Sky Island II

Suddenly the figure started heading towards my way, though I was prepared for it. Before he could hit me with his shield, I pulled out my katana and timed it correctly.

After all, this guy was a hit and run.

I deflected his shield as his roller skate things helped him get away fairly fast. Though even if it was fast, my observation haki was at a pretty high level.

"You can defend against me?" asked the masked person.

"Well of course, it's not like you're doing anything that's threatening my life." I replied.

"Hoh? So you know." said masked person

"You used a shield instead of your other weapon, it's pretty obvious you weren't going for the kill." I said.

"That was just a test, now then here I go seriously!"

Right before the masked person could come at me, an old man with a knight armor came in and attacked him.

Haha! My plan to lead the old man here by using the masked person has successfully worked! I'm truly a genius.

"I'm the Sky Knight." said the old man landing on my ship.

"I'm Suzuki D. Vierra, nice to meet you old man." I replied.

His face twitched for a moment when I mentioned old man, guess he doesn't really like that.

"And he's gone." I said with a sigh.

I really wanted to test the full strength of these sky warriors or sky knights. Their Mantra seems a bit interesting, I'd like to look into that.

"Are you from the Blue Sea?" asked the old man.

"If that's what you guys call it, then yeah." I replied.

"So you came up here from the Blue Sea?" asked the old man.

"I mean, that was pretty obvious but yeah." I raid.

"That explains it, this is the White Sea. 7,000 meters in the air."

"The White-White Sea is even further reaching 10,000 meters in the air." Ordinary Blue Sea people can't possibly endure it here." said the old man.

"Well, I'm not ordinary at all. Plus I'm already used to it." I said.

"No, no. That's no possible." said the old man,

"Well now it is, it's just that the weaker people have a weaker foundation." I said.

"I see, you're quite unique. You have a different atmosphere from the regular Blue Sea people." said the old man.

"Mmm, so? What do you do here?" I asked.

"I'm a freelance soldier for hire, these seas are filled with danger. If you don't know how to fight in the sky, guerrillas like thatone will come after you and turn you into food for skyfish. For 5,000,000 Extol One Whistle, I will help you." said the old man.

"No thanks, I can defend myself fine. You can go." I said.

"What? It's cheap! I won't lower it to a single Extol more." said the old man.

"It's not about the cost...I don't even know how much an Extol is worth, plus I can defend myself just fine. Why would I need you?" I asked.

"You came here via the summit of High West, did you not? Then you must've passed an island or two. " asked the old man.

"Nope, I came here via the current." I said.

"The monstrous current?! So there are still people gutsy for that." said the old man.

"Well, I was going to take the summit but I felt like the summit was more fun." I said.

The old man could only sigh and shake his head when he heard that.

"Did you lose any of your crew?" asked the old man.

"Nope, I came here all by myself." I replied.

"I see, usually a 100 people head in the sky, a few arrive, and someone survives. That is the gamble, but with the knock-up stream. Everyone survives or everyone dies." said the old man.

That's a bit dark isn't it, thank god I'm a solo pirate.

"Well, I'm all by myself so I guess that gamble didn't really apply to me." I said.

"No, it still would've happened. Luckily you survived or else no one would've found your body when you die." said the old man.

Ah that would definitely be bad, someone would know right?

"Not many can make that all or nothing bet, I see that you have courage or is it that you have no fear of death?" asked the old man.

"Hmm, let's say both?" I said.

I had already died once, what's there to fear about?

"Well, it's time for me to go. Take this whistle, if you blow it. I'll immediately come to your aid." said the old man throwing the whistle at my hands.

"Before you leave, what's your name?" I asked.

The old man pondered for a moment, "Gan Fall."

"Still calling you old man though." I replied.

The old man gave an annoyed expression then took off.

Well, it's just me again.

Though doesn't he look more older than he was in the anime?

In the corner of my eye, I saw a waterfall with a gate near it.

Setting sail towards it, I couldn't help but get even more excited.

After all, I was getting closer and closer to eating the food they made.

Suddenly, the side of my ship bounced off something.

Looking towards it, it was a huge dark cloud.

Oh? Is this the bouncy cloud from the anime?

I jumped from the ship towards it and I was bounced in the air.

This thing was definitely better than a trampoline back in the modern world.

After a few minutes of jumping, I saw my ship sailing away so I quickly jumped from the cloud towards the ship.

When I landed, there was a tiny crack.

Maybe jumping from that high isn't a good idea.

After sailing left, right, and countless clouds.

I finally reached the gate with the watefall.

"Heaven's Gate." I muttered.

This waterfall like cloud really did look a waterfall, plus the clouds were different from the ones from earlier.

This will be fun...



This was most definitely not fun.

"I'm telling you, I'm just here to sightsee, not go to war." I said.

"Where's the proof?" asked Amazon, the Heaven's Gate inspector.

"I don't have proof but what would I even wage war for? I'm all by myself, plus you're an angel. You're probably more powerful than me." I said.

Probably not.

"It doesn't matter either way, if you want to go to the upper parts. Pay the entrance fee of one billion Extol per person." said Amazon.

I forgot about this, damn it.

"Again with the Extol, I don't have that kind of money." I said.

"You can pass."


"Or not."


"I'm neither a gatekeeper nor a guard. I simply ask for your intentions." said Amazon.

"Then I can pass, I just want to eat some food." I said.

"The White Sea's Famous express Lobster." said Amazon.

Right when she said that, claws grabbed onto the sides of my ship.


Then it started taking us towards the waterfall, is it serious?

Oi, I know what that old lady was probably doing. She's probably alerting everyone on Skypiea right now, damn grandma. I just wanted to get a rest.

I held onto the ship as the lobster took me to wherever, the speed was fast so I had to hold on pretty. tightly to not fall off.

Heavenly Judgement, here I come.