Chapter 4: The Person We Are Not

Jayva? My mom's name is not Jayva, but it is definitely my mom in these photos...

As my fingertips touch the edges to turn the album pages, the more my chest tightens. Mom is really pretty in these photos. Her sweet and adorable smile, and the pretty pastel blue dress she is wearing, gave her the charm and feel of a princess or a royalty... like she always did when we played princesses before. I just didn't know she is a real one... or was a real one.

The way she is tucking her long, wavy, brown, coffee hair in her ears... Her face that radiates everything that was captured in this piece of paper... it brings back the great memories that I do not want to remember. Because... great memories before a tragedy hurts the most. I can no longer relive those moments and those feelings, the feeling of being so light like I am floating in the air, like I am weightless. The feeling of being so secure because they are there. I can no longer do that because the reasons why I feel that... are gone.

I secretly bit my lower lip, as I kept my eyes down on the opened picture album, that I am holding on my hand. My fingers flipped the pages faster, like I do not even care at all. In some photos, there is man beside her that looked like Mr. Smith, but in his younger years. I think it is definitely him! I took a glance at him, and he seemed nervous, shifting his eyes sideways while waiting for me to say something about the pictures.

I continued browsing the album pages until I reached the last one. It is all my mom's teenage-days pictures, together with this old man... Deep breathes escaped my lungs, and I hesitatingly took the first step to get closer to him. I reached out my hand that is holding the album...

Mr. Smith's arms rose, however I shrugged before he gets too close and wrap those arms around me again. "I only want to give this album back to you. Take it...," I said. They are, at the least, not a bad people, right?

"Ava, I am truly happy that I found you." Mr. Smith's somehow happy and sad smile... turned into this dark aura emotionless face that gives me the chills! "But I am not quite thrilled that my granddaughter was assaulted. I can still clearly see your bruises! Give me the names!" He said with a serious face.

"Nam-! Eh?" Saying those with such loud, deep, and authoritative voice, I almost automatically and unconsciously spit out Gladiolus Clan, but crap! I mentioned them earlier! "You don't need to avenge me or anything! Do not do anything!"

What the heck is this? What level of stubbornness does he have? Even though I won't give him the names, he looks powerful enough to know whatever he wants to know, and gets what he wants to achieve.

Just then... my brain suddenly felt an electrifying realization that this really should not be happening! The last thing I want is to drag other people in the mafia and gang related world! I need to do something...

And, that 'something' struck in me... "But, what if I am not really your granddaughter?" I asked boldly while keeping my eyes locked into his.

There was an awkward silence for a minute... I averted my eyes after shock accompanies the whole room with my sudden loud exclaim. The men's signal glances felt very uncomfortable! I bit my lower lip then stared at the floor, "Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not your granddaughter. I am not the person you are looking for." God! Why does it feel so dramatic talking to him?

"But your name is Ava Smith Nishimura, according to the files your name was changed, but-" he looked like he is about to cry...


Breathe in! Breathe out!

"No... I mean, yes, my name is Ava, Smith and Nishimura was in my name. But Smith and Nishimura are common family name!" I sighed in surrender because of the silent treatment they are giving me. They are like staring into my soul! "What I am saying is, I am sure about this. If- hmm, if it will make you feel better, at the least, give me time... to take in everything? I will let you assume that I am your granddaughter, but the fact that I am not, will still remain as a fact."

Mr. Smith sighed, and unwillingly nodded, "I suppose, this is a major shock to you. I understand that, but I want a DNA test."

"What? Look, I still have no idea what just happened yesterday, then suddenly here you are... with, with, with all this story!"

"I understand...," No, they don't!!! Mr. Smith slowly and gloomingly took heavy steps towards the door. Thank God, he is leaving! "But, I will leave people here to guard outside this room, whether you like it or not. I will definitely protect you this time." He stopped, took a glance at me, and sadly smiled. He took off without saying any more of this or that...

Sigh... goodness...

"Miss," the nurse gently touched my arm and inserted a new needle. "If you need anything, just press the button here." Or I can just ask these guys Mr. Smith left behind...

I smiled at the nurse, and watched everything move until almost everyone in this room left but me... or so I thought. One man in a black suit is left standing by the door. He looks like a statue, I thought he is a mannequin. "Hey, can you guard the door outside?"

"My apologies, but someone might intrude from the windows." What the heck is he talking about?! Just by looking outside, this floor is clearly at least at the 20th floor! I should have jumped down a while ago if I knew it is that easy to barge from the windows.

"Can you at least sit down, and don't look at my direction, it's uncomfortable!"

"Understood Miss." He sounded like a robot, also, he acts like one.

"Anyway, can you lend me a laptop or a phone maybe... please. If you... can?" I don't see my stuffs here, my clothes... and stuff.

The bodyguard nodded immediately and stepped outside, he brought me a laptop and a phone, including a headphone, charger, and a smart speaker...

Wait, wha- What? "I just asked for a phone or a laptop..." I actually just wanted to borrow his phone, and then he brought me this? What kind of exaggeration do these rich people have?

He bowed his head, holding his hand together, "Apologies, but Mr. Smith ordered us to answer all your needs, and even provide necessary actions to keep you entertained and not to be bored. He said you might not ask for anything at all so we should make the call. "

"Oh-kay, can you not do thisss like at all! You can treat me like a normal person. I grew up-" Huh? He lowered his head even more, and bowed in a 45 degree angle. He have this super serious feel around him, it's creepy.

"Apologies Miss, you are not a normal person. I will be back at my post." He stiffly walked, and sat down on his chair near the door. If this is a dream, I want to wake up from this nightmare! Waking up from a luxurious dream and being disappointed after waking up is also considered a nightmare too, right?

Gosh! This is all weird! I always served people, I am not the one being served. Growing up without my parents... and thinking about what happened to them made me do stuffs, stuffs I'm ashamed I did; beating people up here and there, and others.

It was hell...

It is hell... even now.