25.Child Of Prophecy

A/N: Read ahead upto chapter 50 has been posted With assured Daily updates. Support me on P@treon to buy a decent laptop for me to do faster updates. It hurts typing in the phone.

I've posted "In Naruto with More more devil fruit" ahead of what's in webnovel and will also be posting my other fanfics on p@treon with assured updates soon as well.

I update 2 chapters on P@treon and 1chapter on webnovel everyday.

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I had already sent a shadow clone ahead to do the preparations. Using flying thunder god is the best transport option. We then arrived at the land of waves in front of Tazuna's house. I put Naruto down and asked him to open the door and enter. He nodded and did what I told him.

"Pop!!! Pop!!! Pop!!!. Happy Birthday Naruto (chorous)" There were the whole of Tazuna's family and also Jiraya along with them. My shadow clone had picked up Jiraya and spoke with Tazuna and arranged everything in his house. They were the only ones close to me. We also arranged a huge cake for Naruto.

I then Introduced everyone to Naruto. Naruto cried a little seeing everyone and then became happy as Tsunami started hugging and consoled him. Naruto then cut the cake and we all had our dinner. Inari then dragged Naruto to play. Naruto looked at me to which I nodded and he went with Inari.

I then came out to have a some fresh air and Jiraya also followed me "It was a risky move to bring Naruto out of the village." I shook my head "What do you intend for me to do Jiraya sensei? He was sad that nobody celebrates his birthday and I couldn't see his sad face. But don't worry. I've placed a clone in his place and nobody will find out".

Jiraya shook his head "You are too soft when it comes to kids. I heard what you did here for that Inari kid". I smiled at him "Yes. I always had a soft corner for kids. I can't see them feeling sad. Especially Naruto. I owe too much to Minato sensei". Jiraya nodded in understanding. I continued "Besides, Even If Hiruzen finds out, what can he do? I'll drag him down from the Hokage's seat and send him to Orochimaru if he makes anything difficult for Naruto."

Jiraya smiled wryly. He knows the grudge between Hiruzen and Orochimaru. And he also knows that I'm strong enough now to do what I said. He then asked looking at me "So Kakashi, I was meaning to ask what happened to your sharingan eye? Did you replace it as it was sucking your chakra?"

I passed some chakra to my eyes and activated the sharingan then it changed to eternal Mangekyou. Jiraya was surprised as he asked "How?" I stopped channelling chakra and my eyes returned back to normal. "I awakened the Mangekyou and now I can activate them at will just by passing some chakra".

Jiraya shook his head "You are becoming a real monster Kakashi. How strong are you now?" I smiled at his question "Do you want the truth? You might loose hope in life" Jiraya narrowed his eyes "It's fine just tell me the truth. It'll make me proud of my student.

"Then let me tell you. I'm stronger than both Hashirama and Madara combined." Jiraya didn't buy it as he asked doubtfully "Really?" I laughed and stood up walking a little further. I then brought my palms together and started gathering Natural energy. Then I sent some chakra to my right eye. The eye changed to white and a flower pattern appeared inside the eye and at the same time, I got covered in a glowing green chakra cloak. I also released the seal hiding my chakra.

"Roar!!!! There was a loud roar and my chakra cloak started emitting pressure. Jiraya started sweating under the pressure and doing his best to stand. If it was just some Jonin, they would have already fell down and chunins would have lost consciousness.

I then returned to normal and my eyes also turned back. Jiraya looking at me asked "You became a Jinchuriki?" I shook my head "No. I'm not a Jinchuriki. It's all my own chakra. This is what I achieved. A level surpassing the god of Shinobi. A level close to the sage of six paths."

Jiraya sweated hearing the sage of six paths and asked "How did you achieve it? How are you so confident about the level of the sage of six paths?" I answered him "Because I met his spirit and he helped me achieve this form. The Sage of six paths is real sensei. He also put his hopes on me to save the world just like the toads".

Jiraya was shocked. Then surprised. He then became happy as he said "There was a prophecy made by Gamamaru long ago. He said that I will be the teacher of the child of prophecy who will unite the world and bring peace. Now I think it's you".

"No. Sensei. I'm not the child of prophecy. Remember the second prophecy that Gamamaru said. I'll fight alongside the child of prophecy. The child of prophecy is Naruto. I confirmed it with the sage of six paths. He will bring peace and I'll fight alongside him in the final battle to save the world".

Jiraya was Shocked, surprised, afraid, happy. There was so many emotions showing in his face. he then started rushing towards Naruto. Seeing this, I stopped him. He yelled "What are you doing? I need to train the child of prophecy. Thats my lifelong mission" I laughed out loud.

"He's only three years old today Jiraya sensei. The prophecy can wait and I'm also here if he needs help.we don't know if Gamamaru's first prophecy is valid anymore as he saw a second one. Besides you have seen my strengh personally now. Who do you think can be my enemy?"

After hearing my words, Jiraya calmed down. He then sat down and asked "So Kakashi, if you are this strong and you will only get stronger in the future. Tell me the truth of what the Sage of six paths said. Who is the enemy even he is afraid of?" I looked at him seriously and asked "Can you take the truth Jiraya sensei? You will loose your peaceful life". JIraya gulped, but Nodded "Yes. I can't let you suffer alone and as your teacher, I'll share the burden."