Chapter 18: You're My Caterpillar

"You are dead!" One of them yelled as he runs towards me with a ready jabbing fist!

"Yeah, I am!" ... since ages ago!

"Oh crap!" I kicked their faces, shoulders, chest, stomach, and even legs! I leaned, I dodged, and even recieved punches and kicks from them! I threw them my hard knuckles, and as expected, they became more violent! I dodged, and duck until nine of the men are out, two left! I catched my breath as I got closer on the wall! I had enough of their sneak attacks! It is like they are everywhere! As soon as I gulped, they kicked and attacked again, the action resumes!

Kick here, punch there! Fists flying everywhere! I blocked their attacks, and punched them until they dropped! My hand reached for the wall, desperately demanding for support... Oh, I feel dizzy! I need my old strength back, geez!

"You," my eyes widened, as my back felt the goosebumps crawling on my skin! Please, do not tell me that there is another one!

The time I turned my back, the guy who let me in grabbed my arm and twisted it on my back! He pinned me down, facing the dirty floor! Shhhhh*t! All of my strength is completely all used up! It's all replaced by weakness and tiredness because of these guys!

I wet my lips, and tried to push him up, but his knee is pressing my back down! "Let me go!" My voice became raspy and I can clearly hear my loud and heavy breathing!

"You shut up!" He grabbed my hair and head down, then pushed my face on the floor!

There are more people coming for me... I hear footsteps getting louder, until I see the black leathered shoes of the people who just walked in.

I felt the rough hands of the guy holding me down loosen. His heavy weight on my back also lightened.. However, he still have a good grasp of my arm! He pulled me up, with roughness, to let me sit on the floor, and just then... I heard that voice.

"Look who is here," Shyn said with a teasing voice. "I think destiny is telling something about us, don't you think so?"

"Why are you here?! I already told you to stop following me around!" I moved my shoulders trying to get the man's rough hands off me, but his grasp on my hand tightens and I can feel the screaming pain of my shoulders and skin!

"To wear a great black tuxedo just to follow you around is a little bit out of sense, don't you think?"

"Are you not dressed like that everytime?" He wears formal clothes everywhere!

Shyn smiled in an awkward and defeated way, "So, what brings you here?" He said attempting to change the subject. "It is quite a surprise. Have you changed your mind? I still have the papers, I hope you have a pen."

"No!" I said with unwavering NO!

"Then, there is nothing to talk about here anymore then." He turned around showing his smirking smile that dug his deep dimple on his cheek.

Obviously I am in a tight spot since I have a group of men on standby, and a grumpy big man restricting both of my arms. I fought them until they dropped, but they are just too fast to recover! "Hey! Where are you going?! Make their hands off me!" I need to leave and look for somebody!

Shyn didn't even turn around! What the- "I am afraid, I have no business with you, nor this party to you." Crap! "So, I will take my leave. Good bye, Miss Ava," he said while walking away.

"Fine!" I yelled through my gritted teeth and with my eyes closed!

"Pardon?" He turned around facing me with such innocent face... Tsk! He is the worst!

"I said fine! I will sign the the crappy paper, but I have conditions!"

Shyn raised his eyebrows, then his shoulders... he moved his hand gesturing like he is giving me a chance to speak up...

"Mr. Smith is a famous person, however my identity shall not be known to the public. I am in charge of my own life. And, I will live according to what I want. Lastly, they should not interfere into my business, most especially you," I told him without a pause... I gulped. I stared at him, as I breathe in air...

I really do not know what's running in his mind...

Shyn's head tilted as his eyebrows raised with what he just heard. He scratched his forehead, and sat with one knee almost kneeling on the floor. "These conditions are clearly a rejection of being a family with the Smith's. So, no. It's a no go."

Shyn stood up, and is planning to turn around to leave... Shhhgeeez!

"Just the first one then! Just the first!" Shht!

Shyn's lips are curving up again... I really hate that smile on his face!

Shyn snapped his fingers, and all of them backed off! He offered his hands in front of my face, and I completely ignored it. "I can stand on my own!"

Shyn took me to a huge room with many dresses inside and, and, and stuffs. We walked through the hallways that didn't need to pass through the main hall, where guests are gathered. He brought me a stunning, shimmering, glittery, pearl beaded pinkish, knee-length cocktail dress. Surprisingly, he have a blonde wavy wig too on his hand, then handed it to me. "Since you have only one condition, take this..." He also took a butterfly designed eye masked with a match color for the dress. He walked around towards my back and tied the mask's ribbon around my head and said, "... and this. Let's try this, and see how it looks on you."

I looked at myself in front of the mirror, and I can't really tell if that's me in my reflection... "For someone Mr. Smith assigned, you are not that bad." I complimented him... I think this is the first right thing that he did with his job. He is still annoying though.

"I know" He said with confidence, and too much... confidence. Confidence is, I think, all he's got. He is a walking confidence!

"But still, in most things, you are terrible in my eyes." I want to take back my compliment! It adds fuel to the fire!

"Awhh, you are really sweet, aren't you?" Shyn chuckled as he helped me fixed the wig in my head. His fingers gently touched my nape, it tickles... I gasped and glared at him, but he didn't even bat an eye of me. Looking at his face this close, somehow feels... different. Then his touch reached my neck again that tickles my entire body! Like electricity is running from my neck down my spine, sending goosebumps all over my skin.

"Hey! You-" that's twice... A cold tingling feeling on my skin shut my mouth, and made my hand slowly reached for the necklace that Shyn placed around my neck. It is so beautiful... it's gold, but the diamond shining in it's wings it's, it's mesmerizing! "It's a butterfly..." I whispered with awe.

I didn't know I was already smiling... and when I looked at Shyn, the smile he is giving me with his genuine stares brought me warm and strangely, comfort...

He took a step, and touched the necklace. He looked at me and said, "Yes, and you're my caterpillar."