26.Naruto's Birthday 2

A/N: Read ahead upto chapter 52 has been posted With assured Daily updates. Support me on P@treon to buy a decent laptop for me to do faster updates. It hurts typing in the phone.

I've posted "In Naruto with More more devil fruit" ahead of what's in webnovel and will also be posting my other fanfics on p@treon with assured updates soon as well.

I update 2 chapters on P@treon and 1chapter on webnovel everyday.

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I decided to tell him as I will need him to train some good students later so I spoke "Then Listen well sensei. The enemies are not shinobies from this world, but the Mother of Sage of six paths and her whole clan who lives in a different dimension. They are immortal beings who don't age or die unless killed." Listening to what I said, Jiraya gulped some saliva and asked "Then why did the sage of six paths help us?"

"Thats because the sage was born in this world as his mother fell in love with a human. But along the way she was betrayed and wanted to take revenge. The sage of six paths also had a brother and at that time they both teamed up and saved the world from their mother.

So their whole clan is our enemies because they can absorb chakra from any worlds to increase their lifespan and everyone who got their chakra absorbed dies. Think of an army of Madara attacking any village. Now think of an army of sage of six paths doing it." Jiraya murmured "we are doomed" in between my words.

"Thats all I know. Lets set the matter aside. We have a lot of time to prepare. According to the sage of six paths, they will not arrive for another 20 years or more". Jiraya sighed hearing that we still have a lot of time. "But old people here are still busy fighting each other for benefits without knowing that a huge shadow of end is looming over them." I said.

Jiraya wanted to say something and he tried to speak, but I continued knowing what he would say. "Nobody will believe us If we tell them. They will think we are mad." Jiraya also knew that nobody would believe us, but he just hoped that people will believe and we can unite the world sooner and prepare in order to face them.

But that was just a dream. He couldn't even convince his own village as even they would not take things seriously let alone other great villages who are like jackals and vultures. Looking at his predicament, I said "Don't worry sensei. I already made plans. The first step was what I did here. Taking over the Gato company.

For the time being, you just enjoy your life with Tsunade sensei and try to be les perverted. haha. I'll ask your help when necessary as my plan progresses." Jiraya couldnt say anything but nod his head. "Ok Kakashi. remember that I'm there for you if you need me anytime".

I was touched with his words. Not only did he believe all that I said, but also accepted in helping me with my goals. "Thank you sensei" I said. After that, Me and Jiraya went inside the house to hear Tsunami say "Inari, enough playing for today. Go to sleep."

Jiraya smiled wryly at me and said "Drop me off kid. I need a drink after learning so many things today and also can't say goodbye to Naruto". I nodded and made a shadow clone to teleport him to where he wants. I then went towards Naruto. "Did you enjoy the day naruto?"

Naruto turned around and seeing me smiled "Yes. Kakashi Nii san. Today was the best day of my life". i smiled hearing him and said "It's getting late. Time to leave Naruto." I thought he would feel sad or cry, but surprisingly he nodded and said "Ok Nii san".

We then said our goodbyes to Tazuna's family and started leaving. I then asked "Naruto, Do you want to fly?" Naruto nodded with stars in his eyes "Can you fly Nii san?" He asked to confirm. I dropped him near me and biting my thumb and puncturing it with chakra, I slammed on the ground "Summoning Jutsu-Garuda".

Smoke covered the entire area and the huge eagle appeared again. "Naruto, meet Garuda san and Garuda san, this is my little brother Naruto. Can you take us on a ride?" The eagle spoke "Of course. Little Naruto, it's nice to meet you."

Naruto was both shocked and surprised seeing the huge eagle. He was watching the bird with his eyes sparkling. Garuda laughed seeing the kid. I held Naruto in my arms and hopped on him. Garuda then lifted off of the ground and started flying.

Naruto started yelling as soon as we started to fly. I patted his head "Don't worry Naruto. I got you. But he said "No nii san. This is so cool." I laughed hearing him and we flew towards the leaf village. After flying for a while, I said "Garuda san, pls land somewhere near here. We'll continue going ourself. Thanks for taking us on this nice ride".

"Anytime Kakashi. I also like your brother. His presence is so warm and pleasing". Then he landed in a huge clearing and we get off. Naruto said goodbye to Garuda and I unsummoned him. I then started walking again with Naruto on my shoulder.

"Naruto, you know that we sneaked out of the orphanage right?" Seeing him nod, I continued "So don't tell anyone my name and what we did today. Also don't go with anyone else like you came with me." Naruto once again nodded.

He then asked me "Nii san, who are you? I've not seen you before. Why did you do so many things for my sake?" I stopped walking hearing him. Then thought 'So he's not stupid like in the anime and Danzo made him like that.' And replied "I'm a friend of your Father Naruto." Hearing me say his Father, Naruto's ear perked up "Do you know my parents Nii san?"

"Yes Naruto. But don't as me who they were. I'll only tell you that they were brave ninjas and sacrificed their lives for the village. If you want to know more about them, I'll tell you when you grow older."

He then said Ok and asked "will you teach me how to bring Garuda san? And also some cool jutsus". I shook my head "You are still little Naruto. I'll teach you when you are older." Naruto smiled and said "I'll grow fast then." I replied "Yes. Eat more and grow faster." Then we both laughed.

I then teleported both of us near the shadow clone. Then put him down from my shoulder. Naruto asked sadly "Will you be back Nii san?" I nodded "Yes Naruto. I'm on a mission now. I'll be back in some months and then we'll live together." Naruto became happy hearing me say that we'll live together and cried tears of joy.

I patted his head. Then we said our goodbyes and dispelling the clone, I teleported from there.