Old friends

- ``I am so sorry about all of this.'' - The minister started at the president with a sullen face. While my father rubbed my face with his furry arms to clean out some of the blood, or at least spread it so I could see better, while my jaw was still wide open, and my brain attempted to grasp the timeline of what just happened. The thick smell of blood was so overwhelming. I could see And Bleach Eyes assumed power over the remaining elite, gesturing for them to clean up the scene. The Joker lumped over to the Retriever with a joyful smile. He had lost a sneaker and didn't seem to able to put much weight on his foot. The Retriever was holding his ribs with a painful smile and a slight hint of pride twinkled in his eyes. His t-shirt was wet with sweat around his arms and splattered with dark blood. The Pale Bulldog next to them held his full dimpled chin light by a large smile tainted of red. His honey eyes almost closed by his cheeks glazed and pearls of sweat descended slowly through his stubble and down his neck. He had used his weight to overpower an elite soldier and together they had immobilized him and he was handing in the cuffed wingman to Bleach Eyes.

- `` Everybody let go of your weapons, hands above your head and kneel to the floor.'' - About thirty policemen arrived and surrounded us with guns. My heart jumped a beat. I felt air filling my chest like it was empty for the longest time and my legs suddenly felt the weight of all their effort today. I let my knees and knuckles touch the ground and my head fall forward while I experience the extremely colorful air that kept greeting my hungry lungs.

-``Finally, take into custody the cuffed wingman and their equipment and put them on the cells underground. The president and I will consider their fate.'' - The minister addressed the uniform men with a stern voice but a gentle smile. His lip was hurt and his cloths disheveled but he stood tall and dignified. They had been dispatched, by the batmen trainer, on a goose hunt at the beginning of the evening and took this long to return.

- ``Why didn't you tell me? I was your best friend, and I watched you go to this nameless university! Deep inside I didn't care, cause you bailed and so you deserved lesser chances, and then I see you getting all of those fantastic jobs! And becoming a minister! I couldn't believe it! But in a way I was actually proud of you! And then I get to be president and receive this brief bag of documents explaining me what was actually your school about... it all clicked! You didn't get here in spite of your education, you got here because this is a family business... a business no human has the right to know about... a business you didn't confide in me. I felt betrayed, not just me... this is not fair and I will not allow this to pursue! You are deceiving millions of people.'' - His smile slowly tainted with pain, the worst was behind, but the world was far from safe.

- ``Oh, old friend! I would if I could've. If only I was allowed, if the law allowed, you were the person I wanted to share it with the most! My whole world changed and I didn't have my best friend to digest it with. I was a kid! I discovered I could swim like a dolphin and it creeped me to death... and all these laws, these unfair laws obligating me to come to this school I never heard of, after all our plans. And this secret my parents kept from me... until... until I was of age. But I decided I would help balance the world, our worlds! I knew we needed to have a better equilibrium., I knew I had to fight for our rights and some day our acknowledgment! I worked so hard, I tried so hard to fight for our worlds to live in justice, that is how I got here! Not because I was privileged by my education or my family. It is true there has never been a minister in my post that was not from a theriantrope family, but that is because the ignorance law makes the chances of a human getting it, well, null.'' - Tears rolled down the minister's cheeks as he advanced arms open wide to his old friend. - `` I have my friend back! That was my first thought when you wan the elections, we would be working together again and you would know... and you know what? I will have him back.''

- ``I don't know if that is possible. I am not ready to trust you. I can't overlook what just happened here. ''

- ``Nor should you. Matters with therianthropes are usually my jurisdiction, but as I said before you will be part of the path these men will face in justice. What trespassed tonight was nothing short of domestic terrorism and will be handled as such. Don't make this into a civil war and I hope you can keep in mind that these are young people with their whole lives to atone.''

- `` I am not sure I am in much of a forgiving mood.''

- `` Will you at least be in an understanding mood? I am not asking you to put the cat back in the bag. I have always defended that we should come out. But it depends on you whether that will be done making entire races sudden war enemies or we can come up with a smooth plan to fill in the people on our existence.''

The president turned his head slightly and smiled like he was recognizing someone from a long lost memory. - ``Sounds reasonable. ''