A Friendly.... Date?

"Why'd you call France?" Yvain asked the latter with a smile etched on his face. He did not expect to hear from France any time soon, and to think that he did, in this way with him calling his firm. He heard a sound of laughter from the other end which made him roll his eyes playfully.

"I don't have all day to hear you laugh just so you know" Yvain commented in a joking tone.

"And yet here we are". France replied which made the other snicker.

"Why'd you call France? Do you have any sort of problem that I may be able to help with?" Yvain was now wondering if the latter got into some sort of trouble or maybe he needs assistance with something. Yvain was intrigued truth be told but he also hoped that none of what he was assuming happened because that won't credit France at the very least.

"No, no. I just called because I don't have anything to do." France answered truthfully while sipping from his tea.

"Well, unlike you Signor, I have a very busy day today. Though I am willing to keep entertained if you pay me." Yvain then heard another burst of laughter from the other line which made him wonder. France usually is never this joyous, he knew something was odd but decided not to question the other about it.

"How about I take you out for dinner later?" France spoke nonchalantly. Yvain on the other hand was left with his mouth slightly hanging open. France is not serious, right? He basically asked him if he wanted to go on a date together which is absurd because they're both men. Such a thing is forbidden and here they are, France asking him out. Then again it could just be a friendly dinner and Yvain is just overanalyzing things. France was not the type to ask guys out right? He isn't even gay in the first place so why was Yvain thinking of the possibility to be a date? Was he the problem? Of course not, Yvain was not gay and only looked at France in a brotherly way. Hundreds of thoughts were swarming Yvain's head. He was brought back into reality when he heard France called his name for the fourth time.

"Yvain? Are you still there?" France asked as the other end of the line has remained in silence for a few moments now.

"Y-Yes, I'm still here. My apologies, I was just thinking of something. You said something about dinner?" Yvain tried not to sound flustered and pretended as if this was just a normal conversation for him.

"Yes, I mean if you're available later, it would be nice to dine together. I'm actually staying in today, I left all my work to my colleague. I wanted to relax for a while but then I feel like I'm just going to get bored." France went on not knowing that he was already rambling. Yvain had a small smile on his lips as he listened to the other. Somehow hearing France so joyous and carefree made him feel happy as he knew that most of the time, the latter was uptight and hard on himself. This new side of France was something new to Yvain but he was never going to complain about it.

"So are you free later?" France asked again. Yvain thought about it for a moment before telling France that he was going to check his schedule first. After skimming through a few papers, his smile only grew wider with him figuring that he was indeed free later. He was just happy because he'd be able to talk to France again. He was happy to see his friend again. He bargained in his mind.

"Hey France, uh yeah. I'm free later. I'll be out in the firm by four in the afternoon. I'll just head home to change-"

"Perfect, I'll drive you home then." Yvain was cut off by the other. Again, he was left speechless because this wasn't your typical friendly gesture when having dinner with a friend. Although he wanted to say that he can manage, his mouth betrayed him as he audibly said;

"S-Sure, I'll wait for you." France had a wide smile on his face upon hearing such confirmation from Yvain.

"Alright, I'll see you later dear." Rosalie, his made passing by heard France. She turned around and faced his Signor with wide eyes. She thought that France had found a woman to rely on, or maybe France had a girlfriend already. Maybe that's the reason why France is happy today. He was going on a date with his girlfriend later.

France sat the telephone down after saying his goodbye to Yvain, he turned around only to see Rosalie smiling mischievously.

"What is it Rosalie?" He asked.

"So Signor, is going out on a date with his girlfriend later." Rosalie's smile grew even wider. France then figured that her maid must've overheard his conversation with Yvain and took the wrong idea.

"No, that was my colleague, Yvain. We're having dinner later." France clarified.

"But you called them dear."

"Yeah, he's like a younger brother to me. Now enough with your interrogation, I need you to iron my tuxedo for later. I'll be heading out by three-thirty." Although Rosalie still have some questions that she wanted to ask, she decided not to press on further as this might irritate France and she doesn't want that. She just nodded with a mischievous smile still before leaving France with his tea.

Now that France was alone, he want back to his backyard, when he got there, he simply placed the cup of tea on the table and pulled out the book that he was reading. The sunlight was basking on his skin mildly leaving him with a warm feeling while the wind blew softly against him. Later on, Pheobe arrived with the breakfast he requested which consisted of pancakes, eggs and bacon. France gave her a quick thank you before going back to reading his book. He would occasionally grab some pancakes and eat them while also sip from his tea. Today was a delight experience for someone like France. Heck he even thought that such moment would not happen but here he is. He spent the whole morning in his backyard enjoying every moment of it. When the Sun got a little bit brighter, he decided to get inside as he did not want to burn his skin.

His gaze turned to the nearby wallclock as he was walking in. It was already nearing 1:00 PM in the afternoon. He thought of getting ready but then he was called by Rosalie that lunch was ready. Though he was still not hungry, he still wanted to accompany his maids while eating. When he got out of the dining room, it was already 1:47 P.M. Though there's still a lot of time left before fetching Yvain from his law firm, he still went on to decide that he would be getting ready. Even if in usual dinner he just finds something to wear and call it an outfit, this somehow was different.

He wanted to look good and presentable, he doesn't even know why. Maybe because of Yvain? Probably. Did he want to impress the younger? He would be stupid if he said no. But the question in his mind was why does he feel the need to impress Yvain. He's already impressive enough and already has the persona of a successful business man but somehow, he wanted to more for someone who he just met a few days back.