S1 E7 "A Gift from the Gods"

"Commander" Is truly happy by the test results he got back...but "LTC Ironside" and "Yusuke" didn't really seem to happy about it.

[LTC Ironside]

Something is really off about the "Commander"


What do you mean.

[LTC Ironside]

Come on "Yusuke" let's be real here.


Talk to me Serg.

[LTC Ironside]

He was talking about these people like he personally knew them...


Yeah...I didn't even think about it like that.

"Alexander" walks in the room.


Holy shit "Alexander".

[LTC Ironside]

Un..fucking believable


I'm able stand guys.

"Alexander" is very happy he can stand again due to his rapid healing and he just prancing around with his friends. while they was celebrating for "Alexander" the "Commander" comes walking in the room.


Ayy "Commander" I'm walking now this is unbelievable but I'm able to walk and I can move my hands. see..


See what did I tell you...I told you will be on your feet in no time.


Now the gang is all here together.

[LTC Ironside]

You god damn right boys now we're able to take on The "Kiyosaku".


Now. now. Not just yet... you guys will get some training to figure out what Abilities y'all manifested...So you guys will follow these men to the training facility.

So "Alexander","LTC Ironside" and "Yusuke" make their way to the training facility while the Commander went to go check on Mr Tyler to see if he had came to.

[LTC Ironside]

Let's see what you got "Yusuke"


Yeah yeah whatever...That's if I can make it happen.


Hey guys... look at what I do.

"Alexander" is emitting lighting around his hand and everyone is amazed by "Alexander" Abilities so far.... The Scientists are taking notes of "Alexander" conducting lighting from his hand.


lucky you "Alexander"...I'm still standing over here trying to figure out what i can do.

"LTC Ironside" was getting kind anxious so he went to go sit down..and while he was doing that he weave his hand in a downward motion and doing so a gust of wind came out towards "Yusuke" causing him to fall over.


what the hell was that.

[LTC Ironside]

I don't know.

"Cynthia" started to speak on the intercon.

[Cynthia on intercon]

It looks like you can release wind from your hand sweetheart.

[LTC Ironside]

Huh...is that so.

[Cynthia on intercon]

Yes.. I'll set out some objects for you.

"LTC Ironside" begins his training.

While the others are in training figuring out there Abilities The "Commander" is just entering "Mr Tyler" room to see if he's awake.


Ah your finally up.

[Mr Tyler]

Yes.... where are we.


We are at a black site located in the middle of no where.

[Mr Tyler]

Is that so....


Yes.. Now I have to ask you some questions if you dont mind.

[Mr Tyler]

Gone right on head ask me whatever.


Who authorized you to go to that specific location.

[Mr Tyler]

A little voice in my head told me... I don't know i was just heading out there looking for ancient technology.


Interesting... Someone like you just so happens just to wonder in that specific location where a tomb was found at right along with the the Tablet.

[Mr Tyler]

I dont remember all that.


So what do you remember.

[Mr Tyler]

These people dressed in white clothing.


Yeah...Their are called "Kiyosaku"

[Mr Tyler]

How do you know who they are.


let's just say...we got history...we'll continue this another time "Mr Tyler".

Commander leaves the room..

"(Unknown voice)"

Well well.

[Mr Tyler]


"(Unknown voice)"

I'm in your consciousness...but you can talk to me subconsciously if you can train yourself to do it.

[Mr Tyler]

Hmmm...I really need to get out of here

"(Unknown voice)"

I can assist you with that...and by the way my name is "Arkcadis".

"Arkcadis" tells "Mr Tyler" to hold his hand outward and focus all of your energy in the palm of your hand.


Now release that energy right in front of you...You will cast a portal.

As "Mr Tyler" is casting a portal The "Commander" and "Cynthia" sence a massive energy coming from his room so they immediately rush there.


I might not make it in time.


I'm almost there.

As "Arkcadis" is speaking to "Mr Tyler" Subconsciously telling him to get ready.


there we go, Keep it up. ( Sinister Laugh )

Then "Commander" and "Cynthia" arrived there at "Mr Tyler" room it was to late.