The First Trial

The Sea Stone Plaque is signed out by SKY Ocean Hunter since none of the other scans read Pacifia, "This is the Hollowed Hall of those who are on the path to becoming Rulers. We the Ocean Lords have placed this trail in front of you. The kind of leader you will be tested and only those with the ability to become true rulers will be able to succeed. Once the trail is started you must complete them to or you will have an intense backlash. Turn back if you doubt, do not proceed if you fear." SKY Ocean Hunter made sure to sign slow enough for everyone to see the message clearly. He is thinking about it deeply as a few words stick to him. He sends these to Tyr and Styx. 

X2CU signs, " Well that not very friendly arent they suppose to be great lords and all at least they could be happy that someone is trying these tests." She swims about looking for more clues it's clear that this seaweed in front of them has something to do with it.