
A/N: Read ahead upto chapter 57(End Of Danzo) has been posted With assured Daily updates. Support me on P@treon to buy a decent laptop for me to do faster updates. It hurts typing in the phone.

I've posted "In Naruto with More more devil fruit" ahead of what's in webnovel and will also be posting my other fanfics on p@treon with assured updates soon as well.

I update 2 chapters on P@treon and 1chapter on webnovel everyday.

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I practiced Hatake style Kenjutsu for a month at the land of Iron. The old man also came by many times watching me train and adviced me. With his help and the shadow clones, I reached swords master level according to him.

I then left the land of iron after thanking and saying goodbye to the old man. I also learnt that the old man name was Takamori. He was Mifune's teacher and also a famous samurai of his time. He retired and became a blacksmith.

After leaving the land of Iron, I started travelling back to the land of fire on foot. I took a different route this time just to explore. After travelling for a while, I came across the Grass village. As soon as I got there, I remembered Karin Uzumaki being in this village.

I then started thinking 'I can rescue Karin and take her as my student. Her healing powers might come in handy in the future if I train properly to use it some other way other than people biting her. Karin is the best person to pass on my knowledge I learnt with Tsunade.'

I then entered the village as a civilian just like usual. After entering the village, I went in search of Karin. After gathering some information, I got her address . I then went towards the house to only see a shabby shack not good enough to be called a house.

I neared the shack and knocked on the door which looked like it would fall out anytime. Soon the door was answered by a middle aged woman with red hair who looked exhausted. 'So, her mother is still alive' I thought. Karin's mother asked seeing me "Who are you? Are you in need of treatment?"

I shook my head "No madam, My name is Kakashi. I am a leaf ninja. I came here to help you after learning of your predicament ." She got startled hearing me and said "Come in please". I nodded and entered the shack. Inside I saw a little Karin same age of Naruto looking at her mother worriedly.

I smiled seeing her. Karin's mother then spoke "What can you help us with? We paid so much to earn a right to live in this village." I rolled my eyes "Yes, like killing yourself by healing others". She lowered her head and then asked "What do you want in return in helping us?" She knew there are no free lunches in this world. And she also knew that the grass village is just using her.

"Nothing precisely. I want to take your daughter as my student." She frowned hearing this and said "No. I'm not letting my daughter be a ninja." I shook my head "What do you think will happen to your daughter once you pass away over healing others?" I saw her reaction and continued "Your daughter will face the same fight till she too dies of chakra exhaustion one day." She started thinking.

"Besides, another reason I want to take in your father is because of a kid called Naruto Uzumaki who is the son of Kushina Uzumaki and is staying in the leaf village." Karin's mother was surprised and also happy to hear the name of another Uzumaki." She asked "What is your relationship with Kushina Sama?"

"Her husband was my sensei." I replied. She then started thinking and after a while spoke "If we come with you, how are you going to take us from here? The village won't let us go" as in queue to what she said, we heard a knock in the door. "Hide somewhere" she said to me and went to open the door.

As she opened the door, a burly man was standing there. He spoke seeing her "Come to the hospital. There are patients waiting for you" She made an ugly fade as she said "Zosui Sama, I'm not feeling well today. Can I please get a break?" Zosui got mad and yelled "Shut up and get your ass to the hospital. You know the agreement for letting you live here".

Then seeing her hesitation, Zosui grabbed her hair and started pulling her out. Karin seeing this ran towards him yelling "LEAVE MY MOTHER ALONE". Zosui got ready to swat Karin. Then all of a sudden, Zosui's arm that held Karin's mother fell down. It took some time for all three to realise what happened until Zosui screamed in pain. I was standing in front of him with my sword unsheathed.

Karin also screamed witnessing the bloody scene. I looked at her mother "Taker her inside and don't come out till I tell you to." I then kicked Zosui away from the door and went out. As soon as I got out, many Shinobi surrounded me. One of them who seemed to be their leader asked "Who are you? You just trespassed the grass village territory and attacked our ninja."

"I'm Hatake Kakashi from the leaf village. I came to take back the Uzumaki mother and daughter you have been abusing". I said. Hearing me, the ninja got angry, but calmed down after learning that I'm a leaf Shinobi and yelled "They are the property of our village. You cannot take them. We'll overlook what you did this time because you are a leaf Shinobi. Now get out before we capture you".

I laughed "Hahaha!! Nice joke. You weaklings capturing me? Haha.... and you know that the Uzumaki are allies of the leaf. And you are saying that they are your property..." the ninja had an ugly face. I could kill them all and take away the Uzumaki's, but I'll use the leaf village name to try to solve the issue without any conflicts if I can.

The leader of the ninjas then spoke "You cannot take them. We'll kill you here so no one knows about them." He then turned towards his subordinates "Men, Capture him." I shook my head and released the seal holding my chakra and exerted it along with some killing intent just like what Hashirama did against Sasuke and Orochimaru in the anime".