12.Sage Training

Flashback jutsu ~~~~~~<<

One fine day Gamamaru woke up from his day nap and yelled "I saw a new prophecy" Fukasaku and Shiima rushed in and asked "What did you see Gamamaru sama?" Gamamaru answered "A new prophecy. Otherworldly beings will destroy the world. A man with one sharingan will fight against the otherworldly forces".

"What about the child of prophecy?" Asked Fukasaku. Gamamaru replied "The child of prophecy will unite the world, but this man I saw will fight the otherworldly beings after the world is united along with the child of prophecy." Then Gamamaru slept.

Fukasaku looked at Shiima and said "We need to find him" Shiima interjected "We don't even know who he is, where he is, or from which village he is. Gamamaru said this will happen after the world is united by the child of prophecy. So we have a lot of time. let's wait patiently." Fukasaku nodded.

Katsu~ End of flashback jutsu.

After hearing Gamamaru's prophecy, Jiraya was shocked and also scared at the same time. Now he also understood that he needs to protect me as I'm the main person in the prophecy. He also understood Dr the reason for my talent because I was the chosen one.

I was not surprised as I already knew most of the future from the anime and could deduce that the Otsutsukis are the otherworldly beings that attacks. So I'll definitely need to prepare with everything this world has to offer because Kaguya or Isshiki are not the strongest of the Otsutsuki. They are just average.

Shaking me out of my thoughts was the voice of Fukasaku "Let's go. You come too Jiraya boy". Both of us nodded and Fukasaku jumped on my shoulder and took both me and Jiraya to the land of the toads. Seeing the reverse summoning jutsu, I understood that it is also similar to the flying thunder god, but much more simpler because a target place is already assigned by the contract.

After a second, I looked around and found lush green forest and planns surrounded by mountains. It was quite a view if you ask me. More like a place straight out of a fairy tale. It was mesmerising to see. Also the air was fresh and I felt my chakra react to some kind of energy which made me feel rejuvenated.

So I started absorbing the energy a little. Jiraya and Fukasaku were shocked to see that I'm already absorbing a little of the Natural energy. Without wasting anymore time, he said "This place is called Mt.Myoboku. Now Follow me" and went inside the sanctuary. Inside there were a large number of toads of various sizes. I recognised some of them. Gamabunta was glaring at us all the time.

Then Fukasaku introduced us to everyone present and at this time, a small toad approached us. I recognised her as Shiima, Fukasaku's wife. She came near us and spoke "Well, if it isn't the boy from the prophecy, you are just in time for lunch. I've prepared a lot. Hearing her, Jiraya's face lost all the colour.

I just smirked and said "Thank you Shiima san. I'm not hungry now and have also packed a lot of human food with me. So it's ok". Hearing me, Jiraya became happy once again and said "You are always well prepared Kakashi. The best student I had till today". Fukasaku spoke "All right, follow me. I'll take you to train."

Then me and Jiraya followed Fukasaku to a waterfall made out of oil. As soon as we got there, Fukasaku spoke "Sit under the waterfall and absorb the natural energy. If you absorb more than necessary, you will turn into a frog. If that happens, I'll hit you with this stick" taking out a black stick from god knows where.

I then took my T-shirt off and sat on a rock under the oil fall. As soon as the oil touched my skin, a lot of energy entered me all of a sudden and my face and hands started changing. Fukasaku hit me with the stick and I returned to normal, but it hurt. 'This frog must be into bondage' I thought.

I sat there taking hits from Fukasaku till it became dark and then got out. I washed myself with some water and wore back my clothes and started preparing dinner. All day, I couldn't limit the absorption of the Natural energy and got hit many times to not turn into a frog or stone.

Smelling the food being cooked, Jiraya came near me with his mouth watering. I had barbecued some meat and made some fried rice. I had various ingredients stored in the storage scrolls. As we were having dinner, I spoke "Why don't you train sage mode with me Jiraya sensei? Fukasaku said that you have not mastered it yet".

Jiraya smiled wryly and said "I couldn't master it because it's difficult to sit still without moving". I laughed at him and said "Why don't you try? You will be able to complete it if you come out of those perverted thoughts of yours". Jiraya rolled his eyes. I then continued "You would have married Tsunade and had kids now if you were stronger and not so perverted"

This was the last straw. He got up and doing a pose, he said "Yosh! then let's train together from tomorrow. Let's see who masters it faster kid". I smiled as I remembered Gai hearing Jiraya. Those were the same words Gai would have said, but louder. After finishing dinner, we went to sleep.

The next day, Jiraya also came to the oil fall to train and master his sage mode. I had a lot of work to do since I needed to learn frog fu as well including trying to enter sage mode. While I got some breaks, I started practicing wind style Rasenshuriken which will be a best combination jutsu with sage mode as I saw in the anime.

Thus the training continued every day and Fukasaku was happy seeing my dedication as he once said "You are good kid, not like some lazy ass who calls himself sage" glaring at Jiraya. I laughed hearing this and Jiraya got more determined to master sage mode faster than me.

Like this time passed by training. Learning new stuff and Jiraya also helped me in understanding more about Natural energy because he had more experience in it. I also started increasing gravity while training to tone my body and open the Fifth gate. And get one step closer in awakening the Tenseigan in my right eye as Homura said I will awaken it when I open the sixth gate.