Hello, please read me! (:

This novel is in the female lead's point of view. There are some chapters that let us see through other character's POV, but it's mostly through Ava.

Chapters with no indication of who's POV it is, is automatically Ava's... ^^

There are vague descriptions of the world background, I know, no specific country or places on the first few chapters; and the characters' names are different, clearly differentiating them by race. Well, I would like you to picture their world, their city ("East City") depending on what your city looks like or depending on what you like, you're the boss of your imagination. (:

Let your imagination paint it for you. ^^ As for me, as a reader, would create a whole new country/place just for Ava and her obsession with revenge... lol

Anyway, happy reading! ^^

I hope you'll enjoy and add this novel to your library! ^^

Stay safe! (:

Read responsibly! ")
