37.Kakashi Vs Yagura

A/N: Sorry for the late updates. I was busy this week.

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Zetsu took the now unconscious Obito to the hideout that Madara healed him. He then fused a white Zetsu to him in order to heal the missing arm. Then leaving from the place, he thought 'That boy is trouble. I could sense both Hagoromo and Hamura's chakra in him when he attacked Obito. Hagoromo, Hamura, you can't keep quiet even after your death... curse you'.

Back at the battlefield, as everyone thought that Mei was done for, thy were shocked to see Yagura being blasted away. Mei opened her eyes and was surprised looking at my back. I turned towards her "Are you all right young lady?" I asked. She then came to her senses and asked "You.. How did you get here?" I just smiled at her "Go check on your father. Let me finish here." Mei nodded and went towards Akihiro.

I then looked at the place Yagura blasted off and saw him getting up already healing the damage thanks to the three tails chakra. He then charged at me. I released all my seals and also charged at him and we engaged in a Taijutsu battle. I used Gai's Taijutsu along with Tsunade's enhanced strength using chakra and was literally just smacking Yagura around.

The other shinobis stopped fighting witnessing the fight between me and Yagura. The pressure both of us released were enough to destroy their fighting sprit. As the fight continued, I jumped in the air and used Asakujaku on Yagura from above pinning him to the ground and creating a huge crater. Yagura saw no chance of defeating me in this form.

He stood up from the crater healing his injuries as he spoke "Who are you? Why are you helping those rats? Someone as strong as you don't need anything from them. If you leave now, I'll spare your life". Yagura was just buying time to heal himself by speaking. "Big words from a little man. If you think you can beat me, then think again. I'll let you heal yourself and show you true strength".

Yagura hearing me, gritted his teeth and slowly started healing himself. I looked around to see that the fight has been stopped and everyone watching us. The Shinobi of the mist village were only taking orders from their Kage and this fight between me and Yagura is the one that truly determines the winner.

Akihiro opened his eyes to see Mei besides him. He asked "Mei, are you allright?" Mei nodded "Yes father. He saved me" pointing to me standing there in front of Yagura. Akihiro got up with the help of Mei. He now had mixed feelings in sending me as a scapegoat.

Hiroshi also saw me match Yagura and me waiting for him to heal. So he approached me "What are you doing boy? Why are you letting him heal himself? I admit that you are strong, but don't be naive in the battlefield. Come on let's finish him together".

I shook my head "Hiroshi san, there's no need to worry. This fight will determine the future of the mist village. Also if I beat Yagure when he's giving it his all, it will be a good show to control his forces with the show of power. And nobody will not think about revolting again. You just stand back and watch."

Hearing me speak about the show of power, Hiroshi frowned and had an ugly face. He also knew that if I were to defeat Yagura and being an outsider, he cannot control me and I might rule the village. He also thought that they were overthrowing the Mizukage only to be again ruled by a more powerful one. That's why he had an ugly face.

No matter who wins the fight, he had to plan to get rid of the winner. Thinking this way, he went towards Akihiro. Akihiro saw Hiroshi coming towards him and spoke "Looks like we underestimated the boy". Hiroshi nodded "Yes, that we did"

They both nodded and Hiroshi spoke "No matter who wins, it's troublesome for us." Mei interrupted "What are you saying Uncle Hiroshi? If he wins, then the Resistance wins right?" She asked confused. Akihiro this time spoke "No, Mei. If he wins, it will be him who wins the fight. Not the resistance. Remember, he's not from the land of water".

Mei then started thinking and she spoke "That can't be. He joined the resistance. I am....." she was interrupted by Hiroshi "Akihiro, no matter who wins, we have to take action as they will be weak from the fight". Mei listening to him yelled "No... you are..." this time she was interrupted by Akihiro "You are right Hiroshi. But if the boy wins, I have thought of another way of solving the problem." as he smiled looking at Mei.

Mei looked confused hearing her father and then it came to her seeing her father smile and then a small blush appeared on her cheeks as she lowered her head. Akihiro laughed seeing this. "Hahaha... You have grown my dear. The boy's handsome as well". Hiroshi shook his head "Take this seriously Akihiro. We are still in the battlefield".

At this time, Yagura fully healed himself and spoke "You are too arrogant. And that will be your downfall." I smirked "It's not arrogance. It's confidence." I then got ready for the next round. Yagura also smirked as he started releasing a huge amount of the three tails chakra.

Soon when all eyes were fixed on us, Yagura transformed into a huge turtle shaped beast with a very hard shell. The shinobis gasped seeing the huge creature. I also wanted to fight a tailed beast to test myself so I too got ready. The three tails fully transformed and rushed at me.

Seeing this, I too started rushing at him. Then another round started. I jumped above the beast and punched on its back using full force, But the three tails shell was was too strong as I was not able to hurt it. Yagya now the three tails laughed "Hahaha. That's it. Now you won't be able to hurt me."

"Are you sure little man? Let's find out". I said as I brought my palms together and started collecting Natural energy. Red markings started appearing around my eyes and on my face. "Sage Mode" I said as I started using Frog-Fu to attack him using Sage chakra.

With the sage mode my strength enhanced many folds and along with the 6th gate opened, I went beneath the three tails and punched it in the jaw. Then I started a barrage of punches and kicks to its face successfully punching it back. Then I went under the beast and yelling "Ahhhhhh" lifted up its front legs and threw it upside down.

Everyone were watching me lifting the huge tailed beast with their mouths wide open and jaws hitting the ground. Akihiro spoke to Hiroshi "Did you see that Hiroshi? Do you think you can take on him even if he is weak after the fight?" Hiroshi just shook his head side by side.

Mei laughed "Hahaha I'm the one who recruited him to the resistance. Now we can liberate the land". After seeing me throwing the three tails, nobody had any doubts about the outcome of the fight as they saw my strength first hand. Mei was being proud as if it was her own accomplishment. Both Akihiro and Hiroshi shook their heads.

Yagura rolled around and steadied himself and got angry as he yelled "Let's see you take this" as he channelled his chakra to the mouth of the san I creating a tailed beast bomb. I got ready to teleport it, but the theee tails was too fast to create the bomb as Yagura laughed "Hahaha You were protecting the girl right?.

I had a bad feeling as I looked at him and all of a sudden he changed the direction of the tailed beast bomb and fired it towards Mei. Then he laughed again "Hahahaha. That's what you get for opposing me".