38.Yagura’s End

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Hiroshi who was now standing with AO saw the tailed beast bomb heading towards Akihiro and Mei and they both yelled "Akihiro" "Mei Sama" respectively. Akihiro and Mei also saw the bomb heading towards them. Akihiro wanted to protect Mei, but he was not in a position to do anything. Mei already closed her eyes.

I saw Yagura in tailed beast form charge up the tailed beast bomb and at the last moment fired it at Mei and I heard him mock me. Seeing this, my anger hit the roof and I unconsciously released all my chakra. Both my eyes changed. My right eye into Tenseigan. A Green chakra cloak also appeared around me and my left eye was purple with rings in them.

I then yelled "YAGURAaaa" as I teleported in front of Mei. As soon as I teleported, the scene of a huge tailed beast bomb approaching was in my sight. I then stretched both my hands forward and as the tailed beast bomb came near, I stopped it and said "Gakido" and started absorbing the tailed beast bomb.

Yagura was laughing after he released the bomb, but soon he froze witnessing the tailed beast bomb stop in its tracks and getting smaller and smaller. Soon the tailed beast bomb was almost gone and Yagura saw me standing there covered in a green glowing cloak with my hands stretched. He was still in the full tailed beast form. So nobody could see his expression.

Akihiro who was trying his best to push Mei away stood there witnessing me appear instantly covered in a green cloak of chakra and absorbing the huge tailed beast bomb and shivered at the immense pressure that I emitted. Mei also opened her eyes and once again was surprised seeing my form.

I was angry angrier than ever. Angry on Yagura for not fighting fairy and more angry on myself as I took things playfully after gaining all this power. I understood that this whole Shinobi world is full of deception. I promised myself that I would take things seriously from now onwards when facing strong opponents.

I didn't turn back to look at Mei. I knew she was safe. I looked at Yagura gritting my teeth and disappeared from the spot. The next moment, I was in front of the three tails. I used a lot of chakra to strengthen my arm and punched the three tails.

Everything in the vicinity around the three tails got destroyed by the punch and the huge three tailed beast was blown away. I didn't stop there and disappeared again and appeared above the beast and punched it again as it was moving backwards.

The three tails then smashed to the ground creating a huge crater and it's hard shell had cracks on it like a cracked glass. I didn't stop there and created a chakra arm and lifted the beast up and started smacking it left and right. (A/N : Like hulk did to Loki-puny god scene)

Everyone were watching the fight. The other shinobis fully lost the will to fight and some dropped their weapons and some dropped to the ground sitting in their buts in shock seeing me Pummeling the tailed beast and the destruction caused.

Hiroshi and AO approached Akihiro and Mei as Hiroshi asked "Are you guys all right?" Akihiro nodded "I'm allright. But what is going on? Is he also a Jinchuriki?" AO shook his head "No Akihiro Sama. He isn't a Jinchuriki. It's his own chakra. I can see it clearly with the byakugan."

Hiroshi sweat dropped hearing AO as he spoke "What a monster of chakra. It's even higher than the three tails. And here I thought of attacking him if he wins". He said with a wry smile. Akihiro looked at his friend and said "I had a gut feeling that the boy was hiding his strength. That's why I was not harsh with him". They both nodded to each other and looked at the fight.

After slamming the three tails repeatedly with my chakra arm, it started shrinking and finally a bloody and bruised Yagura was laying down there. I had already checked Yagura for Genjutsu and found that Obito just issued some commands through genjutau which he wanted to happen and Yagura's personality didn't change. He was a sadist and made people to suffer.

I then bent down and holding Yagura by the neck, lifted him up as I headed towards Mei. After coming close to her, I dropped him on the ground and undid my chakra cloak. The rinnegan had already disappeared and in its place was a blood red sharingan.

As I looked at Mei and the others, they too looked at me and AO recognised me as he stuttered "Y-you a-are L-leaf Shinobi Sh-sharing Kakashi the white flash". Akihiro and Hiroshi also heard AO and remembered the bingo book entry that they had dismissed not long back thinking it must be an exaggeration.

Mei went wide eyed hearing that I was a Shinobi of leaf village. Lowering her head, She bit her lips and then made up her mind on something. Seeing that they recognised me, I spoke "That's right. I'm Kakashi Hatake. A leaf Shinobi." Everyone now confirmed my identity.

Hiroshi asked "What was your real purpose of coming here?" I answered him truthfully "I was investigating the death of the fourth Hokage and it led me here to find the culprit that released the tailed beast in our village". All four of them were shocked hearing me.

Akihiro asked "Are you sure that someone from the mist village was responsible?" I shook my head "No, Akihiro san, he was not a mist Shinobi, but a person from an organisation called Akatsuki and was hiding here. I fought him at the forest that you sent me on a mission, but sadly he escaped and I couldn't chase him as I got news that this young lady was in trouble" I finished as I smiled at a blushing Mei.

Hiroshi coughed gaining everyone's attention "What were their purpose hiding so close to the mist village?" I replied "Oh.. that person was controlling Yagura with a powerful Genjutsu to do his work, but Yagura was a sadist through and through. Even if he was controlled, he didn't try to fight back and enjoyed ordering the purge of so many clans."

Everyone were shocked hearing me say everything. Akihiro at this moment asked "Now, what do we do with the three tails?" I looked at Mei and said to her "I'm a master of Fuinjutsu. I can seal the three tails inside you and you will be able to control it in the future if you train". Akihiro immediately accepted "Yes. That will do. Mei will be perfect for the part".

AO wanted to say something, but Hiroshi spoke beating him to the punch "Why are you helping us? Is there any particular reason for a leaf Shinobi to help us?" I scratched my head as I replied "I don't know. Maybe because I felt like helping you.

And I don't take orders from anyone. As you can see, I'm strong enough to do things on my own. I just want everyone to be happy and live peacefully and when I saw this gloomy atmosphere, I thought it was better if I help everyone find peace."

Hiroshi was surprised hearing my reasoning and Akihiro laughed "Good...Good... a promising and strong young man. You are right. you will bring great changes to the world in the future." I also laughed hearing him.