36.Rescue Mei

A/N: Read ahead 30 chapters has been posted Upto chapter 66. With assured Daily updates. Support me on P@treon to buy a decent laptop for me to do faster updates. It hurts typing in the phone.


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As soon as Obito heard me say his name, shock was visible in his sharingan eye as he asked stuttering "H-how? Y-you...." I interrupted him saying "I know everything you did Obito. You have chosen the wrong path and you killed your own sensei who was like a father to you."

I said as anger appeared on my face. Obito flinched as he heard me. I then continued "You didn't fight him with honour by using his newborn as a hostage. You attacked them at their vulnerable time and made Kushina who was like a mother to you suffer by kidnapping her new born in front of her and releasing the tailed beast inside of her as soon as she gave birth and was already in a lot of pain.

I couldn't even imagine her suffering during that time. What you did is unforgivable Obito. Even if you were my friend and teammate, I will not forgive you even if sensei is able to forgive you." Obito heard all I said and guilt started appearing in his heart. He then yelled "What do you know? It was all because of you Kakashi. You let Rin die."

I laughed at his words "Hahaha Obito, you are too naive. Madara was the one who planned and killed Rin. By the way, Rin didn't even like you the same way you did. She liked me all the time. She even expressed it to me many times. I didn't take the chance at that time thinking it will sadden you."

Obito was surprised hearing that Madara was the one who planned Rins death and was angry hearing me speak about Rin. He gritted his teeth as he spoke "You are lying Kakashi. I don't know how you found out it was me and about Madara, but I'll create an ideal world with everlasting peace and reunite with her".

I shook my head "You are being deceived by Zetsu. He only wants to revive Kaguya, the mother of chakra by using you and the tailed beasts. Your ideal world is just a joke. But you don't have to worry as you will die today in my hands like Rin did". Obito hearing everything I said was breaking down from the start and was not in a mood to fight. Seeing this, I started to release my chakra and create a chidori.

Zetsu was so shocked by hearing me use both Hagoromo and Hamura's name and the shock was too much for him as he was in his own thoughts to notice me and Obito speak. And as soon as he came out of the thoughts and looked at us, he heard me saying Kaguya's name and literally fell down on his butt.

Then he thought 'Oh no.... this kid knows everything. He will be a huge problem in my plans. I have to take Obito before he starts to doubt everything.' And silently appeared behind Obito and started pulling him underground. I already Ed the chidori and seeing Zetsu's stunt, I impales Obito's left shoulder with the chidori spear preventing him from leaving.

Zetsu seeing this, hurriedly cut Obito's arm off and went underground. Looking at this, I got ready to catch them and kill Obito, but at this time, I received a signal from the seal I had placed on Terumi Mei which would alert me if she were in danger. I clicked my tongue and sensing the Hiraishin marking I placed on her, teleported next to Mei.

Sometime back...

As I left the village for the mission issued by Akihiro Terumi, Yagura was sitting in the Kage office. An Anbu flickered in front of him "Yagura Sama, We have gathered the information from the captive. We found where the resistance are hiding". Hearing the Anbu, a smile crept on Yagura's face as he said "Prepare the forces. We'll smoke them out and finish them off once and for all. I'll personally deal with them this time". The Anbu nodded "The forces are already ready for your command Yagura Sama." Yagura smiled again and got up to go out for battle.

Mei argued with her father and Hiroshi for sending me to face Yagura alone and got out of the underground base. As soon as she came back to the village, she heard a loud Boom! And the alarms started ringing signifying an outside attack. Mei rushed to the entrance of the village and saw that the mist Shinobi have already sorrounded the village.

She got ready to fight and several Shinobi from the Resistance also appeared behind her. Thus the fight started. At this time, Akihiro and Hiroshi who were the two Kage level Shinobi also made their way towards the fight. With them joining, the Resistance forces gained an upper hand. That was until Yagura showed up.

Yagura immediately used the three tails red cloak and dashed forward with insane speeds killing everyone that stood in his way. Akihiro Terumī and Hiroshi had to teem up to face him. Akihiro looked at Hiroshi "So much for your plan. What is Yagura doing here?" He asked. Hiroshi just clicked his tongue as he replied "How would I know" and they both faced Yagura together successfully stopping him from hurting anyone.

At the other side, Mei along with AO were fighting Yaguras forces as AO used his Byakugan to spot them and Mei used her lava release to deal with the enemies. The fight continued and they were equally matched. That was until Yagura saw a chance and pushing both Akihiro and Hiroshi away with his chakra, went to attack AO and Mei.

Seeing this, Akihiro Terumī yelled "Look out Mei" as he propelled himself using chakra and stood in between Mei and Yagura taking the full force of the transformed Yagura and was blasted away. Mei seeing this yelled "Father...Nooo" the other shinobis who saw this also yelled "Akihiro Sama".

Akihiro got blasted through several buildings and puked blood. He was in no state to fight again. Yagura grinned and looked at Mei. He then used his speed to attack Mei who was not even able to follow his moments. AO yelled "Mei Sama look out". But it was too late as Mei couldn't follow Yagura's moments as she was young and was just a Jonin level Shinobi at this time.

At this time, I sensed the seal I placed on Mei when I had pulled her close to me at the time she took me to a house to rest which would warn me if she was in danger. After getting her location, I let Zetsu go thinking 'Saving Mei comes first. I can take care of Obito anytime later'.

And I teleported in front of Mei only to see Yagura with his red chakra cloak and three tails approaching. I concentrated chakra on my fist and using Tsunade's strength technique, punched the raging Jinchuriki successfully blasting him off to a distance. Everything happened in a fraction of a second that everyone only saw Yagura approaching Mei and blasting off.