The Kings Passage 11

Solkor SUN Striker Arrives at his personal, littered amongst his sea of trinkets is Majesty. He glows humbly and she signs, "You failed me?" 

Solkor SUN Striker signs, "I did and beg your forgiveness..." His colours are mute and low. Even his lead is low as the Massive Majesty moves about his trinkets like a thief in the night hardly a sound or a vibration. 

Majesty signs, "By his grace, you live even after all you have done remember that. Here he brought this for you remember that the next your house needs you." The small medallion is handed to him. Solkor SUN Striker is overcome this is no small thing the four moons medal will give him access to the quest of the Lightening Sea God. His colours can't help but explode with joy and hope bright colours. Majesty smiles leaving to him to figure out the riddle written on the two medallions he still has to find the final piece but at least no matter what happens to the house he should be able to protect himself.