The sign said Skypiea meaning I had arrived, that ride sure was horrible.
Nearly made me vomit, damn lobster couldn't go a little bit easier.
Cleaning myself up and fixing my katana to my waist.
I took my first step on the clouds of Skypiea.
It felt like I was standing on marshmallows? I didn't really know how to describe it, it just felt soft and a little bouncy.
There were big bridges and buildings, so this was what they saw 200 years ago.
That sure is a short amount of time, I was technically a million and sixteen years old after all. Somehow I can say that so casually, I don't think it was something to be praised for.
The next step I took, the clouds were a fluffy and my foot sunk a bit, touching water. There were probably a variety of clouds that the anime didn't show, I guess that's the difference a show and the real version of it.
Walking around, there were fruits, objects made of clouds, and a fox.
I don't know why is there a fox here but it was pretty...I don't like foxes sorry.
Suddenly, there was a faint sound of an instrument from the right. I turned my attention towards it and there was an angel, literally.
Blonde hair, white wings, and a harp.
"Heso." said the blonde hair girl.
"Heso?" I asked in a confused tone.
"Suu, come here." said the blonde hair girl.
The fox that I was going to throw away appeared and went to the blonde hair girl.
So it's her fox huh.
"Did you come from the Blue Sea?" asked the girl.
"Yeah, I came up here from the knock up stream. Do you perhaps live here?" I said.
"Un, I'm a resident here."
"Welcome to Skypiea's Angel Beach." said the girl.
Beach, though there's no sand but there are clouds.
"Thank you for the welcome, do you have anything to drink around here? I'm quite thirsty." I said.
"You can drink from this." said the girl taking the fruit from the ground.
"A conush's skin is hard like iron, so you can't cut it regularly. You have to cut it from the bottom." said the blonde girl as she cuts a small hole and places a straw.
"Here you go."
"This is delicious."
"My name is Conis and this is Suu, a cloud fox." said Conis.
"Nice to meet you Conis, I'm Vierra." I replied.
"If there is any way I can be of help, please let me know." said Conis.
"Well I do have a lot of questions but, someone's coming." I said pointing to the sea of clouds.
"That's my father." stated Conis.
"Conis-san! Heso!" said the figure.
"Heso, father!" replied Conis.
"What's he riding on?" I asked.
"That's called a waver." replied Conis.
Before I could even ask how it works, her dad and the waver suddenly came flying into a tree.
I'm never asking a ride with her father.
"Are you guys alright?" asked the bald head.
"You're the one who crashed, not us." I replied.
Suddenly I recalled something, from the anime, there was a boat that was able to be propelled without wind.
So this was the boat, it's kind of disappointing.
"Are they your friends Conin-san?" asked Pagaya.
"Un, we've just become acquainted. They're from the Blue Sea. "replied Conin.
"I see, then there's probably many things you're puzzled about." said Pagaya.
Not really, I've watched the anime already but my memories of my modern life seems to be fading a bit. Was it because I'm getting used to this world?
"Father, were you able to catch some fish?" asked Conin.
"yes, I had a large catch today, why don't you come to our house?" asked Pagaya.
"I mean if it doesn't bother you, then sure." I replied.
"Great, let's eat the fish my father prepared." exclaimed Conin.
"You go first Conin, but I have talk with your father for some things." I said.
They both looked confused but Pagaya nodded and Conin took off.
"What is it?" asked Pagaya.
"I heard there was a god here." I said.
Pagaya's expression turned serious, "How do you know about that"
"I have my ways, his name is Enel right? He could probably hear us so you don't have to say anything." I said.
"Yes, his name is Enel. Get to the point." said Pagaya.
"As expected, you caught on. I want to hunt Enel and possibly take him down." I said.
"That's not possible, he's a god." said Pagaya.
"No he's not, there's only one deity I truly believe in but it seems I can't remember that person. That person is more powerful than your so called god, there's always something higher." I said.
"He's on Skypiea, somewhere even further." said Pagaya.
"Is that all you know?" I asked.
He nodded his head, I guess that's fine for now.
I now get to fight a self proclaimed god, how wonderful.
"Well let's go, I don't want to keep your daughter waiting." I said.
"That's true." replied Pagaya.
We walked through the buildings and acted like our talk never happened.
By the time we arrived at their house, a delicious scent was in the air once we entered the house.
"It smells delicious." I said.
"Of course, she learned from me after all." said Pagaya.
This old man is quite prideful of his daughter eh?
We ate the fish and it was delicious, it's been a while I had handmade food after all.
"That was delicious, you'd sure make a good wife someday." I stated.
"W-wife?" stuttered Conin with a red face.
"My daughter is never getting a man." stated Pagaya with a stern voice.
I could only laugh, this sure was amusing.
I suddenly pressed on something, hmm what's this?
Conin seeing my confused expression, "That's a Tone Dial."
"Tone Dial?" I asked.
"Hai, say something to it." replied Conin.
I didn't know what to say and suddenly a name appeared in my mind.
"Now press the apex of that shell." said Conin.
I pressed it and it repeated what I said.
It was shocking, not the dial, but what I said. I've never heard of this name before yet it came out of my mouth.
"Are you okay?" asked Conin.
"Yeah, just surprised." I replied.
Oh well, I have to focus on this first.
"So this dials store the sounds?" I asked.
"Yes, it records and replays sounds." replied Conin.
"Then where do they live? The sea here is bottomless after all."I said.
"They live in the reefs of the shallows." said Conin.
"And I believe there's another type of dial that moves the wavers." I said.
"Un, this is the kind that powers the wavers." said Conin pulling out a purple seashell.
"This is just a small one, but it's fundamentally the same as the Tone Dials." said Conin.
She held it up and pressed on the apex and wind came out of it blowing a few pieces of paper.
"So this one stores wind? There are dials that store many different things correct?" I asked.
"Yes there are, but it depends on the dial. It can't store anything you want it to." said Conin.
"Hoh? That's pretty nice." I said as I let it blow my hair back.
I turned over to Conin who was staring at me but quickly looked away, she was quite red.
"What's this one called?" I asked.
"That's a Breath Dial, it let's you store wind and blow wind as you desire." said Conin.
"I see, so by attaching this to a small boat. It can help the boat move." I said.
"You caught on pretty quick." said Conin.
"Well, I am a genius after all." I said with a wink.
She turned away before I could see her get red.
"Since you're here, I'll tell you this."
"Here in Skypiea, there is a place you may never step foot on no matter what. That place is right next to the island, so you can get there by waver. It's sacred ground, that's why nobody ever steps foot onto that place." said Conin.
Oops, it seems like I'm going to have to break that rule.
"We call that place the Upper Yard, the place where God lives." said Conin.
There it is, the word god is stated again.
Now then, let me show you there is only one deity in this world...