8.Leaving With A Bang

(A/N : Another chapter for you guys with nearly 2k words. Enjoy. Please Post some reviews and comment as that motivates me a lot.

Power stones will be appreciated.)


At this time, I was back at my home organising my stuff and packing everything that I needed. I also found many jutsus left by my father in the house while packing. Also the Kenjutsu of the Hatake clan was present. I packed it as well thinking I can let a shadow clone learn it later.

After packing everything, I left for the bank. There I withdrew all the money I had deposited along with all the money my father Sakumo had deposited as well. I got millions in total now. The bank manager was not happy seeing me withdraw everything. So I told him that I'm going to start a business which made him smile.

I returned home and packed all the money along with other stuff that I left out and now in total I had ten storage scrolls which contained all the important stuff I got from Minato's house, my house and also the money from the bank.

The remaining stuff like the hundreds of jutsus I got from Minato's house, I also sealed them in some scrolls and passed them inside the Hokage face of Minato using an earth jutsu deep underground so that nobody would find them. Even if they do somehow find them, it's going to be Minato's handwriting. So no issues there.

I then locked the house and sealed it the best I can from what I have learnt in the cave from Kushina's scrolls and books. Finally after everything was done, it started getting dark. So I left the house and made my way to the orphanage.

As I made my way into the orphanage, I could see a lot of kids present. It was like a school rather than a orphanage. I made my way stealthily and went to the first floor where they keep babies. After looking for a while, I found Naruto sleeping peacefully in a crib along with several other babies.

'Don't worry Naruto, I'll get strong enough and be back for you.' I said murmured and left the place. There were many kids and babies as many people died this time during the Nine tails attack and many children became orphans.

As I left the orphanage, I started walking and saw lights at a store and surprisingly it was Ichiraku Ramen and so I entered it. "Welcome. What can I get for you". Asked Teuchi. I smiled at him and sat at the counter saying "One miso pork Ramen with extra pork please". Teuchi nodded "Coming right up"

Then he went inside to prepare the ramen. I just waited looking around. In minutes, Teuchi prepared my ramen. I thanked him and started eating the Ramen. After I finished the Ramen, I paid Teuchi 100,000 Ryo.

Teuchi surprised said "This is a lot of money for a single Ramen bowl kid". I just smiled at him and spoke "It's just an advance payment Teuchi san. If you ever see a blonde kid around 3-4 years old with whiskers coming anywhere near to your shop, feed him everything he wants."

Teuchi thought for a while and remembered the only other blonde and redhead who were their regular customers and also me with them and asked with a shocked face "You don't mean their child...." I cut him off "Shh..... Teuchi san. Keep it to yourself. Don't ever say it out loud.

I'm going out of the village for a mission and I'll be back in probably 3-4 years. I hope you take care of the child's stomach till then if he ever happens to pass by. If it were to cost more, I'll pay you once I return."

Teuchi had a smile on his face as he replied "You don't need to worry about the child. I'll be happy to look after their child even if it means going bankrupt. Thanks for telling me about it." Then a tear flowed from his eye. I nodded and then left the place.

'Teuchi is a good man. He's better than everyone in the village. Among all the people including the Shinobi and clan heads who knew Naruto's origin didn't even care about him. But this civilian Teuchi gave him food even after being warned by people not to. So I can trust him more than anyone else in the matter of Naruto.'

Thinking about Teuchi and a 3year old Naruto, I started walking to the village gate. Suddenly I felt some presences and smirked. 'Looks like Danzo made his move. I'm not strong enough to kill him now, but I can escape. I was leaving the village anyway.

I'll atleast give him a good show and kill as much root Shinobi as I can. It will be a good experience as well. I then made a clone stealthily and sent it to plant many paper bombs and Hiraishin marks in an empty place in the village. I haven't fought anyone till now, but I have lived Kakashi's life and have all his fighting experiences. So I'll be ok.

I walked around the village till my clone dispelled itself and I got its memories of successfuly planting the paper bombs. Then I moved along to that isolated spot in the village. Once I reached there, I yelled "YOU CAN COME OUT NOW". Then out from the shadow, came an old man with bandages and several Shinobi wearing masks.

"If it isn't Danzo. Glad to meet you". Hearing me, Danzo got angrier as he spoke "It's lord Danzo to you boy." Danzo always felt himself being superior to everyone. So he demanded respect from everyone around him. That's why he wanted to become Hokage and rule the world making everyone kneel before him just like Kaguya.

I laughed hearing him "Hahaha.... did you ever think I have any respect for you Danzo? You are just a delusional fool if you think I'll ever respect you after you tried to attack me." Danzo frowned and became angrier as he knocked his cane on the ground.

He then demanded "What did you do with my Shinobi? I know they are not dead and you are not capable of killing them". I just smiled "What do you think I did? You will never know...hahah.." Danzo also laughed this time surprising me as he spoke "You don't understand your position boy. Today will be your end. If you think I'll not attack you inside the village, you are wrong".

I shook my head "I know about you and you are sad because you lost the wood user, but I assure you that they are dead. You can still feel their curse mark because I made sure you can. I know a little fuinjutsu thanks to my sensei and found the marks on their tongue".

Danzo was shocked hearing me. He couldn't speak for a while. He then let out a breath calming himself down and spoke "Then you are a risk to the village. I'll have to end you here." I laughed out loud again "I know I'm not a match for you Danzo, but do you bet that I can escape here easily and also take down as many of your minions as I can on the way".

Danzo with a stoic face spoke "Don't bluff boy. Today is your end. I should have taken care of you with your father at that time. But I let you live." He was waiting for my surprised face, but he couldn't see any changes. "Hahaha.... do you think I don't know how my father died?

I know all about you sending the enemies information about my fathers mission so that he will fail and you can defame him because you were afraid he might become Hokage and you cannot." Danzo was so much surprised hearing my words that he dropped his cane.

He then yelled "Fast, Kill him. Don't let him leave here alive." I just shook my head "Don't you remember Danzo who my sensei is and why people feared him?" Danzo thought for a second and looked at me with his one eye wide open "It can't be you are bluff..."

Before he completed his sentence, I opened the sharingan, then creating ten shadow clones and disappeared along with all the clones in a white flash. I don't have the reaction speed to continuously teleport like Minato yet, so I used shadow clones. Ten clones to teleport to ten markings. And I too teleported far away to a roof of a building to watch.

Danzo was surprised seeing the white flashes murmuring "It can't be..... not another one." My ten clones teleported to the marks that my clone had planted beforehand and attacked the root Shinobi. They managed to kill 6 shinobies before dispelling.

Danzo was seething in anger at the sight.

He was also as much scared as he was angry. He knew that with the flying thunder god, I will be a match for him as he didn't know that I have less chakra to use it continuously and have not mastered it. He wanted to escape, so he searched for my presence while the root Shinobi surrounded him protecting him.

At this time, I who was watching from the roof of a house some distance away did a handsign and said "Katsu". BANG!!!! Suddenly, the whole area started exploding. I had planted nearly a thousand paper bombs. I had a lot of them anyway. Danzo was a Kage level ninja. So he escaped the explosion and some of his minions also escaped, but most of them were caught in the explosion.

The explosion was so huge that it felt like an earthquake happened in the village. Everyone was alerted. Hiruzen was in his office when he heard the bang and looked out the window with his pipe dropping and rushed to the place with some Anbu in tow.

The Hyuga clan members along with Hiashi and Hizashi also rushed towards the sound after inspecting it with the Byakugan. Same happened with Uchiha Fugaku's and his clan members. As they were incharge of patrol, they arrived first. The other clans as well soon followed.

Hiruzen had a bad premonition as he arrived and saw dead root Shinobi. He then thought 'What did you do this time Danzo?' He shook his head seeing all the clans people arrive at the spot. Danzo had already escaped and so was I. As soon as I started the explosion, I was way outside the village.