He should actually feel grateful I didn't cut off both of his legs, plus he can get a fake leg. I only cut it slightly above the knee, oh wait.

If I recall, he was going to have the Spring Spring fruit, oops. Unlucky that you ran into me, had to nerf him a lot.

"What'd you do!" asked Bellamy.

I turned around and looked down at him, ah how pitiful he looked right now.

"Hmm? Don't you already know? I just cut off your leg." I replied.

The people in the bar looked shocked, they didn't even see me cut off his leg.


"You have someone with you!"

Before anyone else could continue, I cut off one his pirate's head. Without slightly advanced observation haki, they were never going to see my attack. I haven't even used my full speed yet, fufufu.

Everybody went silent when they saw one of the crewmate's head drop to the ground.

"Anyone else?" I asked with a smile.

I learned the ultimate move, the "Smile." from a few animes I've watched in my past life. This smile looked very innocent but when you've experienced one of these smiles, you can only pray nothing bad happens to you.

This is the smile I had right now, everyone stared at me in fear. They were too scared to even move.

I looked down at Bellamy who was trying his hardest to not make a sound, was he this prideful that he didn't even want to make a sound when he was injured.

Fufufu, I just had the perfect idea.

I stood up and walked to where he was, his expression said 'What're trying to do?'

Hehe, let's see how long you can stay silent.

"If you make a single noise, I'll torture you in the human's most vital spots." I said,

Before he could say anything, I pressed my leg onto the part of his leg that hasn't been cut off.

He opened his mouth to scream but remembered what I said and quickly closed it.

I had a wide grin when he obeyed what I told him, he's not even crying. Even better- why do I feel like Esdeath right now?

"Let's move on to the second phase." I said pressing even harder.

This time a slight noise came out and he looked at me with fear.

"How unlucky, if only you stayed silent."

I stabbed his shoulder but not enough for it to pierce, after all I don't want him to die. But that wasn't the real reason, I had pierced one of his nerves making him feel about 5 times the pain combined with the leg and shoulder injury.

Tears were coming out of his eyes, he had to use 2 hands to cover his mouth.

"Hey boss-" said Sarquiss entering the bar.

"What's taking so-" said Lily entering the bar.

I was sitting in the chair, looking down at Bellamy, and watched his crewmate's expression change with disgust.

"My, it seems like your lackies are here." I said.

Yet they didn't move, did they break?

I walked over towards them and checked it out, they indeed broke.

Well, I've already spent too much time here, my next stop is Sky Island.

"Bye, bye~ I hope I see you all again." I said leaving the bar.

'I hope we never will.' everyone in the bar thought.




I was making my way back to my ship as I recall several things.

There was a sudden nightfall which is caused by the shadows of extremely compact clouds, I think they're called the cumuloregalis clouds. Piling so high in the sky yet producing no currents or rain.

The Knock-Up stream, I needed to go there. Though I would need extremely good timing, I don't want to fall back in the ocean after all. Hehe, I wonder what clouds feel like.

Tomorrow afternoon is when the Knock-Up stream would appear, I guess I can wait a day.

Arriving at my ship, I instantly hopped in bed.

It was comfortable, I had a long day today.

Not an introvert no more!

Before I went to sleep, I thought about several things.

What would happen if I dropped back into the sea? Would I have to swim back to land just like how Rayleigh did it? Or would I simply die? No way, I was far too young to die.

Yep, I'll make it to Sky Island, there's no way I wasn't going to make it.

I want to see the people with real wings, I wonder if they're soft, hopefully that can carry me and fly. But I can't do that because of that self claiming god Enel.

He specializes in observation haki and has the lightning devil fruit, I hold the advantage over him, that's for sure. In few days, I'll be fighting a "god", how interesting.

Before I drifted to darkness, I wondered who was the person that would make my heart ache and feel strange when ever I thought about that person.

Why can't I remember her face or voice?

I can only remember that she was the one who put me here, could she possibly be a goddess?

The more I thought about that goddess, the more I felt strange. Next thing I knew, my face was beet red. Why was I red from simply thinking about her?

Could I have loved her?

Questions entered my mind but before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day...