11.Training with Jiraya

After that day, Jiraya started to train me more on chakra control as I was wasting too much chakra in using jutsus. He made me walk on hotsprings as we were in the hotspring town already. We also booked a large hot springs and had many spars while on water.

Jiraya then found a water fall and heated it further using a fire jutsu and asked me to climb on it. It took me a three days to master hot water fall climbing and it was worth it. Bear in mind, I was also using a gravity seal on myself.

During this time, I also gave him a lot of ideas for his icha-icha series as I had read many love stories and watched many movies in my previous life. I also made a shadow clone write some stories like Harry Potter, justice league, Some CEO love stories, James Bond-Shinobi style and called it Shinobi bond with a lot of pictures and asked Jiraya to publish it with his books and he can take half of the income.

Jiraya was also shocked after reading my books and praised me saying that my imagination is top notch. I earned even more money by it because my books were selling like hot cakes as there was no age group needed to read them. Jiraya was also happy counting half of the earnings he received.

I also learnt about infiltration and reconnaissance from him as he was beat at this field. I didn't have any experienced the field of tracking as Kakashi didn't join the Anbu and hadn't received any such training. This was the reason I couldn't find Tsunade after looking for a month even with the use of flying thunder god.

Like that 6 months passed and I had already learnt everything from Jiraya. I also manage to open the 4th gate which was surprisingly difficult compared to the other three gates. I then realised that the further I go, the harder it is to open the gates.

Jiraya was very happy with my progress and he praised me saying that I was the smartest student he ever had. I also learnt fuinjutsu a lot easily with Jiraya's help as he was also proficient in it. I gave him Kushina's fuinjutsu scrolls and told him that it was given to me by Minato and he was happy to receive the advanced fuinjutsu scrolls.

I also trained on different elements perfecting them as Now I had adequate chakra control. I can use all the elements thanks to Hamura's chakra. I also developed Raikiri after the Chidori and also chidori Nagashi. I also created lightning element vanishing Rasengan and boy was Jiraya surprised. At first I used shadow clone to create it and gradually mastered it. Now I'm trying to use Kirin, but I'm not able to make a storm.

One day as we were soaking ourselves in a hotspring, Jiraya asked me "So Kakashi kun, what are you going to do from now? I have taught you everything I can". I replied "Look for Tsunade san and learn medical knowledge from her". Jiraya was surprised and said "Yes. You could definitely learn medical jutsus. You are smart enough for that and also have good chakra control. Even your chakra seems special."

I rolled my eyes t his comment 'Of course it is special. I have hamuras chakra' I thought to myself. I then remembered and asked "Jiraya sensei, why do you call yourself a sage?" Jiraya opened his eyes wide and thought for some time before answering "I'm called toad sage because I can gather Natural energy and enter a state called sage mode".

I showed an exited expression and asked "Can you teach that to me sensei?" Jiraya started thinking again and said "I can't train you in sage mode. I was taught that by the toads. I'll have to ask them weather they will teach you". I nodded "Can you pls ask them sensei?" And seeing him still hesitating, I bribed him "If you ask them, I'll give you a new idea and also some new fashion designs for your next book".

I only need to draw some pictures from my memory of earth and also tell him a story like Romeo and Juliet or the like to inspire him. Hearing my bribe, Jiraya immediately accepted and he brought his palms together 🙏 and started gathering natural energy to summon Fukasaku probably.

After some time, he bit his finger and slammed it onto the ground. A small green toad appeared out of the smoke and spoke "Jiraya chan, what's the matter?" Jiraya looked at the toad "Fukasaku Sama, meet my new student Kakashi." I also looked at the toad and bowing a little said "Nice to meet you Fukasaku Sama"

Fukasaku then checked me out and froze feeling my chakra then he stuttered "Th-this ch-chakra y-you h-how?" Then he looked at my eyes and saw a one eyed sharingan and opened his eyes wide "You are the one. The saviour of mankind from otherworldly beings. We were looking for you all this time. Come with me. I'll take you to our sanctuary"

Jiraya was surprised that Fukasaku invited me to the land of toads and said "That was easy". I also nodded and asked "Fukasaku Sama, will you teach me how to use Natural energy if I come with you?" Fukasaku immediately replied "Of course. That's the reason I'm taking you there". Also you are the second person with that chakra after the sage of six paths. You will definitely achieve greatness".

Jiraya was intregued hearing the name of the sage of six paths "What do you mean sage of six paths Fukasaku Sama? What about his chakra? I also felt something was special about it." Fukasaku replied "It's the same as the chakra of the sage of six paths and his one eyes Sharingan is the same as the latest prophecy seen by Gamamaru sama a while back".

Jiraya became more intrigued as he asked "What did Gamamaru say? What was the prophecy?"

"Dog-Monkey-Hare-Boar-Dog" Flashback jutsu....