Sky Island IV

I now stood at the entrance of the so called Upper Yard where god lived.


There was a bright flash of light along with a loud sound and smoke came out from the forest. Before I could make sense on what was happening, guy with a mask and some tattoos came out of the forest and landed a few feet away from me.


Looking back, there was a red haired guy slumped over the edge of forest.

"Hey! Hey! Help me!" yelled the red haired man.

I only stared at him in pity, why should I help him? What were the benefits of me helping him? There was simply none.

"Why should I?" I asked.

"I-i came here from another sky island in search of treasure. But I don't care about it anymore!" said the red haired man.

What was he trying to imply?

"I asked why I should help you, not why you came here. If you came here by yourself, then you should've been prepared. It's not my fault you've been badly hurt." I replied.

Before he could even say anything, a bright blue light enveloped around him and struck him. While it was still striking him, I looked at where the light came from. Looking up with my observation haki, there was a figure of a man looking down.

There he was, the so called god. I smiled widely sending shivers down the guerilla's spine who was a few feet away from me. The figure made eye contact with me and I smiled even wider.

I mouthed the words, 'wait for me.'

As the first light disappeared, another one came planning to blow us away as if not blowing enough damage to the surrounded area. But this didn't work on me, I stood in place with my hand gripped onto the katana at my waist.

Soon it disappeared.

I leaped onto the forest and there were multiple figures, let's listen to them a bit.

"It looked like that man was talking to someone."

"He was probably begging for his life."

"It was a guerilla, he's just run away."

"Hey, shut that dog up."

It seems they're talking about the red haired man along with the guerilla that left. Though what was so special about that guerilla? He seems pretty important to them.

I decided to sneak away since I didn't want to fight them just yet, plus there were about 4 to 5 of them and I was alone. They were much more familiar with the Upper Yard anyways so I'd rather explore more first.

Sneaking away, I started walking down the edges of the forest and followed the path of clouds that leads to who to knows where. As I was walking by, there was a swinging axe that had a smiley face mask on it that hung onto the trees.

I guess it was to kill intruders, luckily I didn't bring my ship.

Imagine me and my ship getting wrecked by that thing, cold sweat dropped down my neck when I imaged that in my head. Though, if it was a wrecking ball, then I'd probably be fine with it.

What if there was one of those guerilla guys on the wrecking ball and sang, "I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!" I started laughing at the thought and shook those thoughts away. Now was not the time to joke around about my memories of the modern world.

As I kept walking further and further, wooden spikes suddenly shot at me. I started running around to avoid the constant wooden spikes that were shooting at me, this is quite annoying.


4 wooden spikes that were aimed towards me was cut in half. Running even faster while cutting the wooden spikes, they stopped when I ran far enough. Though are there going to be any traps here?

Suddenly, a boomerang appeared out of nowhere and went towards me neck, I ducked but the boomerang only came back. Well, I guess it is a boomerang after all, I deflected the boomerang with my sword but the recoil of it made me fling backwards a bit.

My back hit against a stone wall. Looking up, there were stone stairs leading up to a platform, the middle sign said god, and it looked like a sacrifice altar.

As I started walking up the stairs of the altar, it shook a bit. Turning around, a blue serpent like creature came at me, or perhaps it was a sky shark?

With a swing of my sword, the purple haki coming had sliced the dragon's head of it's body before it could reach me. It floated on the clouds with it's 2 separate parts, though the blood was spilling into the clouds.

As I stood on the platform of the altar, more sharks came and started circling around the altar.

"What is this? Is this my punishment by that so called god or something?" I asked myself.

Looking at the symbols on the altars, I somehow could understand it. It was as if the information was implanted in my head.

It seems like a thousand years had already passed since this altar was built.

Though, didn't I already exceed a million years old...? Who cares about that? I'm 17! 17 in mind and heart! Hmph!

Alright, I made up my mind. I walked to the end of the platform and applied haki on my feet, getting into a running stance, I immediately took off and jumped when I reached the other end.

I took out my katana while I was mid air and stabbed onto the tree for landing, that was quite fun.

Jumping from the tree and pulling out my katana, I landed perfectly fine on the ground.

Time for a mini adventure!

Heading into the forest, it was a bit quiet. Though it might be normal or probably...not. Good things never come by when a place is too quiet. I've seen too much of those horror movies when the guy knows there's a ghost in basement and still checks it out. They lack common sense but I didn't, so I paid attention to my surroundings and not go anywhere that had danger.

Walking deeper and deeper into the forest...there was a weird feeling in the air that I couldn't describe....