Winning the witnesses

- ``Acknowledgment!'' - A voice echoed from the wall of theriantropes that surrounded the clearing as they all approached now unresolved. The bat trainer was suddenly aware he had said too much on their presence and that he had lost their trust.

- ``We didn't ask!'' - As soon as the words left my mouth, a sharp pain stroke my face moving my body backwards, so I landed on my furry ass. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. - ``I don't care if you are strong enough to hit a little girl! We didn't ask for acknowledgment because we don't want humans to know we exist, we fear them so much we don't trust their understanding and I see why now! It is so easy for few misguided people to dive this country into chaos. It takes one bent wingman to move crowds into enslavement, treachery and murder.'' - Out of nowhere the bat trainer's face was on mine, his nose cms apart from mine. His gaze so enraged he seemed to be trying to boil me alive with it. His breath was untamed and his hands held my neck. He seemed to have noticed murmuring started to raise higher within our witnesses. - ``Shut up, or you will be the first dead, you half blooded creature!''

He had thrown the president to the ground face down to face the little girl, as he insisted on calling me.

- ``Yes, please put into power the guy who kidnapped our minister before he had the time to tell him he knew the president well enough to call him by his first name and into reason. Or that was wise enough to steer the crowd into this, so we would fight our brothers because he wants to punish the humans.''

- ``That is enough!'' - His voice sounded again. A hand was held half way to my face, by thick hairy hand I recognized only too well. - ``Don't you dare touch my daughter you dirty blood sucking traitor, you betrayed your country, you betrayed your minister and your people, filling them with lies and deceit and for what? Control? It's the last time you damage someone's life!'' - The trainer's mouth was opened, his expression vacant and his eyes lifeless... blood junked out of his mouth over me, my hair and my face. His abdomen was pierced with the claws of my father's other hand. I couldn't tell if it was lethal or he just succumbed to the pain. - ``Anyone else wants to teach the young girl a lesson about moral? you punks? You work so hard on your canons you can't wait to use them even if it is to follow this sorry type of ideas! Grow a pair!''

The Dark Knight turned on his own and head-kicked the elite who was still apathetically looking at his trainer's lifeless body on the floor. My father's skinny friend freed him with a knife and he helped the president stand so the second set of handcuffs could be cut. The minister was suddenly freed from his own fight and ran to him, holding him. Like old friends the president stepped back with a hurt look on his eyes.

That same elite soldier raged a growl that was so deep it made my sternum tremble. Before he finished he had moved behind my father and was holding a knife to his throat. - ``You worthless peace of shit. You mingled with a dirty human, you procreated with it and you have the nerve to call us the betrayers?'' - His deep gray eyes were blood shot and his hand started moving slowly as to flavor the moment.

- ``Stop!'' - I screamed desperately. His face distorted, his lips curled in disgust and more few elite soldiers gained a similar burst of fight.

- ``How dare you speak to me? You worthless abomination?''

- ``I am not the abomination, you are! You really think that your trainer had thought this through? You really think his hatred ever allowed him to understand what would be the world tomorrow? You stupid mindless drone!'' - His eyes widened incredulous to my lack of restrain, his lips curling out a smirk. - ``You would have taken this huge secret and exposed it this way? You know we aren't that many. Even if you believe in our supremacy, which judging by your actions is hilarious, do you think they would just kneel to you? Like your blood suppliers? Do you for one second think tomorrow you would own the world? Or in five years?'' - He stepped back confused. Releasing the knife from my father's neck. He just faced me in bewilderment. - ``Who cares who I am.'' - I cried... -``You must care for someone in this world. Tomorrow the vast majority of the world population would wake up knowing there was a powerful enemy their government was continuously covering up for. Sure there would be people praying to therianthropes as gods. But the overwhelming majority would just lose their shit. There would be mutinies on every power house, militias would organize, armed people would wonder the streets asking people to prove they weren't theriantropes and recruiting those that could... and for some reason some people would just take it to the streets and break and steal shit. Break the windows of electronic stores and take tv-sets. In less than a week the destabilization would be so disastrous it would be like living in a third world. You wouldn't have the world in your hands, your wouldn't even be able to get tap water. You dumb ass! In less than a week the vice-president would have to move the army against us just to regain peace. We are registered, you animal. Your families are all registered as theriantropes.''

They were all focused on me, eyes lost in this dystopia. - ``We need to get out of the shadows of the night! We deserve to be full citizens of this world, but this is the dumbest way to do it! And the quickest way to extinction.'' - I continued.

His hand was still held high with a blade perturbing from it. In a movement my father turned on his back and seized it between his legs pointing it now to his neck. - ``Let go of the weapons now! Or you won't be able to be part of us coming out of this, you won't be a part of anything but worm food.'' - They were apathic. One by one they all forgo of their knives throwing them to the ground with a strength that dig the blade deep into the dirt. They were checked for further blades and cuffed with plastic bands.