Chapter 14: Surprise

"I can't do that.... I am already in."

"Jet, what do you mean by you are already in?"

Jet stared at me with his round, serious, eyes... He gave me a quick nod sideways, and a hesitating reaction if he should say something or not.

Wow! I think I am going to lose my mind! "What were you thinking?! Are you even in your right mind to start with?! Jet! They could have killed you before you could join that clan!"

"But, I am still here!" He yelled back in his defense! He is alive and breathing, however he is a walking dead! With his one leg in the grave because of joining the Gladiolus... It is just a matter of time before he will regret it, and unwantedly drag everyone around him in danger!

"Well, I can see that! How very fortunate!" My fingers automatically brushed through my hair. My eyes blinked rapidly, as I pressed my lips, bottling up my anger! I took a deep breath, and grabbed a glass of water as soon as I could. I gulped every drop of water, together with the sharp painful words, at the tip of my tongue, that I want to say to him!

Crap! Ugh, I shouldn't be emotional just because of something that was already done, but urgh! I want to beat someone... something up!

I sighed, tried my best to calm down. Then, I slowly sat down on my chair while having a tight grip of my patience, "So, did something go wrong? What happened while they initiated you?"

Jet's eyes are looking at different directions again... his fingers are fidgeting... He is nervous.

I opened my mouth to ask, but my apartment door suddenly cracked and broke; And it fell loudly on my floor! I saw a large foot from the darkness outside my apartment... Seconds later, a few heavy sound of footsteps brought two tall, muscular, guys with grumpy faces into the light. I guess these two guys who dared to get inside my apartment are so bad news! They are looking seriously pissed at us... at me!

"Ava, give it back!" The first guy said in very low and slow voice...

I stepped back, wary of anything uncool that is going to happen! I glanced at Jet very quickly, and he surely is unable to get away on his own! He is limping for goodness' sake! Oh shhht! "Crap! What the hell Jet!" I yelled! I grabbed the wooden chair near me, and slammed it hard on their faces! It broke into pieces, and yet they are unharmed!

The two looked at each other seriously, and nodded at the same time. "Hard way it is," The guy who kicked my door said, and prepared to jab me on my stomach!

I dodged! I even rolled on the floor!

He kicked! He grabbed my collar, lifted me up and threw me on the wall! I stood up curling at my side a little... His big right hand then balled into a punch and is now zooming in front of my face!

"Duck!" Jet yelled! Now, the attention is halved to me and Jet!

I did evade his attack! But, I slipped! I bumped my head on the floor, and it freaking hurts! "I do not have the ledger!" I yelled as I stood up, and squatted immediately! I grabbed everything I can! The broken leg piece of my chair! A broken shard from the glass I drunk from... I slammed and throw it all to the guy who destroyed my door! It's one versus one, and the second guy didn't care at all! He is busy turning my place upside down, breaking my things in search of the ledger that is not with me in the first place!

"Urgh!" I attacked again! Kicked his face, his stomach! Punched where he is open! But, my kicks are useless. He is too good at defending some good points to attack! Oh, I hate to do this in front of Jet!

I ran passed through my attacker, and pushed him hard!

He fell on the ground, however he grabbed my leg that made me fall and slam my forehead on the floor! I kicked his face, and his tight grasp in my lower leg, but this guy is a leech!

I desperately reached for the curtain! I need to get close a few inches more, but I got farther!

He pulled me closer to him and pinned me down! My legs is restricted by his knees nailing them! His elbows pushed my stomach down, while his other hand crawled up onto my neck, squeezing my throat!

I struggled! I moved every part of my body to get closer to my window... I want to hurl, I am choking! I just need to- yes!

I feel the cold wind on my skin. The wind from the outside blew through where my door is supposedly at, and the curtain blew closer to me! I grabbed the edge of the thin cloth and pulled it as hard as I could!

My legs being buried into his heavy knees hurts so bad! I tried to grit my teeth, and suppress the pain, while I get my legs out from his pinned knees! Just one is enoughhh! "Graaaaah!"


I lifted my right leg, kicked the guy choking me once, then locked my right leg on his knee! I got out! I got out and I gasped for air!

I breathe in a lot of air just to ease the pain in my stomach and lungs! God, I thought my lungs are going to burst! Before the other guy come to help his buddy, I wrapped the curtain on this guy's neck and pulled it until his eyes closed and became unconscious! I felt like years are decreased from my life span! I dropped my whole body on the floor and stared at the ceiling. Crap, there's one more!

"Ava...," Jet worriedly whispered...

Between my deep breathes, I looked at him, "Haaah, hahh, don't worry, he is not dead. Phew, just unconscious... Remind me to kill you after this, will you!"

My eyes shifted on the other room, and I am not fast enough to get on my feet! I staggered trying to stand up! The other guy came out from the first room, and quite unhappy of the sight of his friend being knocked down! I was supposed to punch him, but his hand swiftly grabbed Jet's shirt and pulled Jet next to him!

Oh, crap!

The guy's arm searched his pocket in a second and brought a knife next to Jet's neck!

"The ledger or he will die," his low scary voice is not kidding...

"I told you I do not have the ledger! You've already searched my place!" I am a little far away from my kitchen. I can't just go grab a knife and throw it at him! There's nothing on the ground either! One wrong move, and Jet is dead!

"The ledger or else!" He said while moving the knife on his skin... Jet's neck is already dripping a little amount of blood due to a small cut that the guy made!

"How about you put down the knife first?" A familiar voice said as a flash of light hinted us where that person might be. At my door...

"Shyn," a faint whisper unconsciously escape from my breath... What a timing!

"This photo of you is sent to my good friend working in the police department. I told him that if I don't call him later, your body will not just end up in prison," Shyn smirked as he casually leaned on my apartment's entrance. My door is missing!

The guy didn't budged, and just stared at Shyn... A chime from his cellphone raised our eyebrows, but Shyn's sudden outburst of laughter made us hate him more! He can't really be trusted, he is like a psychopath!

"Ava, we meet again," he smiled like there is nothing important going on! "I'll do something, I mean, I will help you. I just need you to do something for me in return."

"Screw you! I already told you I-" he cuts me off.

"Yeah, yeah, you got me with that little acting of yours. I am not buying that again! I am going to make you sign the papers, whatever it takes... whatever story you make," Shyn emphasized. I am not lying though! He then shifted his eyes on the hostage scene at our side! "Oh, almost forget about them." He joked.

Oh heavens, help him! "Screw you!"

Shyn smiled, and tilted his head after a quick nod, "I'll take that as a yes." He said comfortably. He took a moment to look at his phone again and, "Pfft! Sorry, sorry, I just received a text," he said holding back his laughter. He looked at the guy and Jet's direction, and suddenly his gaze changed, "Say hi to Annie for me, if you can." Shyn's voice changed too...

He is a like a different person... just like last time.