30.Bingo Book

A/N: Read ahead upto chapter 60 has been posted With assured Daily updates. Support me on P@treon to buy a decent laptop for me to do faster updates. It hurts typing in the phone.

I've posted "In Naruto with More more devil fruit" ahead of what's in webnovel and will also be posting my other fanfics on p@treon with assured updates soon as well.

I update 2 chapters on P@treon and 1chapter on webnovel everyday.

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The grass village was a small village not comparable to the great hidden villages. There were less than 1500 shinobis in the village as I sensed using sage mode before I entered and most of them are genins and chunins. So with the pressure I released, most of the fifty shinobis who surrounded me fell down unconscious and the Jonin started sweating and rooted on the spot. (just like in one piece using conquerer's Haki.)

Feeling my pressure, the remaining Jonin also made their way to this place. Seeing them, I retracted the chakra and stood there. An old man then approached me "I'm the Kuzakage of the grass village. Who are you and why are you attacking our village?" I looked at him "My name is Kakashi Hatake. I'm a Shinobi of the leaf village. I came here to take the Uzumaki's back to my village."

Hearing me, the Kuzakage's face became ugly. He understands that it's a problem either way. If he didn't let them go, I will kill everyone here and he also understood that I'm capable of it by feeling the pressure earlier. If he lets them go, they may be free now, but the mother and daughter after gaining support from the leaf village might come back for revenge for abusing them"

I understood his thinking and was about to speek, when Zosui who recovered and stopped his bleeding now yelled attack and ran towards me. Seeing this, The Kuzakage yelled "Noooo,....." but the Shinobi who were ready to attack just needed a trigger and they all plunged towards me. Seeing this, I shook my head and took out some of Minato's Kunai.

I then scattered the kunai's on the ground. Seeing the shape of the kunai's the Kuzakage opened his eyes wide and muttered shocked "No.... impossible...." but before he could turn back and command his shinobis to stop, he saw white flashes and all the Shinobi's fell down and Zosui's other arm also fell down as he yelled again.

I was back at my previous position with my sharingan active in my left eye. The Kuzakage looked at me with an unbelievable expression and said "The yellow flash". I shook my head "Close old man. I'm his student. Listening to me he looked around and got angry as he yelled "Why? Why did you have to kill all of them? I was g....."

"No need to yell old man. I just knocked them out except that Zosui guy. You can check if you want." I interrupted him. The Kuzakage hearing my words calmed down and checked his Shinobi to find out that they were only knocked out. He then released a long sigh. He wanted to say something, but I beat him to it.

"Linen here Old man. I just want to take the Uzumaki's back with me. I don't want any bloodshed between us and If you are afraid that they might take revenge, I assure you that they won't and this matter will end here". The Kuzakage then started thinking and after a while spoke "Ok. You can take them. We won't stop you or come after them in the future. Also thank you for sparing my people."

I nodded and turned back only to see the shocked faces of Karin and her mother. As soon as I looked back at them, Karin's mother spoke "Karin, pack all your stuff. let's go". Karin hearing her mother nodded and went inside to get her stuff. I smiled at them and then turned back to the Kuzukage

"You better teach your Shinobi who to mess with and who not to mess with. You are lucky that I'm compassionate. But this guy Zosui doesn't respect women and hurts children. So I took his hands. This is his punishment". The Kuzakage nodded "Y-Yes I'll" I laughed "Now leave. take them back as well". The Kuzakage finally nodded and ordered to the ones remained standing and flickered away.

I went back inside the shack and helped the mother and daughter pack all their stuff in a storage scroll and spoke "Are you ready to go?" They nodded "Then hold my hands". Both of them were confused why I'm asking them to hold my hands, but came to me anyway. I lifted up little Karin and held her mothers hand and we disappeared in a white flash"

The Kuzakage sighed heavily seeing me leave and let out a breath of relief and murmured "Monster. A true monster. Another monster has appeared in the leaf village." He then looked at Zosui "You almost brought a huge disaster to our village Zosui. Thank god, he didn't Kill us all". Zosui just lowered his head hearing the Kuzakage.

I teleported to the land of waves as it was my base for now and the headquarters of the Amazon company. The villagers had finished building the bridge which connects to the land of fire as well. As I sponsored them and there weren't any setbacks, they finished the bridge soon.

I settled Karin and her mother at a house I acquired and spoke "You guys stay here for the time being. I'll take you back to the leaf village soon." I then summoned Yamato and he appeared before us. "This is Yamato. If you need anything, just tell him and he'll get it for you." They both nodded and thanked me and I flickered away.

Karin's mother saw how strong I was that the whole grass village couldn't stop me and the Kuzakage also spoke to me with fear. So she believed that I was capable of protecting her daughter and she followed me without any questions.

At the same time, the information of me attacking the grass village spread to Iwa as that was the closest to them. Ohnoki, the Tsuchikage heard of the news which made his eyes wide open with surprise. He then called an Anbu "Another troublesome ninja has been born in Konoha. Also the student of that man and can use that cursed jutsu as well. Add him to the bingo book". The Anbu nodded and disappeared.

The next day, there was my name in the bingo book.


Full name: Kakashi Hatake

Nickname: Sharingan Kakashi, White flash.

Recognizable trait: White hair and has Sharingan in his left eye.

Village: Leaf Village

Persona data: Son of Sakumo Hatake. Student of Fourth Hokage the Yellow flash Minato Namikaze.

Affinity: ?

Nature affinity: ?

Eye color: Black

Known Jutsu: Flying Thunder God.

Rank: SS

Attacked and defeated the grass village alone. RUN ON SIGHT.