It was already the morning and the sun was shining at me through my windows.
I really didn't want to get up, ah my introvert and lazy side is taking over.
Today was the day I was going to heaven- I mean sky island. I want to see the cute little angels there except Enel was there, what a waste.
Getting up and stretching, I quickly changed and decided to see the condition of the ship.
Well, the condition of the ship didn't matter anyways. It was bound to get destroyed when we get sprayed up to sky island. It was kind of interesting the ship still hasn't been destroyed yet.
I feel like I'm forgetting something, ship, knock up stream, grand line....the South Birds!
I had forgotten those were needed in order to get the most accurate directors, SHOOT!
Quickly changing and attaching my katana, I ran towards the Southern Forest.
I swear if I fail this, I'm going to destroyed the town.
No matter how vast into land or sea they've been thrown into, their bodies will always indicate the direction accurately. Without one of those birds, I'm not getting anywhere!
I groaned mentally, seriously this is bad! I've been traveling to where ever by luck.
Catching a bird with my bare hands before the afternoon, this is going to be one hell of a challenge. At least I had a couple more hours until afternoon came.
Heading into the forest, I remembered the South Birds had a weird call. If I used that, I'm sure this could be much easier.
There it was, I quickly ran towards the direction of the noise.
There were spiderwebs visible to me but the sunlight nearly made it impossible to see, thank god for haki.
Huh? Isn't that right above me?
I looked up and there it was, it was... i don't know... it looked weird.
This bird was definitely going to mock me so I decided to go all out with my speed.
Zipping through the air, I easily caught the south bird who was trying to get out of my grasp.
"Sorry, but I have some use for you." I said with a grin.
Looking at the sun, there was probably an hour until afternoon, I was in the forest for this long?
Running back to the ship at max speed, I arrived in a few minutes.
Tying the bird to the ship with a rope, it was time to set sail.
The bird was facing south so I guess the direction was south, I kind of wished I had chopper. He was useful for understanding animals.
Setting into the sea, a comforting breeze of the wind flew past me.
Achoo! Must be the admirals and pirates talking about me.
I already passed the bounty of some warlords, they were definitely going to be cautious of me. I haven't checked the news in a while, I wonder where the newspaper went.
The sea was currently calm, there was no signs of dark clouds said.
And I jinxed it, in the distance, there were dark clouds.
I guess it was time to get ready for the knock up stream, I could only pray that my ship wouldn't fall apart.
Once I entered, the wave currents got stronger. There were large creatures that I was able to sea above me.
Waves were going against the current at 10:00 clock, there it was a hint.
It was a sign of a whirlpool and I quickly changed the direction towards it.
The wave currents were getting stronger and I was worried if my ship was going to break. I really didn't want to swim.
Suddenly, I was sucked into a large whirlpool. I was somehow in the air and the whirlpool had disappeared, only from the surface though.
Ah, it's already started.
I pray for my ship to stay intact.
A large burst came from under me and I was suddenly heading up.
I was clinging to the railing for my life while praying my ship would stay alive.
Although getting knocked up does seem cool, experiencing it in real life is much different from watching it from an anime!
All I needed to do now was sit back and relax, let the flow take me there.
If I interfered with anything, I was bound to fall.
Parts of different ships were falling from the sky and I realized something, I was currently standing on the walls of my ship.
I had defied physics!
Suddenly, I was lifted off the ground. Maybe defying physics was not a good idea, I was currently flying right now.
Hehe! Sky Island, I wonder what will you have for me.
I do want to see the bells, poneglyphs, and what food they have.
I was getting higher and higher and my excitement was taking over me.
Getting to experience how clouds felt like was going to be one heck of an experience and bouncing on it would be even better.
Closer and closer, the sky was only an inch away from me.
I entered the clouds and I couldn't breath, if I didn't watch the anime, I would've been panicking for air right now.
The speed I was going up was extremely fast, my face was going to tear off.
Finally, bursting through the clouds, everything came into view.
I was soaked in water but didn't mind it.
Going over to the helm, the place was simply amazing.
I was above the clouds, when I looked down.
Two huge shadows were coming up, sea kings? Sky kings? What the heck were they?
2 huge purple creatures came up from the sky and my stomach growled.
I could cook their meat!
It all happened in a matter of seconds, the creatures were cut and it's meat was sent towards my ship.
And I was currently grilling them, after all I don't want to go on an empty stomach.
Finishing the meat, I decided to test something.
I jumped into the clouds but was bounced back onto the ship.
Nobody ever told me was this bouncy!
I started jumping on it and it was like a trampoline, ah the memories of the modern world was coming back.
Deciding not to waste any more time, I got back onto the ship and looked for a way to go even higher.
I looked over to the direction with my haki and there was a figure that just destroyed a ship.
I smiled, it was just who I needed to find....