S1 E6 "The Kiyosaku Clan"

while they was getting tested the commander enters room.

[LTC Ironside]

You got some explaining to do sir.


You absolutely right about that...

we almost got our asses handle by who ever they were.


Yes Gentlemen and I'm grateful for the both of you for retrieving the (Tablet of Destiny).

[LTC Ironside]

The Tablet of what....

how you even know what it is.


When I seen the writings in the Scientist

notes. I wasn't able to read the writing but all of a sudden I was able to read it.


And are you sure you was able to read the writing..

While the "Commander" was staring at Yusuke he knew something else happened in the tunnels.



what else happened in those tunnels.


Look we was spying on them and the other one had one of the Scientists by the arm with his arm over the tomb dripping blood onto it.

[LTC Ironside]

Yeah.. then the other guy bursts right out of the tomb.


And they started fighting.. So we tuck tail and hauled the hell out of there.

[LTC Ironside]

But "Yusuke" went back for "Alexander".


And we felt this energy wave out of no where.

[LTC Ironside]

You felt it to.


Well..Once I get y'all test results back I will let y'all gentlemen out. And you said one of the Scientists right.


Yeah...what was his name

[LTC Ironside]

"Mr . Tyler"




I see to it that I will speak with him.

"Commander" leaves the testing site and headed back to his bunker and into his office he was disturbed what "Yusuke" was saying.


After all these years why now...why they come back here.

"Cynthia" enters the office.



The "Commander" whoosh right at "Cynthia" and grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up.


Dont you call me by my name Sister.

you refer to me as "Commander".

While "Cynthia" is being held by her neck gasping for air. The "Commander" let's her go.


[panting].....are you out of your mind brother...


forgive me sister I'm just infuriated..


For what exactly.


Of them...they're back here on earth and why.


brother you cant be serious you knew what was going to happened when those humans founded our farther tomb.


I was hoping you'll get rid of them.


Rid of who.... the humans...

because that would had mad them suspicious of me.


I was talking about The "Kiyosaku".


Yeah right... "Shinjuku" was there and that was surprising.


"Shinjuku Kiyosaku" finally leaves from his Kingdom..

Who else was he with.


Tenju and this other person..And I haven't seen her before..

But farther decapitated him..Off with his head.


Where is he now.


Now thats what I really came to you about before you choked me like a mad Men.


My apologies sister.


His energy went into them but mostly to "Mr. Tyler"..


Because of his Blood.


How you know about that..

I didn't even know that the blood of a mortal can open his tomb.


I didn't know...Yusuke told me.


I see.. So when will you tested them to see if they have powers.


When I get their test results back.


Well then..I cant wait.

"Cynthia" leaves the office and the "Commander" is thinking about what to do with them. So he arranged his men to gather them all in one room so he can talk to them.

few hours later.

"LTC Ironside" and "Yusuke" enters the room and right behind them is "Alexander" in a wheelchair and they all stood there besides "Alexander" due to his condition. then the commander enters the room.


I'm very glad to see that y'all are okay. even for you "Alexander" you will be on your feet in no time.

[LTC Ironside]

And how is that sir.




I'll explain that later after we talk about your encounter with the "Kiyosaku"


How do even know who they are "Commander".


I'm about to explain now..

They're Extraterrestrial Beings that travel through different Realms and they try to enslave those that they see fit..

They are ancient beings with bright blue colored eyes and black skin...but very little light Skinned. And they have been around for eons now they're over hundred different species and they're quite a few Realms that I know of... one (The Titans), two is (Hell), three (The hungry Ghosts) four (The Beast) five (The Realm of the Gods) which humans call Heaven and Six Humans (The Realm of men).

[LTC Ironside]

Shut the front door...now I know your lieing


You must think we dumb or something.


Look I know its a lot to take in.. but you guys seen what y'all went up against in Antarctica which is a unauthorized site.

now with the pandemic going on there's a lot at stake here and that to see if y'all developed any signs of Abilities.

"Alexander" turns his wheelchair around and continues to roll out the door.


You sound like you've been smoking something.

[LTC Ironside]

Because now he's talking about we have powers.


I mean come on sir your joking right.


No I'm not joking, now your tests results came back and you guys genetic coding have changed that means your DNA is not human your genes have altered dramatically

meaning you gentlemen are not prohibited to leave this site.



S1 E7 "A Gift from the Gods"