9.Kakashi - Missing Ninja???

Hiruzen and the clansmen arrived at the scene to see the charred corpses of many root Shinobi. Hiruzen immediately took matters into hand and made sure to block the area. He then announced it as an enemy village attack. The clan heads were all doubtful of it.

Hiruzen then ordered his Anbu to take care of the corpses and lockdown the village. Then he dismissed everybody saying it is an S rank secret. He then returned to his office "Cat, get me Danzo here right now". He ordered. Cat nodded and flickered away. He was then waiting for Danzo to get an explanation.

After a while, Danzo came to his office. Hiruzen looked at Danzo and asked "What happened?" Danzo had an ugly face as he said "That boy Kakashi....." He was interrupted by Hiruzen "Didn't I tell you to not do anything stupid and leave the boy alone Danzo?" Danzo gritted his teeth as he spoke.

"He's a danger to the village Hiruzen. We have to hunt him down...." he was interrupted again "Enough Danzo.. Now tell me, where is the boy?" Danzo swallowed replying "He escaped". Hiruzen didn't buy it "Tell me the truth Danzo. How could he escape from you and so many Jonin shinobies?"

Danzo banged his staff as he replied "He's Minato's student Hiruzen. He has mastered the flying thunder god from Minato and kept it a secret all along. He killed many of my Shinobi and escaped. We need to hunt him down. Or he will definitely be a threat to the village. The kid is too strong."

Danzo was not thinking about the village or anything. He was just afraid. Afraid that Kakashi would kill him as he knew the truth about what he did to his father. He was not sage anywhere after learning that Kakashi had mastered the flying thunder god as he could be anywhere with that jutsu.

Hiruzen couldn't believe his ears. If Danzo was telling the truth, He just lost another Kage level Shinobi that too the one so young who had the potential to grow more and become stronger and a good future pillar of the village. He then dismissed Danzo "I'll think about it Danzo. If he's already Kage level at this age, it's risky. I'll let you know my decision tomorrow.

Then Hiruzen started thinking about what to do. He started thinking about Sakumo feeling sorry that he didn't help him. As the Hokage, Hiruzen knew what Danzo had done in Sakumo's case, but pretended to not know what happened when Danzo leaked the mission information and blamed him.

Hiruzen didn't think that Sakumo would commit suicide. So he let it go thinking that If he interferes, things will get worse and let Sakumo settle everything on his own. Now Danzo targets Sakumo's son for the sharingan and still he was not able to do anything.

Hiruzen was not ready to make Kakashi a missing nin because he knew that Danzo was the culprit here, but he cannot expose his lover for Kakashi's sake. Also after learning that Kakashi mastered the flying thunder god, he really has no choice thinking Kakashi would take revenge on the village because he was attacked inside the village.

He also did t want to loose a talented Shinobi like Kakashi, but Danzo always comes first. At this time, I suddenly appeared in the Hokage's office with a white flash. Hiruzen became alerted and got ready to attack, but seeing me, he calmed down. "Kakashi, what happened? What are you doing here?"

I just smiled as I spoke "Danzo attacked me with several men and tried to steal the sharingan, but I escaped the attack killing some of the attackers in the process and came here to report the matter to you Lord Hokage". Hiruzen let out a breath after hearing me and seeing me report everything to him instead of running away.

Then he asked "So, now what are you planning to do Kakashi?" Hearing him I asked "I wanted to ask you the same thing Hokage Sama. What are you planning to do about Danzo?" Hiruzen sighed "Sigh! I'm too old for this...As Danzo tried to kill you and you killed a lot of his Shinobi, let this matter end here Kakashi."

I smirked knowingly and said "Ok. Fine. I'll let it end here, but I'm leaving the village. I don't feel safe here anymore till Danzo is alive. And don't go marking me as a missing nin". Hiruzen frowned "You know Kakashi, after learning the Flying thunder god, you cannot go out of the village. That's why we made Minato the Hokage".

"So are you making me the Hokage?" I asked. He shook his head "You are too young for that Kakashi". I made a thoughtful expression "Then I'll be back when I'm old enough. Until then I'm leaving the village."

Hiruzen got ready to restrain me as I could feel it. I raised my hand to stop him from his delusions. "You see I'm only a shadow clone. My real body is elsewhere far away and safe. I have marked various places in the continent and can travel freely so don't bother trying to restrain me".

Hiruzen's face became ugly hearing my words and I continued "Also I have recorded everything that happened from Danzo attacking me to the speech we are having and have proof of everything. If you mark me as a missing nin or tried to Pursue me, I'll send all the proof to all the clan leaders of our village. So make your choice".

Hiruzen banged the table "Kakashi, You wouldn't...." I interrupted him "Try me. I'll definitely do it. I've to save myself from you guys and don't want to end up like my father." Hiruzen gritted his teeth and sat down. I continued "Another option is you execute Danzo and I'll stay in the village which I know you wouldn't."

"No! That's not possible" said Hiruzen as soon as I spoke about Danzo's execution. I already knew his answer, but I put down my conditions just to make sure. I nodded "Ok then. I'll leave the village and return back when I feel safe to be here. Until then see you. I hope you keep your promise and stay away from me."

Hiruzen massaged his temples for a while thinking and replied "Fine. I'll give you permission to leave the village. But don't cause any trouble outside. If you cause any trouble for the village, then don't blame me for marking you a missing nin". I nodded and added "I hope you take care of sensei's child well. You promised Kushina" Hiruzen nodded and my shadow clone dispersed with a white flash.