Chapter Three Once Upon A Time.

"I farm bones".
"What ?" She laughed hysterically. "You can't be serious right, I mean you aren't a grave digger right ?
Mhmm" He slowly grunted and continued walking, not saying anything again. She wasn't too surprised and her hopes weren't placed high. Well like he said, if she knew what he usually does, she would just be asking for death. I mean who want to invite the Grim reaper for a cup of morning coffee and some light toast while chatting on how his work had been and if the process of escorting dead souls to the afterlife wasn't that stressful and if yes, does he want to resign or he would still be managing his schedules until his employers or employer gives him a raise or a helper. Don't ask me who's is his employer and no, we aren't accepting any curriculum vitae.
"Could we make a stop at the left turn, I want to get a bouquet" Felix calmly said. His words brought her back from her little world of WHAT EVER THE FUCK SHE'S THINKING. She stared at him and could see his countenance had changed. He had a softer demeanor and his eyes were emotional like he was reminded of someone precious to him and he decided to prove to such person how important they were in his life, thus his reason to purchase the flowers. Looking at him as she nodded her head in agreement, she wondered if he had a girlfriend. Her cheeks immediately flushed, a bright pink contrasting with her pale skin as she wondered if he was already taken or maybe not yet, or about too. But then if he was, would she be willing to do anything to get him and as to what extent would she be able to make sacrifices for his sake. The dark thoughts floated in her head as she pondered on another school of thought; maybe it's for mum. But what if it was for her, such a wishful thinking. First day meeting him, seen him before but all based on technicality and here he is with a flower for you, girl! you gotta run, for your life!, unless you want another episode of YOU. But the best option was it could be his mum. No, it was her favorite option. if she ain't getting him, then nobody else would. Damn! she was owning someone who probably doesn't care about her, apart from teasing her. Once again she blushed as she remembered all he had said to her that got her all flushed.

Upon reaching the garden store, the florist welcomed them with a smile and exchanged pleasantries with them, most especially Felix, who was her main focus. I mean he was the one that wanted to buy the bouquet, so all attention on the customer, cause that's the first priority in any business. But from greetings it progressed to a light chatter, asking about eachothers health and family member status. It seems they were well acquainted with one another on a vendor and patron status quo. Though, judging by the level of friendliness they both had for each other, especially the lady, it mean't Felix must be one of her loyal and frequent customers. So if he goes to that place daily, and he always comes here before getting there, how many times has he bought a bouquet for the last two years. Now she understood why the lady was very friendly towards him and even his friend which was her. Though seeing his reaction and the way he spoke to the florist, it was a little difficult to imagine it was the same person that threatened to kill her some minutes ago if she ever found out his reason for visiting the places he always go to after school or during the weekend or holidays. After getting the bouquet, they retraced their steps back to the point where they took a left, and began to walk straight ahead.

They kept on walking until it seemed clear and accurate that they were heading for the Cross Junction. This wasn't knew to Hinata, he always passed here before heading towards the back of the cemetery and then disappearing from her line of sight. This was one of the reasons why she never followed him at all and always wondered what he does when visiting this cemetery. It been a cemetery was the first red flag that the trailing had come to an end for her anytime they get to this point everyday. It always a bad idea to enter a grave yard without a prior invitation or reasons to be there. Not especially v it was late evening. which was why she askes him what he does in there and wanted to know if she would still follow him in or stop at her stalking point and continue on her journey home.

Though she felt he might still be mourning over the loss of a family member or friend or lover. but the number of times v always right on time on almost a daily basis just made her wonder that it wasn't just mourning for him, it had to be something else going on there. Upon getting to the junction, Felix took a right which she inturn did and followed behind him closely than ever. They walked down the road, and followed a narrow path filled with mud and and upturned earth soil. "Narrow is the path that leads to Heaven" Hinata muttered under your breathe. "So your Bible says huh" Felix retorted. "But heaven ain't here human, just death".He concluded. If she wasn't scared before, now she was as he once again reminded her that they were approaching the back gate of the grave yard. Perharps he was bluffing when he said he would kill her if she knew his reason for coming here, but that wasn't scary compared to this. I mean it's one thing to say you would do something, and it's another to actually do it. Perharps she might know why he comes here daily, perharps she might end up dead.

Holding unto the metal gate which was rusted due to age and poor maintenance, though still functioning, it made a clinking sound as it lock banged against the other metal while it hinges screeched as Felix opened the gate slowly.
It was late in the afternoon, and it seemed the evening breeze was in a hurry to arrive as the air became breezy and chilly. Turning unto the person behind him, he could see her face was uneasy and he could feel the fear slowly creeping up into her face. Slowly it was building up, a little scare is all its required to make her jump in fright or piss her pants or better still run away and never approach him again, not to talk of having a conversation with him. She was staring at him now. A little bit wary of what he would do at any minute, they both stared at each other. waiting for the other to make a move or an action first. Then he smiled, a warm smile which was also creepy in all ramifications cause there was nothing to smile about. I mean who would come to a graveyard and started smiling, unless if you were there to mop and have a good fit of laughter at your victim rotting corpse six feet below. I mean, what would make it crazy is if the body ain't actually there because you came over at night and robbed his or her grave of its tenant and burnt it or dissolved it in acid. Now the family thinks at least their dead beloved one's resting peacefully. I mean the Rest In peace becomes invalid cause the corpse literally burnt in hell before going to another hell, beside the fact that it ain't resting anywhere. Her thoughts just got darker. "The place is fucking with me" she cursed under her breathe.
Looking ahead, she realized she was lagging behind and Felix was already ahead of her. She knew it was best not to stray away cause that's where the horror movie starts from. Jogging up to him, he quickly said to her " Stop running, walk and watch your steps. Besides I'm pretty sure you do not want to wake them up".

"Them!? " she nearly screamed, only just in time did he stretched backward to cover her mouth with his hand and he face was a little bit pissed off. "Like I said, you do not want to wake them up. You get me ?". He asked her while staring at her for confirmation that she understood what he was saying and she wasn't another block head who would ruin the day for him again. She nodded her head slowly, acknowledging tha she understood and was willing to cooperate. Only then did he let his hands slip from her mouth, and quickly she licked his palm slightly with the tip of her tongue, dragging it across as it slided down away from her mouth, and then she grinned at him mischievously.
While he continued forward, and she followed behind, there were graves on both sides. All of them had white cross at the top of each tombstone, with inscriptions of the deceased name. Some were more beautified than the others, and some even looked older and dirtier. But they all had one thing in common, their tenants were dead. Looking ahead one could see the land stretching downward making it look like an unending sea of grave. "Damn, this is a lot of graves for one community. It just keeps going on and on like an ocean" Hinata commented. she just couldn't keep her opinion to herself, besides the fact that the silence was doing her more than good and she needed to have a conversation even if it's a small talk at least to keep the mind busy since the body is also busy not minding its business. " You do have a point though, but you do know that the ocean is the biggest graveyard since the existence of living things right?". Felix replied her. She was a little bit surprised that he replied her. she thought she would end up just taking to herself throughout the trip, just like Donkey in Shrek. But hey my Prince charming seemed to be a crazy ass teenager. wait a minute who said he was my Prince charming, what am I doing? She asked herself internally. "Hey gazing beauty, snap out of it". she jolted back to reality and stared at him. He was kneeling down before a tombstone. It's cross was a dirty shade of white with a black slab of granite stone. Names and date of birth to death could be seen written on it. It wasn't that eligible due to erosion or something which she had no idea about but was just speculating. But it defined wasn't among the decorated ones despite the number of ages it had spent here. She could see Felix Kneeling down before the bouquet and rubbing his palm across the tombstone. He seemed to be muttering some words to himself, they weren't audible and only him knew what he was saying. She slowly knelt beside him, partly to pay her respects to whoever had Felix to be down here everyday. And also to be able to read the inscriptions written on the slab. Looking unto the tombstone and peering closer, not minding Felix who was doing his own thing, she looked at the writings on the wall and it read : Here Lies Mrs Faith Stone. The date of birth was blank but the year of death read 2015. She's been dead for Five years, don't tell me He's been visiting her for a whole good five years. I mean, she ought to be his mother then or someone precious to him. She looked at him strangely while he still continued his whispering. He was done almost immediately as she set her gaze on him. Slowly he stood up and used the bouquet to part both sides of the cross before placing it gently at the foot of the stone.
Then he sat down and stared at the name writhing on the slab. For about thirty seconds, neither of them spoke a word, there was this mutual agreement for the next thirty seconds.
Instantly, they both opened their mouth to say something and immediately shut it as they saw the other one wanting to say something. Then it was the usual struggle of you go first between one another for about two consecutive times, before Felix decided to take a bow.
"I guess you have been curious since you entered here" He asked. "Yeah, but I think you should have said It's time I explain all this to you" she retorted. "Huh, who said anything about explaining something?" He asked puzzled at her question. Hinata was stunned by his response and decided not to take it personal, if he choose not to say anything. Besides the fact that it's not wise to fight in a graveyard. Not like you can fight but it would be a foolish move. "Alright, the strange one", she said to him. Felix stared at her blankly. Then she threw the next question, "who's the woman?". He stared at her, his eyes digging deep, searching but finding nothing. Then he answered, "She's my mother". Her facial expression softened. "Mhmm... okay, I'm really sorry for your loss". Hinata replied softly. "But there's something I don't get, why do you still do this, you have been doing it for five years right?" She asked again. "Yes, not frequently, but at least once in a week". He answered softly. she was happy that so far he was cooperating and all her questions had been answered faster and easily. Not that she was a detective and him a criminal, and his was making her investigatiom move smoothly. Though it seemed like an investigation, she was just only curious. Besides she told herself that she wasn't really a bad person to be asking him why he stills do what he does but it sounded selfish since it was his mum who's the person in context. In all she felt he might not get closure after her death, since he hasn't stopped for the past five years.

"So why do you do all this, why ?" she asked again. Slowly he breathed in and then out, before fixing his gaze on her and replied coldly : "The man who sent her 6ft is still alive". "and who's the man, if I may ask?" She pried immediately for the last time, unsure if her next question would be answered. He stared at her, not budging at all and all silent. "Please Fex, please tell me and I would takeyiur secret to my grave." she blurted out. "like you have a choice, because if I kill you, off to the grave goes you and my secret forever." he replied her while grinning from ear to ear. she looked up at him smiling and was about to say something when he quietly said the words which were earlier stucked in his throat. "He killed her, the principal of our school killed my mother" he said with gritted teeth and a well formed hard fist.

Hinata was shocked. She was utterly lost. He didn't say anything and she just stared ahead in confusion. She was trying to fit a puzzle but she had no board neither did she know the clear picture of what she ought to get. He squatted in front of the tombstone and she was beside him in the same position. Glancing at her left, he was yet to say anything yet and didn't seem bothered that she hadn't said anything also. Finding the words, she quickly asked, in a slight tone of urgency.
"How ?" "How is it possible?". "Possible ? he asked with an angry tone. "I'm sorry," She said softly. "But could you tell me the whole story, how it all happened ?" She turned towards him begging him with her eyes, words and voice.
"Mhmm" Felix exhaled softly and stared at 9her. He stood up and stared into the distance and said "What says the time". Hinata quickly looked at her wrist watch and said it's was four o'clock.
Then he sat down opposite her, close enough for their legs to be touching each other. Staring into her eyes, he smiled and said: "We still have time, so let me tell you a story." He cleared his throat and casted his gaze far ahead before rubbing his palms together and grunting deeply.

"You see it all started when grandma died". "Her death caused the wheels of misfortune to start spinning. Steadily it rolled and everyone got their own portion or doses you can say." "My mother died, Mr Peter has cancer and I got my own, which was addiction". He rubbed his palms slightly and breathed into it and continued. "Now you may be wondering who is the principal really, since I said he killed my mother" He looked at her, waiting for her response, which came almost immediately in the form of two sharp nods. He liked that she hadn't spoken yet and only used gestures, cause in telling stories orally, any word spoken becomes a part of the plot. "Now the man who's is our principal Mr Dawkins, ain't his real name but Mr Peter." His face turned serious with a slight frown and a noticeable dark mood as he continued. "For your safety, do not say anything to anyone. What ever I tell you, remains with you because if you ever let even a word out or a hint, you would definitely pay a visit to the "House of Horrors". Hinata visibly gulped a spit, because since she started speaking to him today, everything had always been inclined or revolved around death. Even where they fucking were was just death playground. I bet the Grim reaper is out there. She began to cast glances around herself. "Chill out babe, the clock hasn't strucked six yet" Felix told her. She could see he had an evil grin on his face. "What do you mean by when the clock struck six?" She inquired while standing up and ignoring the 'babe' address. She has had enough of this bullshit and wanted to just run away from here. "I'm leaving Felix, enjoy whatever you do and consider as a hubby, since you derive pleasure from all this" she completed with a demonstration of hands flailing to capture the wide area of the grave yard which he drives pleasure from been in it. "Don't tell me you are scared, oh you little scaredy baby" He teased her and started laughing. "of course I'm, you piece of shit, I'm out of here". Hinata started making her way down the narrow path."Wait," he shouted and ran up to her. He caught her right arm and gradually slided his hands until his palm covered hers. His fingertips creating hit sensations and light sparks on her skin. He held her hand in his and stared at her softly before speaking. "Please don't go", his voice sounded broken, she could hear and feel the emotions behind his words as he wrapped his hands behind her waist. Warmth passed through his gaze, and the skin around his eyes softened as he took in her expression. Though the contact was too close for comfort and also sudden, but his next words shocked her as he whispered into her ear "I too have always known you were following me, not immediately but later on". Then he unwrapped his hands from her waist and took some steps backwards with his hands raised up. He was laughing softly and in a creepy way. Hinata knew she needed to leave here right now and turned away and started moving from him. Without saying anything to him. "Don't you want to know how your principal is a murderer" He said.

she stopped and turned to face him. "Besides, you can't go out the same way you came in, that's why this place is called the Cross junction for a reason. and this seems to be your first time here, so I'm pretty sure you don't know the way. Besides it won't be good for a young girl like yourself to wander around a grave yard, especially when it's getting close to evening and night".
She took a step forward, crossing her hands across her chest, and asked him quietly "what do you mean by you can't go out the same way you came in ?"
Smiling at her as she asked her question and was staring at him waiting for a question. it seemed he had her attention for now and he would love to keep it running for a long while. I mean,I love teasing and controlling humans, ain't that what God created them for. Sprinkle some will and sense of choice here and there, and they act like that are truly free from the strings. Meanwhile, deep down they crave to be controlled. They would love to be under the master puppetry finger tips.
A discussion for another day I suppose.
He gestured for her to sit with him. Squatting on the floor, he lifted his face to see that she was still standing away from him, yet to even move an inch. He smiled and once again gestured for her to have a seat and come closer. She stared at him in the eyes not moving from her position. They both maintained an uninterrupted gazing battle of wills until she backed down after realising that he wasn't going to say anything. Besides he had successfully rearoused her curiosity and she would definitely want to know more. No, she couldn't wait to know more. Walking faster than usually with a little giddiness in her steps, she sat down immediately and wanted to continue asking him questions, he smiled as his index finger pressed against her lips and he muttered the word shhhh. "Remember, one question at the time baby girl" He said softly. Dragging his fingertip across her lips softly till he rested it below her chin. He stared at her as she was quite shock by his actions. "You have gotten my interest". Redrawing his hands away; "Let me continue my story". "Mr Peter, the huge more than 6ft head teacher. Rumours says he's ex military right ? Well, what the rumours doesn't also says is that he's an exconvict". At this point she was used to been surprised. She wanted to but in, but after seeing his facial expression changed slightly with a raised eyebrow, she quickly swallowed the question back, mentally preparing not to to forget it in order to ask him during question time. Since this was a teacher and student session, she just hoped not to forget some of it.

"Now the thing is this, if you notice it ain't really bad for an excon to be a teacher right, though provided what crime he committed isn't rape, pedophilia, murder or manslaughter right" He asked. But not waiting nor expecting a response from her, he continued. "Though anyone but not everyone deserves a second chance".
"The thing is he cleared his hands off the academics and Mr Dunk is the only one who's in charge of that aspect and reports back to him. He's only involved in administration." "Now before all this achievement or success came to past, there's always a back story. either good or bad, but his was neither; it was worst than the usual."
He was speaking calmly and quietly playing with his fingers while looking down. "Do you usually do that when you are telling a story?" He looked up at her and answered slowly, dragging his words. "only when I'm relieving the Horrors of my past".
She smiled and said; "Tell me about it".