Chapter Two Let's take a walk.

As Jack and Lisa were gone, Felix was left with Hinata who was still staring at their backs diminishing into the distance. She was still blushing over their sudden comment, and then stared back at Felix who was seated in front of her. "Umm, do you plan on going or would you want us to stay or remain like this". Unknown to her, perharps she knew and later on forgot that her hands were holding unto Felix shoulders and his head was few space away from her chest. Hearing Felix voice and question jolted her back to reality and she quickly pulled away. Now she was the one blushing from embrassment. Though considering his question, she wanted to reply but thought of giving a better answer which wasn't included in the option he gave. She thought of something better. "Would you like it, if I held you close to me as you lay your head on my chest" She asked innocently with cute puppy eyes. "What!, what are you talking about?" Felix was shocked and he was certain he never expected her to reply not to talk of her replying in a seducing manner. I mean, I thought most girls were shy to this. "Well Felix, that's most girls" His head screamed at him. She stared at him and slowly ran her tongue along her lower lips, wetting it in the process before slowly biting on it in a soft precise manner while not saying anything and giving him time to ponder over it and come up with a decision. "But I barely know you" Felix blurted out. Ignoring the voice that told him to go ahead and say yes and also mention how he would love to do more than that. She grinned mischievously, knowing fully well that was a good counter on her own part. She stood aside allowing him to get up, as they both picked up their bags and left the gym hall. Walking down the hall way, they were silent and so was their environment. It seemed everyone was in a hurry to leave the school. You can't blame them, I mean today is friday, the beginning of the weekend. Show me a man who doesn't like the weekend and I would show you a man who has been in space before. Huh, what the fuck did I just say. Felix asked himself. His thoughts right now were just jumbled and it seemed he was just spitting rubbish here and there just to keep himself busy since he didn't know what to say to Hinata and she too likewise. He just needed to keep the act until they were outside the school premises and he knew for sure that they would both part ways and head off to their various homes or maybe destination for folks like him. But he had no idea that he wasn't the only been busy, cause Hinata had her face glued on his. She kept on staring at him while walking, though she did look up before taking corners and avoiding any obstacles on the way including papers or dirt wraps. You can't be so sure cause looks can be deceiving and besides this was a school, who knows what pranks lies in the next dirt on the floor. Felix was oblivious to him been stared at. Upon getting to the door, he opened it and gestured for her to move out first.
She smiled at his chivalry and walked out daintily.

A warm smile spread across his cheeks as he saw her reaction to his gesture. He walked out after she did, closing the door gently though it would slide in quietly if he had just left it, but due to habit, it didn't occur to him. They walked a further ten steps together, then he took the left turn and was heading home. He said "Bye" as he moved on. She was just staring at him like, what kind of goodbye was that. I mean aren't you supposed to like show more affection when leaving? Not like I'm asking you to kiss me or let's make out but a hug wouldn't be bad, would it ?
"Hey Felix!" He stopped walking after hearing his name and turned towards her direction. She smiled and said quietly "Not even a hug when you saying goodbye". He smiled lightly and walked towards her, his steps slow and confident. He lowered and tilted his head slowly to her right ear and slowly breathed out into it. "Maybe if I had taken you up on your previous offer, you would be wanting more than a hug". He rubbed his nose slightly against her ear and swiftly turned around, not bothering to take a glance at her already reddened face. "Goodbye pumpkin, next time I would most likely gobble you up".
Hinata was speechless. She was lost for words and even if she had the words to say, she was still trying to regain her composure. But just before he was far away, she suddenly she did the unexpected.
"You aren't going home are you ?" She asked.

Immediately he stopped in his tracks. The words he just heard, the sentence itself was plain and it really was an innocent question. But he knew that behind everyone question lies a motive, an intention that made those words to form in your head and a curiosity you had to satisfy thereby asking that specific question. Either she wanted to hang out with him or She knew something about his afternoon daily routine. Now that would be something she ought not to know. Knowing how to grab his attention She just had to say the unexpected.
Quietly He turned around and stared at her right in the eyes. She seemed to flinch as a result of his reaction to his question, but she didn't want her body to betray her that she was tensed or a little bit scared because the air around them seemed to be vibrating as sparks of unforseen violence could be felt. She wondered why he reacted to an innocent question like this and still he was yet to say anything even after turning around.

A slight smile spread across Felix face as he said "why are you asking". He could see Hinata body composure showing uneasiness and He knew she was going to fall into his trap. Teasing her was the bait, but she refused to let go. what he was going to do to his prey he had no idea until he had gotten her. Licking his lips mentally, he waited for her to speak.
"I..I thought we could spend more time together, like get to know each other." She answered timidly while dropping her eyes down. Felix stared at her and shooked his head, she fell for his bait; he had caught his prey. Walking up to her slowly, step by step, foot after foot. The sound of his shoe crunching the gravel as he slowly walked up to her for the second time in less than an hour. His posture wasn't threatening and to pedestrians, it was just two students starting a conversation with the male walking up to her in order to be closer and to protect both parties privacy. But to Hinata she wondered what was going on. Did she do anything wrong in what she just said. Is asking a guy out now a crime? or trying to spend time with someone you think is interesting now punishable by that same person? While she thought about all this things, the voice in her head was screaming run away you dimwit!. Still she didn't move a muscle and stood there with her head down, staring at the floor and trying to count the little stones before he came up to her. He stood in front of her and quietly said "How long have you known?". It was not loud but just audible enough for her to hear the words without asking him to repeat what he just said. In that instance the air was quiet and everything around was still. Total silence. Then she smiled, from ear to ear and looked up to him and said "Since Grade Ten".
Not a word was said as she continued smiling and Felix face was neutral, no emotions just plain.
She breathed in, her chest heaving slightly and continued.
"I know who you are Felix, the real you. All what you put up in school is a faux". "It's been all a game or should I say a show and since you haven't graduated yet, the show must surely go on".
When she stopped speaking and still smiling, she expected him to talk. But Felix said nothing. He did nothing. while she was talking he was yet to move, he body composure hadn't changed. He hadn't given off any information through body movement or spasm. He still maintained a poker face, then he smiled creepily, a wide grin stretching from ear to ear as he cleared his throat and his voice became more hoarse. "walk with me will you, or better still, Let's take a walk".

Jack and Lisa were walking, hands entangled with each other as they left their friend and new friend that's Felix and Hinata behind at school.
"What do you think about her" Lisa asked while staring straight ahead.
"Who?" Jack replied staring at Lisa who seemed to be looking into the distance.
"For real" she asked staring at him this time around. Under her gaze, he was wondering who she was talking about until he remembered the cute Asian girl who they just met.
" The Asian cutie?" He replied.
"Asian cutie ?" She responded with a raised eyebrow and a slightly opened mouth. " oh what do we have here ?" Lisa replied placing her hands on her hips. "You also are crushing after her huh, is that right ?"
Jack knew he needed to cut this fuse now before it blew. "Not again he muttered under his breathe". He glanced at her, hoping she didn't hear what he just said. "No baby, I ain't crushing on her," he paused and breathed in as her face still remained unchanged after he spoke. "cause my eyes are set on my one and only true love and that's you baby girl, only you". "okay, wait what ?" Lisa asked with a flushed face. She wasn't angry and just wanted to tease him or better still get angry at him in a playful manner, only for him to now say something like a proposal or a man who was confessing his feelings to his woman once again, assuring her of his undying loyalty and love. But I'm not his woman, yet, she thought. "His woman", "yet", the words rang in her head and this time she began to blush deeply while smiling like a child. Jack at first didn't think through the words he was going to say but after blurting out the words, he then realized that he shouldn't have said such. maybe later on but not now. Then he remembered the song by B.O.B. "That's how you know you fucked up". Shit he just confessed his love to Lisa, realisation hitting deeper that he could be rejected, he could be served "breakfast" now. All he needed to do was pray Lisa, the love of his life would not tell him "No" and then later ask to remain best of friends. I mean that's the fucked up thing that happens in our society today, and then tomorrow he would see her dating another guy who would then be treating her badly. I mean such shit do happen in this world of mine.
Lisa tried to say something but no words could be formed and she didn't even know what to say. It was so sudden. I mean how we shifted from one conversation, talking about someone we barely know and having met for the first time and then to him confessing his love for me. Talk about drama on reality shows. She stood there not knowing what to do or say and seemed to be a little oblivious on what was happening. Oh shit, she's thinking of setting staright what we have between us. Am I going to be rejected by my first true love ? oh fuck shit! but why are my palms so sweaty? oh my God! she's beautiful. He stared at her face and immediately made up her mind on what to do and how to save the situation, cause he would certainly hate talking to the moon late at night. Before she knew it, He closed the gap between them with one step, wrapped his hands across her slim waist, brought her closer to him as her body mashed into his and slowly planted his lips on hers. It was a soft kiss. She could feel his warm hand holding and dragging her closer gently and also his warmth as her body hugged his. Then was his lips on hers, it happened with no form of warning. Jack thought she might be lost of words and if it then happened, she would be forced to say anything and she might end up saying something that might not be nice. I mean a no was simpler than a yes, even count the letters, a no has two letters and a yes has three. logically won't a no be faster than a yes ?.

But then a bulb popped in his head and that was the only way out his imagination could think off. He was willing to risk it, though it might backfire but he couldn't wait cause the uneasiness was killing him. The more he thought about executing his next action, the brighter the bulb shone until he wrapped his hands around her waist, drew her near and planted his lips on her. Their kiss was soft and short as the both of them enjoyed the sweet moment. Though it was briefly, they both knew it was worth it. As they both detached their lips from each other and their tongue freed each other from its grasps, with saliva linging and their arms still clinging onto each other, they both stared at one another. Their eyes boring into each other, wanting to penetrate deep into their souls. This wasn't just an ordinary kiss, it was one built on love. Pure love and affection. They stood like that for more than a minute just staring at the other person who stole their heart away. There was silence, due to the lack of humans to applaud this adorable unintended confession of love. Since a no hadn't come out of her mouth, Jack knew he was safe. His love was reciprocated, it wasn't one sided and for that he was happy and grateful. Perharps he was counting his eggs before they hatched or he was putting all his eggs in one basket, wait a minute self, which comes first; the egg or the chicken ? but for now he couldn't say neither did he mind or paid any attention to the fact that it might go otherwise.
letting his hands slip down from her arms to her hands, he held it in his own, firmly and gently. Quietly He said "I will walk you home Lisa".
He turned around and took the first step. His hand holding hers, and she walking by his side at the same pace, as they headed for her home.

Two students could be seen walking side by side. The male been taller by the female, but not by a great gap. They didn't seem to be in discussion and silence ensued as a result of their inability to indulge each other in a conversation.
Felix was the one to break the silence first. "Do you do this everyday ?".
"You mean, follow you ?", Hinata asked. He turned towards her briefly, gave a nod and continued to face the road. "Yeah, she said. Not all the time but most of the time". "I would say that you are one interesting specie, whom I have had my eyes on for quite sometime now". He ignored her longterm declaration of interest in him as he asked his next question while still staring ahead. "So, you do know where I would end up at but do you know what I do there?" Hinata broke into a smile after hearing his question. It was one she was expecting him to ask and knew that even if he didn't ask her, she would definitely ask him later on, that's before they end their little walk and both leave for their respective homes. Though she planned on it been her next question, but better late than never. she didn't mind him being the one asking her which further proves that he was hiding something and it was really important for him to be going there everyday. Now she was just curious and really wanted to know what he was hiding. what his secret was. she knew for sure that all humans have some skeletons in their cupboard, and she just wanted to see one of his, just one. She wasn't stingy. Smirking before answering, She replied " Nope I do not know but I have been hoping for you to tell me. I mean it's pretty much important to you for you to be visiting that place on a daily, right ?". "Though I did thought on several occasions to leave my hiding spot and follow you closer to see what you were doing but I couldn't due to the fear of been seen. Cause I knew the moment you saw me, that would be the day I would stop trailing you without you been aware. Besides, like I said, I do have an interest in you". Throughout her explanation, not a word or form of emotion was given out by Felix. He still kept his poker face on and didn't interrupt her until she was done with her little speech. After about ten seconds had passed and neither of them said anything, he stopped abruptly and turned towards her. His movements also made her to stop walking almost immediately and she also turned to face him. The smiles on her face and how her eyes shone brightly could tell someone from first glance that this was a girl that had been anticipating this moment. Like as if she had been living for this moment all her life. She couldn't wait to hear his next words , though she couldn't force it out of his mouth, all she had to do was to have patience and abide by the rule of self control.
Slowly he spoke out, his words were loud and clear. "Good, if not I would have had to kill you". She gulped down saliva as her eyes became large like saucers and her pupils dilated, which also seemed to be losing its colour literally.
His words impaled her reality for who he really was. There was no hint of joke or some sort of scary play in what he just said. He was straightforward and she knew he meant his words. There was no assurance that he was going to carry out his threat, but the air around him was tensed after he said it and it screamed get the fuck away from this boy. But she stood staring at his back which was already walking away. Out of instinct she asked with her voice quivering "Are you serious ?" but she got to response as he kept on walking forward. Now her curiosity about knowing why he always visited that place everyday seemed to die down. But like a burning flame which was gradually dying out, all you need to do is to feed it some wood and boom, you get back your embers and glows while the flame greedily licks away at the wood to keep itself burning on and on. She loved danger, and the famous saying that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. She smiled at herself and started walking after him. She increased her pace and caught up to him, then she spoke quietly. "It doesn't really matter, because if I don't know, you won't kill me right". They both stared at each other and knew the answer right away. Giving each other mutual nods and they continued walking ahead. "Where to now ?" she asked. "You would soon know". Felix wasn't used to people accompanying him on his little trips. This was like his alone time. His "me time" , for him to think about his life, society and the world in general. He had never had to share it with anyone apart from his mum. Yeah, speaking about his mum who he deeply loved. He couldn't wait to spend time with her once again.
"oh shit, I can't help it again" Hinata quietly mumbled to herself. Surprisingly he asked her why after having heard her words. Looking to grasp up the opportunity that existed she quickly said "I mean you threatened me but I'm just like the curious cat". "Spill" He retorted. She quickly breathed in and her voice was lower than usual as she quietly asked him, almost whispering what was on her mind.
"What do you always do in the grave yard?".