"Let begin with how he got kicked out of the army". Staring at her, he continued his narration.
"Now Mr Peter, or Mr Dawkins the one you are used to. He joined th special forces at an early age. He was exceptional, a good marksman and he showed great excellence at executing his duty. Now, a good soldier is classified by his ability to carry out his duties without a second thought. His bosses, or the higher-ups liked him for that. To them he was the almost - perfect soldier, the winter soldier. Since no human can be perfect, but you can attain a stage close to perfection. He was at that stage. Now you see the issue with such people that carry out instructions or tasks from their commander without a flinch or thought is when they begin to have ideas. The birth of ideas will surely lead to what?" Gesturing with his hands up and wide, he screamed the words "Rebellion! revolution!". his facial expression was ecstatic for some seconds. Switching back to his usual composed story telling form, he continued like he didn't just behaved like a mad man earlier on or perharps like the Joker in his moment. "Now he began to get ideas, and such ideas began to develop. That was when his higher-ups started noticing some changes in his behaviour and some abnormalities in his mission exceution. There was one incident, where he and his squad was sent to restore peace and quell down violence in the middle east and he went berserk".
"Let me guess, he's racist ?" She quietly spoke, butting into his narration. He smiled and nodded his head twice "But he's worse than that".
At first it was stated on reports that the military swung into action because the villagers or citizens of that area attacked them and they did what they did in self defence. But upon investigation after one of their colleague couldn't live with what they did, he came and own it up that they indeed committed war crime. That they actually committed massacre. It was bloody and ruthless. Spilling the beans, he said two of the squad members raped an underage girl after the father welcomed them as guests into his home and gave them food. Now the instructions they received was to avoid contact with the locals unless when necessary, and any contact established must be reported back to your commander with reason attached, and such reason must be reasonable in order to avoid been punished. The military wanted it to be a quiet mission, in and out with no interference and casualties. What happened next was something that Mr Peter had no idea could or would happen. The house was rigged with cameras and their actions were videotaped. was this planned, did their enemies plant this hoping that the troops would fall, but it was well excuted and planned, like a cast they all fell for the trap and followed the script instructions by words. Angrily, he seized the old man by the neck and banged him against the wall. His wife hearing the violence from the children's room runs downstairs to see her husband face front against the wall and her daughter on the floor writhing in pain, cluthing
her pelvic region, with tears streaming down her cheeks and blood on the floor.
The old man was trying to speak but couldn't and he seemed to be gasping for air. The other partner of Peter who was called Rocky, a black huge guy ran forward and grabbed the wife, wrapping his hands around her body, dragging her close to him, he used his large meaty palms to close her mouth shut and then whispered in her ears that if she shouted, then she would watch him do what he did to her daughter and then slit her throat cleanly and slowly while she watched her daughter bleed out as the substance of life slowly seeps out of her. Quietly her shoulders dropped down and he relaxed his grip on her as Peter continued investigating her. The other squad members did nothing, the three of them stood there waiting and looking. They were confused, Sgt. Peter was acting against orders, but right now he was the authority and it seemed he would like not to be interfered cause his actions were propelling on anger and rage. He was the squad leader, the remaining two teams comprising of eight soldiers were off scouting the area, just a team and the squad leader was here. The old man having heard that if he started talking, then he would be able to breathe and his family would be left alive. He began to talk, but it wasn't easy because he couldn't breathe properly. So they sat him up and pointed a gun at his head. Sitting up, he could see his wife holding his daughter in her arms and the other three soldiers weren't in the room with them. Don't try any funny idea old man, the others went to scout and if they find anything incriminating or dangerous, I wonder what would happen to you or maybe them, he pointed at his wife and daughter. The old man broke down sobbing and begged for their lives to be spared that they too had no other option to allow the insurgents to rig their house with cameras and tapes. He went further on to say that all the data been recorded wasn't transmitted to another computer or uploaded on a website, since Internet connection here was restricted and not easily accessible especially for the poor masses. so that means all the Information gotten is been stored in a flash drive right and none has been leaked or sent to any party right. "Yes sir", he replied meekily. "Good! can you hear that Rocky", he exclaimed staring at Rocky. The black man smiled and started laughing, "yes my brother I did hear that clearly. This is a lot more fun", he said as he licked his lips. These weren't soldiers anymore. These were monsters, the truth fighter's were wrong in saying they had inhibitions and they wouldn't break their military code of conduct. He thought, he knew this was an already fucked up situation.
He lead the way to the room where the computers were planted, the little hub of information recording. The room was small and it had no door, just a long cloth or apparel covering the entrance. Dragging it aside with force, it ripped out of the hooks and suspenders above and falling to the ground. He shoved the old man into the room to ensure there wasn't any booby trap or someone in there who would launch at them unaware, since his soldiers hadn't returned yet and were still searching the place. It wasn't like the building was a mansion, or a large house with plenty of rooms, but they had to meticulously check out every detail and ensure that nothing escapes their eyes or attention and they get their job properly done.
He stared at the system as the old man shifts to the corner of the room. He crouched down and began to check for any flash drive or cord linking to a hard drive. It was a monitor and CPU system. He close see a red blinking object at the other end of the CPU. He held unto it and gently pulled it out. This is what has been causing trobule huh, he asked with a smirk as he shooked his head and laughed. Putting the flash drive in his camo pockets, he took his gun which was slinger behind his back all this time and aimed at the monitor screen and fired. But he wasn't the first to hit it cause another person had the same idea as he did and was already waiting for the time and opportunity to present himself so he could let all the excitement lose.
Rocky was ready, gun aimed at the system and desk, full magazine loaded, safety click off as he let loose, the moment his squad leader brought his own rifle to do the same time.
They both shot widely, letting the gun to rattle on and on as empty shells fell on the floor amidst laughter and screaming. The harsh sound of guns been fired pierced the night cold air. It could be heard from quite a distance, as the other two teams who were patrolling around the area started heading to their squad leader position after trying to make contact and his line was dead silent. They radioed in their last location with their squad leader, their current location and their next course of action to their temporary base stationed not quite far away from their patrol point. Having had enough of their fill because the gun magazine ran out of bullets and they were able to release their inhibitions, to go wild was what they always craved for. They both stared at each other, smiling like mad men with sweat dripping down their faces and bodies as the whole place was covered in destroyed cables, the monitor screen was shattered with the CPU all reduced to different parts and pieces. The windows were also shattered as some bullets sought to escape out of the hell zone, seeking for safety and comfort in the body of someone radiating heat nearby.
one for such was the old man who was dead already. He was bleeding from several areas, with a large hole in his head, which seemed like two bullets were trying to claim territory on his fore head as such was gaping with blood flowing through in trickles, giving the impression that his head had most likely been almost drained of blood. His limbs were also bullet ridden with his hands raised up to cover his body, but not properly done which doesn't really matter cause his limbs were shattered and torn apart by the repeated assault of flying bullets.
Both men casted glances at him and chuckled. "I actually forgot he was there", Rocky said. staring at the old man corpse which was rested against the wall in an upright sitting position.
He looked at his squad leader Peter who grinned back at him and said he was a cold bastard. They both left the room, only to see the two children who were asleep upstairs in their mother's arms. The gunshots most likely woke them up and they came running downstairs while afraid of what might happen again. Children familiar to the sound of gun shots, knew it signified war, death and chaos. All they could do was to run to their parents and guardians to seek protection, and such people were superheroes cause they too are also afraid of their lives but they had no choice than to act up all tough until they finally break up mentally and lose it. Seeing the children, his three soldiers showed up immediately and said all cleared sir. One of them asked what the gunshot was all about, as one of the little children started asking for his father. During war, you see the military in your house and he leaves with some solders but doesn't return when the soldiers does only means one thing, and this kid should or must have had experiences to know how really the world operated. "Shh child", his mother tried to calm him down. she knew her husband was dead, she knew they were all dead after they agreed to work with the terrorists. Even if they had rejected their proposal, they would still end up been killed, so they had no other choice than to follow or go ahead with the plan. She heard her husband voice, the last time she would ever hear his voice again was a scream of pain, angush and regret. She knew why he invited them to dinner, it was to have them save their lives. There was no guarantee that they would be spared even after fulfilling their duties faithfully, that was one of the issues of radical organisations. But sadly, they invited the monster into their home and now her husband was dead, and his son was asking for his dead father. "We were clearing out the computer stuffs upstairs, destroying any possible evident that could cause us all trobule in the future", Rocky replied for the commander who was staring at the mother and children, watching them and wondering what to do. "Us ?, what do you mean by us ?" a gullible soldier asked Rocky as he was done speaking. Rocky casted him a hateful glare full of spite and the man trembled quietly, knowing fully well that it was time to shut the fuck up. Cause Rocky was the most unstable in the squad, why he was still in the military, no one knew why. "Squad leader report in", a voice over the radio com buzzed in. "Yes this is Eagle team, report in Alpha and Beta team". " Alpha team, checked", a gruffly voice responded. " Beta team, checked". A calm soothed voice replied. "Any tangos? Yes, one down, the others ran away to get reinforcement, we would need all the help we can get cause this people mean business, though we have no casualties yet". Rocky answered quickly and intelligently since the other man in arms had no idea on what to say. "Alright Eagle team we are headed to your position, sit tight". "Sure", he replied immediately, "we are counting on you to get here in time, over". He ended the conversation swiftly and disconnected the call. "Nice one Rocky, that was a smart thinking. Now we have got to get rid of evidences, and these people here are evidences". Peter said calmly.
"No boss, you can't do such; don't tell me you plan on doing it boss; c'mon man we would be committing war crime". The other soldiers voiced out their opinions.
"Please spare us, or at least spare my children, they are but kids, still innocent and pure, pleaee don't do this to us". The woman pleaded.
"Quiet bitch", Rocky slaps her on the face and then asked her if she had forgotten what he told her earlier. Her eyes widens as she stared at her daughter; her two boys and started sobbing silently.
Peter who had been thinking all this while couldn't come up to a conclusion yet. He just killed an innocent man, this wasn't the first and wouldn't be the last, he saw all this civilians as collateral damage and he has always been a mission first idealogist. it didn't matter how many civilians or unarmed people got to die in order to complete the mission. Though it was done discreetly he would always say that they gave their lives for the greater good. The only thing here was that he didn't want another blood spilled on his hands especially children. I mean he raped their daughter, then killed the father unintentionally and it would be crazy to also wipe out the whole family. There must be a way to cover this up without killing them. I mean only a house dining with this misfortune all at once on one dinner sitting. Or perhaps he could do it and make it look like an accident. He already had enough heat on his back, from careless mistakes that pointed at his direction but not on him directly. so he knew he was been watched and monitored closely. He had no worries about his subordinates or teammates snitching, that could always be sorted out since everyman had a price.
"Boss I think you would want to see this", one of the soldier said.
Outside, the sounds of people shouting, carrying and waving flame torches and other weapons could be seen and heard from outside, not far away from their position, about for blocks away, which was pretty close but enough for a getaway.
"Damn it, they must have heard the gun shot, and the those bastard terrorist group knows it wasn't their one that fired the shots, so they would mixed with this crowd to wipe us out". Rocky exclaimed gritting his teeth. The others also had trobuled looks as they thought over his words, which sounded and seemed logical and it was most likely what would happen.
The four of them stared at their squad leader face and could see a mischievous evil grin plastered on his face. He gave off a maniac laughter as he stared at them all and said, "don't worry lads, we are going to solve the problem of witnesses or evidence and also complete the mission". "We are going to kill two birds with one stone", he laughed as he said those words.
Instructing his troops to tie the three kids and their mother up, gagged them and also blind folded them. He reminded himself that this was the best he could do for them, because he was pretty sure they wouldn't want to see what happens next, especially the part where they see death approaching and can neither scream for help or in frustration or fear or can neither run nor move but just sit patiently as this engulfs you and lifts your spirit from your body. Tasking Rocky to carry out the next plan cause he couldn't trust his team members to carry out this task without arguing or questioning it or not even accomplishing it at all. Rocky was just like him, a good solider that never asked questions, the mission comes first and only obeys the last order to the best of his capability. Such loyalty was what he always loved. Not to mention he was crazy and also his psychotic tendencies. He really was a walking time bomb just like Peter himself. Rocky went upstairs, bending down shortly to pick something up and pulled out a grenade when he got closer to the gas canister. Cutting a piece of cloth half way through he tied it to the gas canister and linked it to the grenade. Using the plier he picked up earlier on his way upstairs He tied the other length of the cloth on its two legs firmly. It held and opened its mouth, just wide enough for him to place in the grenade after removing the key. It held the ticking hand bomb firmly with adequate pressure, just enough to prevent it from losing up and exploding.
Then he backed away slowly, ensuring he didn't hit anything that could trip his little construction or ingenuity and end up like a roasted bacon.
Until he was outside the kitchen, he then began to walk briskly dowb the stairs into the living room. Seeing that his team mates were already done on their side, he asked what next as he heard the voices becoming louder and closer. "The crowd is one block away boss, he said, having peered outside".
Using the tables and chairs, around they barricaded the door, not to hard but just enough for the people outside to fail on their first attempt to break in but eventually be able to get inside within three to five minutes and just enough for the marines to get out of the building. The five soldiers made for the children's room as that would ensure they landed on the side of the house and not the back cause Peter was pretty sure and confident that the terrorists would check the back out even if the people won't do so. And to avoid an over head confrontation, it was better they go through a place more unlikely to used because it was very dangerous since they would literally be few steps away from the crowd and they could easily be spotted by any one even with a dull eye cause they were all equipped in military gear and camp pants. Jumping, and doing a roll up, they all made it out of the house as they could hear the pounding at the front door getting louder and louder as the people tried forcing their way in while still cursing them, the pagans. "Bunch of wild pigs", Rocky muttered under his breathe. He smiled as he knew very soon the front porch would be a feast of roasted meat. Turning to Peter he could see he was grinning as well, they both were thinking the same thing; he and his boss both had great minds. They began to take a detour and paused to watch from a distance as the group finally broke in. They could see the locals trooping in their numbers, as men with head completely covered with cloths and Ak-47 hanged across their shoulders as they made their way in. Some had their guns pointed forward, and some were coming from behind.
Rocky radioed the other team and Peter told both Alpha and Bravo team to stand down, that Eagle team was on its way to meet them. They acknowledged the information and halted their movements. From the distance, Peter and his team watched as some of the people remained outside, only for some of them to turn back and tried to run for the door, against the incoming flow of humans. One or two persons immediately jumped from the windows, shouts could be heard from those who didn't land properly and probably broke a limb or more, since they the fallen figures didn't stand stand immediately. Rocky and Peter were giggling like little kids at a magic show. Only the two of them knew what they did and what would happen next, it really was going to be a magic, a magic of fireworks. Immediately a loud sound could be heard as the building went up in flames. it sounded like a detonated bomb and it was so loud that shockwaves were felt and it rippled through buildings, shattering their window glasses and panes. Screams could be heard as burning bodies could be seen running outside of the building. Those who were still conscious while on flames tried to make it outside as mini explosions also occurred inside the building due to the armed men and their weapons getting caught up in the flames and blowing up. A little child could be seen walking outside in the midst of the commotion with his head on fire. He staggered until he was few steps in front of the door, before he dropped down dead as the fire kept on licking and eating away at his young soft body. As the cries and screams all died down and not a single sound was heard as the silence resumed and the night went on.
"That was crazy, totally insane". He was silent for three seconds before continuing, "those were the events that happened on his last mission."